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The Amazing PMCer's EP7 S2: First the puppet's death, now the puppet's insanity

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The amazing 12's Avatar The amazing 12
Level 29 : Expert Tribe
12town is celebrating their annual harvest. They all gather in a great field to celebrate their years of hard work. As the sun begins to set, the town prepares for the harvest dance. Everyone grabs a dance partner and begin to dance.

But just as the dance begins, a scream is heard. The townspeople stop dancing and begin to look around. The scream comes again. It is loud and close. The people look at each other nervously, and then everyone starts to panic. The people flee from the field, running as fast as they can. It turns out it was Mallory who caused this, she had accidently hurt another kid with her powers. Mallory’s power was still a mystery to her, and she was still learning how to control it. She could feel people’s emotions and their deepest desires. She could sense the feelings of others through their thoughts and actions. She could even manipulate someone’s mind to make them do things they wouldn’t normally do. But despite being so powerful, she was still just a child and could still be hurt or even killed. In the wrong hands, her power could be used for evil, and she knew she needed to be careful with how she used it.

When Mallory realized the magnitude of her powers, she was horrified. She knew that she could not control them, and that if she let them loose, they would destroy everything in their path. She knew that the only way to protect the world was to go into hiding and to try to make her powers disappear. So she left her home and went into the woods, where she lived alone and isolated from the world. She spent years trying to understand her powers and to control them, but no matter what she did, they continued to grow and grow, becoming stronger and more frightening every day. The townspeople were understandably concerned when Mallory suddenly disappeared. They sent everyone out to search for her, and they scoured the entire town and the surrounding forest. But despite their effort, they were unable to find her. They spent days looking for her with no luck. They started to fear the worst, and as time went on, their worry only increased. They began to fear that something horrible must have happened to her, perhaps that she was dead or abducted. They searched for weeks, but eventually, they had to give up and return home empty-handed. They were left with no answers and only more questions. Mallory was tormented by horrifying visions of the past. She saw herself as she was before she had become possessed: a frail, hungry child, slowly wasting away with little hope for survival. The visions drove her to the brink of madness, and she began to hear voices that weren't there, leading her down a path that could only end in destruction, both for her and for the entire world. This only increased her fear and isolation, and she grew more and more desperate to end the visions and stop her growing powers. But there was no escape from her past, and the demons that tormented her would not be easily defeated. Mallory became a predator, waiting patiently in the shadows for her prey. She stalked the unsuspecting and weak, and then when the moment was right, she pounced and killed without mercy. She was a force of nature, a whirlwind of destruction, and nothing could stop her from her mission. Anyone that got in her way or threatened her would fall victim to her wrath, and she would not stop until her mission was complete. Her targets were her victims and nothing could stand in her way. Mara was the one person in the world that could calm Mallory’s mind and put her at peace. But now, she was an unstable predator driven by bloodlust and madness. She was found by her sister, who she immediately attacked and almost killed. Mara was able to calm her and bring her to an insane asylum, where she was locked up for the safety of the world. She spends her days lashing out at those around her and trying to escape, but she is too unstable and her powers are too dangerous, and she is forced to stay locked up. As Mallory’s mind continues to crumble and her sanity begins to slip away, she begins to sing a dark song of despair and torment. The song sings of the pain she feels and the fear that lives deep within her heart. As she sings the haunting melody, she lets out a scream that pierces the air and sends a chill down the spine of everyone around her. With each verse, she gets louder and louder, her vocals echoing through the asylum and driving the other patients mad. It is a song of pure pain and agony, and it is a warning to all who hear it not to get too close to her. Sarka, the goddess of chaos, destruction, and mischief, is a being of immeasurable power. Her very presence can bring ruin and destruction to any world she chooses, and she is always seeking out new realms to conquer. She is a force of nature, a being of pure chaos who can never be contained or tamed. Her power is limitless and knows no bounds, and she is always looking for new ways to spread havoc and mayhem. She is a being of pure destruction in every sense. Sarka is determined to cure Mallory from her madness, but it’s up to Mallory whether she will accept the cure or continue down the road to destruction and death. Sarka is a god of infinite power who can create or destroy at will. She is the ultimate judge and can end all life with the flick of a wrist. She can give or take away life, creating or destroying as she sees fit. Sarka is always searching for new ways to create chaos and destruction, but this time there is a special reason. She has found a being who is in need of her divine aid. The lights flicker and the room goes dark. Everyone in the asylum is screaming and yelling, and in the chaos, they realize that Mallory is running from her cell. She bursts through the door and starts running wild through the asylum, causing destruction and chaos in her wake. Everyone tries to stop her, but she is too fast and too powerful. She is a force of nature, and her rage and madness can destroy anything in her path. It is a terrifying sight, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop her. Rosealeta is the ruler of 12Town, a chaotic and problematic kingdom. She has immense power and authority, and when she speaks, people listen and obey her orders. She is compassionate and kind, but when it comes to dealing with evil, she is firm and decisive. She will protect her kingdom from any form of attack, whether physical or spiritual, and she will not hesitate to make the difficult decisions when necessary, even if it means making sacrifices.

Rosealeta is able to catch up to Mallory and stop her from causing further destruction. She tries to talk sense into her, but Mallory is too far gone. She is a force of nature and cannot be reasoned with or controlled. She is a walking disaster and a danger to all those around her. Rosealeta manages to capture her and try to calm her down, but the damage has already been done. She has caused chaos and destruction in the asylum, and it will take time and effort to repair it. She is left with the difficult task of figuring out what to do with Mallory now that she has captured her. Rosealeta and her guards are able to get Mallory and put her in a more secure facility to contain her power while they try to find a cure for her madness. She is held under close supervision and has no access to the outside world, but it is still difficult to control her and keep her contained. Her powers are immense and beyond understanding, and if she were to break free, she would cause chaos and destruction on an unimaginable scale. Rosealeta and her guards are doing everything they can to keep Mallory under control, but they know that it is only a matter of time before she breaks free.

Chloe has been working on a cure for Mallory’s madness. She has been studying this phenomenon for years, and she has finally discovered some clues that could lead to a cure. She has made an experimental medicine that she believes could help to calm Mallory down and bring her back to reality. It is a risky procedure, but it is the only thing that can help Mallory. Chloe is ready to administer the medicine and try it out, but she is anxious and nervous. She knows she is dealing with forces beyond her control, and it is a huge responsibility to be holding the cure in her hands. The cure works and everything is back to normal. Mallory is finally free of her madness and she can return to her regular life. Rosealeta thanks Chloe for her help and everyone is relieved that the crisis has been solved. It is a happy ending to a very difficult situation, and everyone is thankful that they can finally rest easy knowing that Mallory is free to live her life again without fear or worry. There is still so much to learn about Mallory and her powers, but for now, she is free to be herself and enjoy the rest of her life. The end
Creditan ai for helping me lol

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03/11/2023 2:05 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc4047761's Avatar
03/10/2023 6:33 pm
Level 26 : Expert Zombie
Pixella_9487's Avatar
i imagine mallory bit rosealeta like a chihuahua
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