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STOP! That Snapshot?

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breezter's Avatar breezter
Level 45 : Master Wizard
Hello fellow Planetminecrafters...

A new snapshot was released earlier on Minecraft Forums. To view the whole thing click-


Now let's talk about what I see as a mistake.

The Enderchests. Now, these chests work as a network. If you put a diamond in one in a cave, you can put another chest down somewhere in your house and that diamond will be there. That basically defeats the purpose of finding resources the "realistic way."

Options Menu. While in the Options Menu, you may have paused the game to go get a snack or use the restroom. However, in the Snapshot, if you have "paused" the game, the game is not actually paused. It'll be like it is in the Multiplayer. I don't know if thats a bug or not but I think it's kind-of stupid because theres no revelant way to leave the room while the game is still pulled up.

Those two are the only things I believe wouldn't be very good. Now, there's tons of positive things too-

TNT traps, made buckets stackable, etc.

Now, I can't actually pull up the snapshot for the title picture because I'm on my dad's old crappy laptop and my brother just pulled it up on his phone. So just pull it up on your device.

Peace out,


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05/24/2012 3:51 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
There's an ender chest mod...the one that was added is a little different but acts the same way by put 2 and something in 1 its in both.

Also if you put something in 1 in the overworld and put an ender chest in the nether that thing you put in overworld will appear in the ender chest in the nether.*Same with the end.*

Also doesn't really ruin finding them the realistic way....for you can just not use the chest....and if you put one in one ender chest...then take it out of another....it will be in neither.(Though that is ofcourse just my opinion....)

And the "Multi-player-like pause in singleplayer" is because singleplayer is now a local server that only people in your house/with same internet can join.
05/26/2012 8:17 pm
Level 45 : Master Wizard
breezter's Avatar
I didn't go into deep research about it, I just talked about what I saw.
05/26/2012 8:23 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Ok.I was just posting that stuff about the snapshot.
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