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Dead for a Day-(How the Pony Hub Died and Came Back)

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The Doctor BW's Avatar The Doctor BW
Level 29 : Expert Pony
Ah, So here we are again. Remember me?

I'm the guy who got angry at everything you do. I'm tired of looking at the stuff people do, all the great stuff.

I'm here to focus on the bad stuff, the stuff all you people ignore. So let's start, shall we?

Very well then.

On the Historic date of Thursday, July 19th, 2012 in which the most powerful place on Planet Minecraft fell. By the hand of an admin, a troll, and a downer. So let's start with the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.


Admins, moderators, staff. People whom you trust. People whom the owner trusts to look after the website. To keep us safe. Whomever it was, you did your job well. A little too well. We thank you for the security, but please, give the crappy community one more chance before you take us down.

The Admins/Mods are obviously the good. They did what was right. I'm not arguing with what you do. Perhaps the biggest forum thread in Planet Minecraft is finally unlocked. Maybe a new one started. Congratulations on either. Perhaps we'll finally get another chance. You know what I'm talking about. The Official Pony hub is a touchy subject. Bronies attract the most reaction besides anything in the internet. Controversial topics get abandoned, Trolls get buried, Bronies get harassed and heckled. Why? Because we're different. Because we stand up for what WE think is cool. Because we came to show the internet what a fan base is made of. Because we're 'GAY FAGGOTS WHO LIKE MEN'. After seeing the last one, maybe you can see why the Admins shut us down. Bronies and Pegasisters attract the most attention, more than anything. The pony hub had the largest view/reply ratio on Planet Minecraft. That gave us a lot of positive attention. Bronies who didn't even like Minecraft came to be with us. 6 separate premium Minecraft accounts were made by outsiders trying to get into our Brony community. We were a 'Safe Place'o ¦ Until someone a bit too vulnerable came into our ranks. More on that later.

===Why they hate love===

Back when society was first being founded, men decided that since they were bigger and stronger, they had rights to whatever was cool first. So naturally they took all of the 'Manly' Stuff like blood, weapons, and other things that, although being a man, do not really know about. They left the stuff that didn't really qualify as 'Manly', be given to Women and girls to have as much fun with as possible, and then went on to be total scumbags about these things and ask each other why girls like them. Then one day, while men everywhere are acting 'Brave' and idiotic, one man, enjoying his daughter enjoying a 'non-Manly' thing, he realizes that he likes it. However, this is not how the first Brony was born. No, the first brony was born by actually being the real definition of 'Brave'o ¦ Admitting to the public that he liked it. In this society, we wrongly claim that 'Being a man' and 'Being Brave' are the same thing. My reaction: "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAH". We wrongly associate the definition of man with something that man are not. Or, at least what trolls think are not men. No, apparently bronies are 'GAY HOMO FAGS', who don't deserve to be called men. So, according to the Troll's definition, you do not say 'Being a man', you SHOULD say 'Being a gay homo fag', or better yet, 'Being a woman'. And so, they hate love because we love love, and the better of the bronies don't hate the haters, which, sadly, makes them try harder.


So, although Bronies attract good attention to our site, they also attract the wrong kind of attention, which led to the ultimate fall of the long-lasting Pony Hub.


When trolls hear of a long lasting internet paradise, they only think one thing:

"Ooh, I wonder how long it's gonna take to destroy it!"

The good news: It took them a while.

The bad news: They did it.

After one year of standing up to haters and jerks, the Pony Hub fell to the most common of internet monsters:

A Try-Hard Troll.

When most trolls come along, they only say one thing and then abandon thread, fearing banishment from the forums and discovery of their other nature by their peers. The most common phrases are,

"I hate bronies, you ruined the internet", "[ CENSORED CONTENT ]", and "RANDOM INSULT ABOUT SEXUALITY AND ALSO YOUR STUPID AND GAY"

The best way to deal with these are to bury them and not respond, and report if necessary, but don't go around reporting stuff like a mini-mod. I did that once and almost got my upload privileges revoked. Just don't let anybody respond and continue your conversation. If your lucky, It will go away. The Pony Hub wasn't lucky. The troll there found our weakness and exploited it. Our weakness was a boy named Peels. Peels had a problem with self-esteem. He would always take everything sadly and like an insult when a troll insulted us and moved off. Peels would agree with the troll and say something on the lines of 'I hope I die in a fire' In small text. Well, we got stuck with a troll who wouldn't leave. He found out our weakness and insulted peels, backing him into a corner whilst insulting all of us so we backed off when he moved toward his prey. Peels kept writing in smaller and smaller text, agreeing with what the troll said while all of us were shouting at him that he wasn't stupid and we love him and stuff. Finally, an admin found what happened and locked the topic so the troll could not return. So that we could not return. So that he could shut down the largest brony site in all of the Minecraft community. Killing and scattering us. Regardless of whether or not we start a new hub, some of us will give up on this site forever. Congrats, Admin or Mod, you shut down a troll. I bet you feel grand.


Time for the Ugly. When I say 'Downers' I mean someone who is always sad. Someone who always feels bad about themselves. Someone who says stuff like 'I hope I die in a fire' and 'Nothing is righto ¦'. When the Troll came and raged, Peels let the troll take advantage of him. He said everything the troll said was true. He told us that the troll was right, and that he was gay, and that Ponies are dumb. Now, when I say this, I mean no offense to Peels or anyone else who has said this in the face of a bully, buto ¦


Just because someone is pressuring you to recant your beliefs Doesn't mean you do! Think of the Inquisitions! Many Jews were actually KILLED because they wouldn't believe in Christ! If you can't stand up to just some stupid bully who tries to get you to recant beliefs, Then get someone else to help! Report the post! Anything but agree with him!

Peels, if you wanted attention, then congratulations. You shut down the Pony hub/Shack (Go Abba!) just because you wanted people to say that you were cool and smart?

Downers who are 'Always sad' on the internet aren't usually actually sad. They just lack self-esteem in real life or just want to brag about something to their friends. And what better way to brag than to say, 'Everybody on the forums say that I'm smart and awesome!' By acting down, they get other people to 'Pick them up', tell them It's all right, and that they are smart and everybody who doesn't believe so is stupid. They will see this as lifting in real life, and remember it so they can tell their friends what someone told him on the forums the other day. However, they will probably want more, and continue to be 'Sad'. Some of them will try to play tricks on the other people for even more encouragement. For example, on a server I was once on had a guy who would always pretend he was sad and that he couldn't do anything right. However, he always would play for an hour or two and then every thirty minutes, he would ask an op how they got Mod or Admin. Most of them said, 'We reported a lot of griefers', so on he went, looking for a griefer. The bad news? he would only play around looking for them for 45 minutes and then give up and log off. One day, a new person joined the server. His writing type was Identical to the guy trying to get op. Nobody paid much attention to him, and then five minutes after he joined, the Guy trying to get op "Conveniently" joined the server right next to the new player, who was "Coincidentally" Griefing. He reported the player, who was then banned. The best part of the story comes now. The guy trying to get op was banned for having an alternate account on the server.

Stuff like that is an expensive operation. It costs 30$ (Around 25 Pounds) to get a new Minecraft account. However, the troll destroying the Pony hub created a new account JUST FOR DESTROYING AND TROLLING. The first troll post was the first post for that account. It could have been anyone. And the problem with that? A new Planet Minecraft account is free. All you need to do is make a new eMail in order to make a new account. It could have been Peels, trying to make himself feel better by faking a troll attack so others would support him. The Ego trip that went horribly wrong.


Oh? What's that? The Pony Hub is back? It's approved? It's done? All right then, I guess this is goodbye. But just for the luls, if your done with this and you still want more rants, I wrote a small one in the spoiler below about the term 'Gay' being an insult. If that's still not enough, check out my other blogs. If that's STILL not enough, tough luck. Your best hope is to subscribe so you'll know when I make a new one.

~Fire/Doctor, www.youtube.com/FireLeopardGoesBOOM

(If you wanna subscribe, please do it to BOTH channels! I could use the support!)

Rant about the word 'Gay'

I honestly don't know why Christians oppose Gay. Don't they want us to be happy? I know that it's a bad idea to start off with something about religion, but marriage can be more than a man and a woman. You love who you love, big deal. The word 'Gay', even means, 'Extremely happy'. So why on earth do trolls use it as an insult? Because they're insecure about themselves. I'm sure of it. They feel better when someone else is being insulted instead of themselves. It makes them feel good when other people are yelling at them because he knows that it got to them. But still, the term 'Gay'? Seriously? Speaking from a Straight viewpoint, even I think that's wrong, and I feel so sorry for all of the people who are attracted to men who's technical terminology is used as an insult. I think It's stupid. That'so ¦ pretty much it.

I guess I typed my rage all out. I suppose I rand out of angry. Oh well then. Time to make a poster. THIS is the fun part.

(BTW, if you read this, say in the comment section, 'Bougamvia'. I'll sub to the first 5 people who do this)

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10/13/2012 8:38 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
epiccoolguy12345's Avatar
you dont need to yell at peels to make him feel stupid and uncomfortable!

(and you should know what i meant when i said "yell")

and yes i did see the "no offense to peels" part but you still made him feel stupid.
07/22/2012 9:42 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Nicolas225's Avatar
Trolls are just insecure, insolent, fools. MUAHAHAHAHA! Lol. Bougamvia.

-"Legit Yo!"
07/21/2012 7:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Fox
Flutters's Avatar
I really dont understand Trolls.

well here is a msg for u trolls out there!

We Bronies and Pegasisters Like what we do about ponies and thats just who we are. If you dont like how we are, you cant change us because thats who we are on the inside, So if yr unhappy with it YOUR the one to blame because were the ones who like what we do and watch and thats who we are. so Deal with it
07/21/2012 8:55 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pony
Peels9765's Avatar
And I'm one of them to blame...
10/13/2012 8:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
epiccoolguy12345's Avatar
no your not.
dont feel bad.
07/21/2012 7:17 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pony
Peels9765's Avatar
Now I feel even more Stupid...
10/13/2012 8:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
epiccoolguy12345's Avatar
its ok peels.
i just wish you werent gone from the site...
07/20/2012 10:20 pm
Level 26 : Expert Taco
gbird99's Avatar
tl;dr (which in this case stands for too long did read) And I guess thats why im most like Twilight.. Bougamvia
good job, I have no idea why I like rants so much..
The Doctor BW
07/20/2012 10:13 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pony
The Doctor BW's Avatar
Well, it fell and the picked itself up.
Hurrah to that.
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