This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

The Awkward Life Lessons

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eagoy's Avatar eagoy
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
First of all: Thanks for viewing this written piece of mine :-)
This is story/tutorials from Steve trapped inside the cave on mine PMC's "Life on Mars Solo Build Contest" entry.


Steve headed back home after a successful mining trip from his newfound cave. While he was walking back, a large flying animal shadow flew past him while some shadow dots stayed around him. While he was looking at them out of curiosity, the dots became bigger and bigger, making him turning his neck towards the sky out of mixed feelings of fear and still curiosity. The mixed feelings changed into plain fear as the shadow dots were actually meteorites falling down around him.

The cave

When he regained conscious; he quickly scanned for any danger, an instinct mastered after years of experience with the mob. Surprisingly there was no danger at all, except for the fact there is no accessible exit. Even worse that none of his tools lied around or food or none of the mined resources. Just bare stone walls in a crater like cave. The only non-stone still is the little water pool in the corner filled by soft porous stone from which some water drips down.

But wait, what is lying there hidden in the shadow-rich corner? A tool? Food? No, a book and a quill. Going through the book in the light coming from the roof entrance, Steve realized the book was plain empty, no marks of earlier usage. What even more strange is, is the fact that it is looking new, no cracks or anything it simply looks brand new.

With no immediate danger and tools, Steve decided to make up the balance of the situation he got in. No food, but water is accessible. Currently no danger, but can change any moment by a mob dropping in the same cave. In the latter case no weapons to defend himself besides the bare knuckles. The exit is straight up with no climbing points nor leaves to pull on. Heck there is only sunlight and fresh air coming into it, no trees or objects casting shadows. And hope? Only desperate hope of a second person like me. Some vague rumors of a different person trading with the villagers and marks of buildings he couldn't recall that he made them. No! Pull yourself together Steve, it's way to early for desperate hope getting the best of myself.

The survival guide series

To kill the time, Steve decided to pen down his most awkward life lessons he learned as tutorials. After all, I need to kill time in the hope of a miracle. With some luck I get inspiration for an escape, no not you again, desperate hope, bastard.

Day one: The lost lumberjack
One of my old base-camps was situated in a nice location with a beautiful forest line in view. Wood was needed for completion of it, a nice wooden manor with proper support of thick logs. A stone roof and a spacious storage room for all the upcoming mined resources. To keep the view on the forest intact, I decided to gather wood inside the forest.

After a long day of lumber-jacking inside the forest, cutting down enough trees for an open space to place another manor, I went home. At least, that is what I was thinking. I ventured deep enough, over some hills with some odd markings, but what were they again? A hollow out in the hill, the one with the large stones or the low ones. I hadn't in that situation a magical device called “compass” to find my bed in which I slept the last time, quite creepy actually.

I made the wrong guess, even more shameful is the fact that I couldn't find my way back towards the place I cut the wood. In the end I made a new base and left by every venture a trail behind of torches to find my way back.


The first night fall and Steve was getting more frustrated by the moment as he couldn't fall asleep, because of the dripping water falling down.
After a long night Steve refreshed itself by sprinkling and drinking some water of it. Onwards towards chapter 2.

Day two: The pyromaniac fire pit
The first large scale project I made was a city. It was made out of connected manors, shops, a church, harbor, gates, everything a city needed. To make the life easier than the villages of the villagers, I incorporated sewers and a heating system in each manor.

Everything worked out nice, expect for one manor which went on fire on irregular intervals. Sometimes the fire spread towards other manors as well, to spare resources wooden roofs were used. But how could this 'tamed' fire pit lit the manor, even after rebuilding the manor the same way it was? After all, all the other fire pits didn't lit their buildings as pyromaniacs yet they were build the same way.

Several days later and a cut down forest for the manor with the pyromaniac fire pit in it, it burned down for the last time as the fire pit was replaced by a new one. After a thorough investigation the following results were found:
Tamed fire pit:
- a 3x3 grid around one block fire pit of non-flame-able materials.
- 6 block above the 3x3 grid of one block fire pit of non-flame-able materials.
Pyromaniac fire pit:
- a 3x3 grid around one block fire pit of non-flame-able materials.
- 6 block above the 2x3 grid of one block fire pit of non-flame-able materials.
- 5 block above the 1x3 grid of one block fire pit of non-flame-able materials.

In the end it turned out that being stubborn resulted in a cut down forest for nothing, so if you got a pyromaniac fire pit: it's not going to be tamed by rebuilding around in exactly the same way. Instead it's going to laugh you out, and laugh again into the death of you.


'Rumble… rumble…' Hmmm… Calm down stomach I have nothing to eat and you know it. The night fell and the stomach continues to produce sound as the water couldn't silence it. Steve slept out of exhaustion better this night than the one before, but still bad.
In the morning Steve could barely stand up. To kill the exhaustion, pains and a growling stomach he went further writing down tutorials.

Day three: The halfway burned down base-camp (no, it wasn't you 'pyromaniac fire pit')
After a long mining trip from the depths of the mine I came back on earth. Coming back near the entrance of my work in progress caste. A castle with upfront two watchtowers, temporary made of wood to keep the mob out and have a safe place until the rebuild. As the castle came into view, something wasn't right.

I left the castle with two watchtowers, a working gate, walls surrounding the whole courtyard and the main tower under construction. For some reason one watchtower is missing, no sign of explosions nor the mob. I took a closer look at the other watchtower as it was shorten than I could remember. Suddenly I saw flames coming out. I started to run towards the tower to put out the fire but at close distance I realized that I was to late.

Sitting down on a foggy ground in a half burned down castle with no sign of the mob. Hold a second, the ground is still wet of rain. Lightning storms can only concur when it rains, could that it be? The roof was from wood, so it could burn. The towers were the highest spot in the surrounding.

After many other builds, none of them got on fire when they got caught in a lightning storm. This was achieved by using non-burning materials.


The night started to fall. As the sun was almost under, a mighty roar shouted throughout the environment. Behind the roar tiny yet growing larger was a different sound type. More like something that an arrow would make mid-flight.
Suddenly fear grasped Steve as it resembled the same sound before he woke up here in the cave. Before he knew it, Steve was rolled up in the most darkest corner to hide from whatever it is and was.

The sun was already halfway the next day when Steve woke up. Besides the pains, growling stomach and others, fear was added. To ignore it, he went further writing down although the length and details were going downwards.

Day four: The unplanned cellar
After a long trip I settled down in a desert biome near the water. Instead of a classical wooden shelter I went for a sandcastle. The sand was weird, if it didn't had support, it would fall down. In the end a nice little sandcastle was made, just to realize I didn't made the cellar.

The problem was that my cellar was bigger in diameter than the tower on top of it. Meaning if I failed to replace the block immediately by a different supporting one, it fall down. Several attempts later and some rebuilding it was done. In the end I learned to plan out the building before actually building it. However, keep in mind that you cannot fully plan things out as something will always turn out someway different.


After putting down the pen or was it a quill? Another mighty roar filled the air. The air became hotter and hotter. As Steve was crumbling towards the water pool, the last drops were evaporating into the air and the blood started to boil…

With his last conscious moments he looked up and saw a faint shadow of a zombie, but… a zombie cannot survive this… are the rumors true? A different person. With that in mind Steve went unconscious.

The end.

Kudo's towards the ones who read the most of it. If you're curious, these stories are based upon my own akward experiences I had back in the survival mode only time in Minecraft. So yeah laugh me out if you like.

The pictures are not from the actual project as some of them has become lost overtime. The front image & the first one in the tutorial are rendered with chunky

Personally I appreciate more a thoughtfull comment than a diamond.
So leave a comment if you like, or not and say why =)
CreditPootis Looti

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12/07/2015 6:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Mage
11thShadowDragon's Avatar
I'm not going to be nitpicky, for English not being your first language this is very good! I wish I could read well in whatever your native language is, because I bet this would be FABULOUS in it. It's creative, cute, and interesting. It's also based off a real expirience, which makes it even more so. All in all, I hope you get a good score!

If you're looking for any more things about grammar, you missed some double apostrophes (these here --> " <--) around your charachter speaking and some commas. That's all I noticed that really stood out to me. It took my mom a few years to train me to do dialouge properly, and that was specifically so I could get dialouge right XD
12/08/2015 10:40 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Hmmm... Languages aren't my strongest points. Besides my native language contains more frustrating grammar than English. But still thanks for the confidince you got in me.

Thanks for the grammar points, I still have some time to fix those in the upcoming days.

Is english your native language english by the way?
12/08/2015 4:33 pm
Level 29 : Expert Mage
11thShadowDragon's Avatar
English is indeed my first language. I'm learning another, but I don't have quite the same level of confidence nor the sheer level of  vocabulary as I do with my first.
Pootis Looti
11/30/2015 7:55 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Caveman
Pootis Looti's Avatar
Not trying to be rude, but your grammar is... off. I'm sorry if your foreign, but the judges stated in the Contest Rules that Grammar is highly important in the judging portion of the Contest. If you don't care for the actual contest, well... Do whatever. Just a suggestion, please take no offense.
12/01/2015 1:29 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
For some reason I am not surprised that I have poor grammar. And yes, English is not my native langauge.

I managed to have fun writing this piece and that's good enough for me. But I like to thank you for taking your time to A. read it long enough to be offsett by the grammar & B. taking your time to tell me.

One little thing, which grammar rules do I screw up the most? With that I can improve another bit by selflearning.
Pootis Looti
12/01/2015 7:57 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Caveman
Pootis Looti's Avatar
I more think that it is spelling. However, you do put "an" whenever you put "one," so just take out the "an"s. Second of all, whenever you have an afterthought, put commas to make the sentence flow easier. I can give you an example of one of your spelling mistakes, but I just can't find everything that I saw earlier. Your "akward" in the title should be spelt with a "w." It should be spelt "awkward." Also, the first letter of every word in the title should be capitalized.

Sorry if I couldn't be of much help, but these were the most noticeable mistakes I saw.
12/01/2015 3:27 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Fixed the "an''s. The "Awkward" is corrected. The title was the only sentence with the little introduction and ending words not put through spelling check for misspelled words. It turned out awkward -_-

Besides, fixed some other incorrections in the process.

Even though it's little help you did in your opinion, it helps me to understand on which points I fail and thus need to pay more attention. Also, in the process I came across others I could fix, so in the end it turned out bigger. Hence my credits in the description.
Pootis Looti
12/01/2015 6:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Caveman
Pootis Looti's Avatar
Thank you! :D

I really appreciate the credit and wish you luck in the competition! I hope you become a finalist just as much as I hope to be!
12/02/2015 11:28 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Good luck to on the contest. Finals wiil be hard, but at least I have a diamond from a judge. It means something.

Anyway I think you will make it.
ps. it seems some pictures aren't working.
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