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Stories from the King of spook: The Krampus

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The King Of Spooks's Avatar The King Of Spooks
Level 49 : Master Necromancer
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Gather in this blog on this winters day.

For I have story, a story about the creation, of one of the most feared creatures that appear in the winter months.

While Santa used to give the good children sweets and presents, This creature takes away the bad children or their families on Christmas. This story, is about.

The Krampus

. . .

Once upon a time, after Santa delivered all of the presents to children across the world. He returned to his factory in the North Pole. After he landed his sled onto the snowy ground and led his reindeer back to their pens. He noticed something strange. There was no sign of his elves. Usually after he arrives back to the North Pole, his elves greet him and congratulate him on a successful journey throughout the world. But only the sounds of the cold winds could be heard. He kept looking and looking for his elves, But they were gone. After he decided to stop looking for his elves, he found something in the snow. A small bell, that had the word "Krampus" engraved into it. He picked it up off of the ground. But before he could mess with it, It started to heat up instantly, burning Santa's hands, even through his gloves. He dropped the bell back onto the ground, and where the bell landed. The ground started to crack. Fire could be seen rising through the cracks, emitting an orange ominous glow onto the ground. From what once was small cracks, turned into a massive hole, Going deep into the earth. Santa hesitantly looked down into the hole. . . But then. A mass started to crawl up from the hole. Santa frightened, he stumbled away from the hole, watching as the mass slowly climbed out of the hole.

The mass fully emerged from the hole. It was covered in dark brown fur, black scaly skin, large horns sprouted from its head, claws grew out of its fingertips, And its face was pure demonic evil. Santa began to run, but before he could go to far. Chains sprouted from the beast's back, and grabbed onto his ankle. Causing him to trip, and faceplant onto the snow. Santa rolled over and tried to free himself from the chains, But it was too late. The beast rushed over to Santa and grabbed him by the head, and lifted him up into the air. The beast walked back to the hole, and lifted Santa above it. Santa looked down and saw hundreds of demonic elves crawling out of the hole, looking right back up at Santa. Santa tried to kick at the beast. But it did not budge. It looked into Santa's eyes, Before transforming it's face. Into a twisted version of Santa's face. Santa watched in horror as the beast's face contorted and twisted into his. The beast ripped off Santa's coat and put it on, Before dropping Santa. Into the hole.
The Beast looked back at all of its elves that crawled out of the hell hole. The elves carried the rein deer and Santa's sleigh to The Beast. The Beast hooked the deer onto the sleigh, and rode off. Into the night. . .

The Next morning, thousands of children went missing overnight. Their families kept searching for their children, sending out many search parties. But they could find no sign of them. What they did find however. Was their chimneys, broken from the inside, as if something large crawled down them. With a small bell in front of the chimney. The same bell, that Santa had found last night. Only few saw The Beast that night, but those few described it as " Santa with the devil's traits ". After that incident. People always feared Christmas eve night. For they feared that their children would be taken. By the beast that was now called.


The End. . .

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-Rae- deactivated
12/17/2020 9:03 am
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
-Rae- deactivated's Avatar
That was really good! I liked the detail of the chimneys being broken from the inside, that was a nice touch.
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