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Stories from the King of Spook: The Serpent

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The King Of Spooks's Avatar The King Of Spooks
Level 49 : Master Necromancer
Ladies and gentlemen. It's time for another story! But instead of going into the cold, dark, and snowy nights of the North Pole. We are going somewhere deeper, darker, and more mysterious. The dark depths of the ocean. To tell the tale of a couple of marine researchers, discover a structure lost to the deep, and what creature lurks in it.

. . .

February 17th, 2015. The happily married couple of Credence Fritz and Sonia Fritz, had decided to explore the North Atlantic Ocean for their 10 year anniversary. Credence and Sonia both found each other while working as marine researchers. Both studying the wildlife, seafloor, and phenomena of The Atlantic Ocean. But what they didn't realize what part of the Atlantic they were riding into. The Bermuda Triangle. A spot infamous for causing multiple ships, planes, and other man made vehicles to sink to the depths of the sea.

. . .

recording of conversation between Credence and Sonia as they entered the triangle playing in. . .




A male and a female voice can be heard giggling. . . " Credence. . . " Sonia says. " Hmm? " Credence says. " I want to give you something, something important. . . " Sonia says. " Ok? What is it? ". " Stay right here. I'll go get it. " Sonia gets up and walks to the other side of the ship. She then comes back to where Credence is with a gift in her hands. She gives it to Credence. " Well. Open it. " Credence opens the gift that Sonia gave to him. . . . It's a... Pregnancy test. " Is that a..... No... No way! Does this mean that. . . Are we-" Credence gets cut off by Sonia. " Credence. . . . I'm pre-" A large creature smashes against the side of the ship, the couple scream in terror, and then fall into the water.

end of recording. . .

. . .

Credence swims back to the surface to try to find Sonia. " SONIA! " Credence yells, but all he can see is the destroyed boat, and water as far as the eye can see. . . But then. " HELP! " Sonia's voice calls out. But there's no one. . . . Suddenly, something large grabs Credence by the leg, and starts dragging him down into the depths of the ocean at lightning fast speeds. The pressure of the water nearly crush all of his limbs as he gets deeper, and deeper, and deeper into the ocean. But as he starts to pass out from shock, he notices something. A large rusted metal maze like structure. With a large glass see through dome in the center of it. Whatever is carrying him starts swimming towards the large dome. But then. . . he faints.

. . .

Credence wakes up in a pile of rubble, scrap, and bodies. As Credence started to regain his conscious. He slowly started to remember what happened. First the trip into the ocean, and then the boat crashed.... Sonia! He thought. He got up and started searching for her. Maybe what brought him here also took her. " Sonia! " He called out. But there was only the sound of metal clanging against more metal. But then Credence noticed something. A bright turquoise light, shining from the center of the dome.

In the center of all of the rubble and bodies. A large serpent like creature with a eel like body, bright turquoise lights running down its body, 2 large arms with clawed fingers, angler fish like teeth, and 2 glowing eyes. Reared up over everything else, and was holding something. No, someone. Credence took a few steps closer before he realized. The creature was holding Sonia's lifeless body. Credence felt a wave of emotions. But in all of those emotions, was anger. Enraged, Credence grabbed a piece of pipe from one of the piles of rubble. "HEY!" Credence yelled at the creature. The Serpent looked at Credence. They both stared at each other for what felt like hours. But then the serpent dropped Sonia's body. Her corpse splatting onto the ground. The serpent slithered over to Credence, its arms helping it navigate the large piles of scrap with ease. Credence felt an immense amount of dread as the serpent got closer, and closer, and closer. Finally the creature got close enough to where Credence could hit it with the pipe. So he jammed the pipe into one of the creatures nostrils. The serpent stumbled back, making a noise that resembled the sound of a whimpering dog. The creature ripped out the pipe from its nostril and then turned back to Credence.

The creature grabbed Credence and brought him back to the center of the dome. Credence struggled, trying to break free from the grasp of the serpent. But he couldn't escape. He watched as the serpent stuck one of its hands into the pile of scrap, and brought out an old diver suit. Suddenly, the underside of the serpent's belly sprouted hundreds of long mandibles. The mandibles grabbed both the suit and Credence. The mandibles slowly started to forcefully attach the suit to Credence. Pieces of metal pierce Credence's arms, legs, and torso. He starts screaming in agony as his bones start to get crushed from the force of the suit being attached to him. But the screams become muffled once the creature attaches the helmet to his head. Credence's mind slowly starts to fade away, As his life starts flashing before his eyes. The serpent drops Credence, a loud BANG echo's through the dome as the metal suit bashes against the floor. The serpent slithers away from the dome and into the open water. Leaving credence to die. But in his final moments, he sees Sonia's body. He makes an attempt to crawl towards her body. Even in death she is still beautiful, he thinks. He lays down next to her, and lets his conscious fade, The pain from the the metal suit begins to go away. The tears, the anger, the fear, start to go away. He rests for the final time. . . .

. . .

There was no trace left of Credence and Sonia fritz or their boat. But years later, Boats still do going missing near the Bermuda Triangle. And those boats are said to be dragged into a demon's nest. To be apart of an everlasting horde, and for those small few people who survive being dragged down there. Are tortured by the demon that lives there. Some say that an old civilization built the demons nest to contain it, and built a large maze around it so it could never escape. But now that it is now covered by the ocean. The demon was able to swim out of it's containment and into the open ocean. To terrorize whoever crosses it's area.

THE END. . . .

Hey. Thank you for reading this Thalassaphobia / Submechanaphobia based story. And yes I know, It's abit weird. But anyways. I hope you enjoyed the story. And I'll see you in the next story.

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