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Power-The Problem

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The Doctor BW's Avatar The Doctor BW
Level 29 : Expert Pony

Like Religion, Politics, Ponies, Sexual Orientation, Kittens, Puppies, Killing Babies, Religion, Redundancy, Redundancy, and Ponies, It is a delicate subject. And, like all of those (Except religion. No way am I stepping into that without being sent to the Inquisition), I am here to destroy each and every one. See what's inside it's delicate state. See why it's delicate. And then apply it to How much people suck.

Let's Begin.

The Fifth blog about Perilous PMC (Well, the last one was about the MC community as a whole), Shall focus on power. Let us focus on something nobody focuses on. Me.

--<==[{( MERCILESS MYSELF )}]==>--

Now, when I'm on PMC, I do my best to look good. I report bad skins, texture packs, and mods stolen by someone else When I'm on the chat, I only go on to chat with other people. Not to troll. As a matter of fact, I only go on to see which members are on so I can chat in the forums. Every once in a while, I spam on the forums, but that's only because I needed to recruit a new member for something, and I deleted my posts afterward. Otherwise, on the forums, I spend most of my time where I belong. The Pony Hub, helping and talking about ponies. I stopped spamming. I stopped all my bad behaviour. I don't respond to trolls unless they make an illegal topic in which I just HAVE to get in the last word before reporting them. In that case, it's fun to troll them back. At night (When I'm awake), I report the illegal topics made by the TV corporations trying to get us to watch their Stupid shows. I'm perfectlyo ¦ Wait a sec. My annoying American computer is saying I spelled 'Behaviour' Wrong. Okay, fixed. Anyway, I'm perfectly happy where I am, not having any power, just being a member of the Community. But, if for some reason, Cyprezz decided to ask me if I wanted to beo ¦ Dammit, you Mac! 'Cyprezz' Is a word! Okay, better. Anyway, if Cyprezz decided to suddenly and inexplicably ask me to become chat moderator, of course I would take the job. Why? I don't want to show off any status. Why? I don't want to be heralded or feared just because I'm chosen to fill a special position. Why? Power. That's why. Everyone, even one who is honest, just wants power. Money isn't the root of all evil, power is. And there are a lot of ways people would want to get power. When I was on a public server (Admin, nonetheless), Someone filled in the mod request. The rest of the staff liked him, But I suspected he had been kissing up to them. His play time was only 48 hours, and he had only been playing a month. I told him, as head admin, that in order to become mod, he must tear down the house of that one guy who was AFK because he was on Vacation. He tore it to the ground, foundations and all. He was banned for griefing. I big-brothered it all back, and nobody else was on the server except the admins, so nobody found out what happened. A few days later, another player did the same thing. I told him to tear down the house, and when he did, I would give him op. He, however, told me it was griefing, and refused to tear it down. I congratulated him on becoming op. A few months later, when I left the server to pursue other opportunities, He took over as head-admin. Why do people wish for power? It makes them feel better to see others squabble over their petty arguments whilst you are included in a bigger picture.

Another example- My little bro had a thing for diamonds. His problem- He could never find them. He was a god over Iron. He knew every inch of red-stone. Lapis lazuli feared his arrival. Gold tried to hide itself, but to no avail. Coal hid in plain sighto ¦ But my little brother found it all. Except Diamonds. He's the best miner I've ever seen. He's really good at finding stuff. But he can NOT find diamonds. I, however, can. One day on a server, I promised him a full set of diamond tools if he could knock down a mansion that belonged to someone else. I told him it was mine, just to wonder if he could do it. By the end of the day, you could have sworn there was never a mansion there. Then, as I logged off and went to bed, I gave him his diamond tools and told him it actually wasn't my house. That it was someone else's. When I woke up at seven o' clock in the morning the next day, I went into his room The poor kid was asleep on his keyboard. I picked him up and put him in his bed, then logged onto the server. There weren't any diamond tools in his inventory or any of his chests. I went back to his first house to double check, and on the way, I passed the mansion he tore downo ¦ Wait, Mansion? Sure enough, the mansion was back, and even bigger than before. I asked the admins and mods if they did rollback overnight, and they told me they didn't have Big Brother installed. Yup. My little brother rebuilt the mansion, block by block, and even broke all of his new diamond tools getting the new resources and making the mansion bigger. I told the owner what he did, and three days later, my little bro became the head moderator (Almost an admin!).

Of course, my little brother never let me hear the end of that.

Now, back to the terrible topic.

---<<<==={([TERRIBLE TOPIC])}===>>>---

Now, I mentioned before politics in the list of things that are delicate. I also mentioned redundancy. I also mentioned redundancy. Now, politics is a very good example of people wanting power. For example, in the 2012 presidential election in the United States, Mister Willard(Mitt) Romney decided to run for president. It's not exactly clear why, for he's pretty dang rich. Oh, right. Not only is he RICH-- But he gets full evasion of the law, he can pay off the judges in court, and he can pretty much do anything. So why does he want power? To 'Turn this nation around'? Might I have to REMIND the public that Mitt Romney has been embezzling jobs for his own personal gains and Stealing the Nation's supplies while other starve? Oh, yeah, I bet HE'S gonna be a popular president. But apparently nobody pays attention to that small kind of stuff. No, we wanted to see Barack's birth certificate. The nation was more appalled over a pure blooded bloody American's birth certificate than Mitt Romney destroying thousands of jobs for money.

*Clap*o ¦ *Clap*o ¦ *Clap*o ¦

Oh, good, the slow clap processor still works. If (And hopefully a big 'If') this job-killing idiot gets to be President of the United States, We will have a few firsts.

FIRST #1: First Android to become president.

FIRST #2: First president to not release his tax returns

FIRST #3: FIrst president to 'Turn this nation around'o ¦ and then turn it right back down again.

All righto ¦ All righto ¦ I'm done. I'm out of here. That's it. I'm done ranting!

Fire, or Doctor, www.youtube.com/FireLeopardGoesBOOM

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Contest: What was the name of the main plant in my last rant? First five to answer correctly will get written into the next rant as 'Contributors'o ¦ And I'll sub.

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08/11/2012 2:27 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Nicolas225's Avatar
The last main plant was the Agapanthus, also known as the Nile Lily.
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