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RANT - Minecraft Survival Servers are dead.

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ClassyEnglishman's Avatar ClassyEnglishman
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn

Firstly , look at a few of the biggest servers at the moment : 

Hypixel - Minigames
Hive - Minigames
Wynncraft - MMORPG
Dungeon Realms - MMORPG

These are just  4 of the biggest servers at the moment , but you will notice two things - one , none of them are Survival servers , two , the bottom two require ALOT of work to create. 

Now , I have been on ALOT of different kinds of servers since I started playing Minecraft back in BETA 1.5 , but never have I seen so many empty servers up until today , maybe I'm just going on the wrong servers , but 'Back in my day' , If you had a Minecraft server , you were guarenteed around 20-30 regular players. Now you see server owners sitting by the site of a busy street begging for a regular community to come on their server. I think this is due to the following reasons :

1) Firstly , it's too easy to make a Minecraft Server now , with the hundreds of server providers sites , any young unexperienced player can buy a server and easily be shaken up by how much the more experienced players can mess with them.

2) Too many people have Minecraft. I may sound like abit of a Hipster here , but it's true. Humans natural instinct is to follow the crowd , so If they go on servers that the big youtubers go on , then that is another player lost for the survival server. Following this , the youtuber sees the huge rise in players on the server they went on , therefore they keep going on it , making more money from views , and then the endless loop continues. All while Mr Survival Pro is still getting no players on his server.

3) A third reason is that people don't advertise enough. No , creating an account and then going straight into the server section on PMC to post your server is NOT a good way of getting players. Making a Youtube account to upload a 240p video of your server is also NOT a good way of getting players.

4) The owners of the large servers have too much money , they can pay for huge servers , amazing plugins and beautifull websites. Just due to their very intelligent money making techniques , using their huge fanbase. The reason Survival servers don't get players is because they don't have any of this.

The solution to all of this is simple , Minecraft Surivival Servers , and their owners , need to change , quick. One way of doing this , create a fanbase before you release the server, release builds and good quality youtube videos. The only reason people don't come on is because nobody knows about you. Secondly , you need to give people a reason to donate , don't just say " Do you want to help out the server?" , give them something in return , something digital that costs you nothing [Currency , Weapons , a House].Thirdly , if you are going to make a server , don't just dive into it thinking you know what you are doing because you have watched some videos about it. You need experience , make a server , it may fail , try again , you will know what you have done wrong.

Minecraft survival is a dying trend and if you don't change quick then your server will simply be a waste of money.

RANT OVER - This was written at midnight after a long day , so excuse any errors in punctuation , grammer etc! I think i get my point across  :P  

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05/23/2017 6:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
DJSpirit's Avatar
Very well said. We are just starting out a survival server, and we already knew that just that alone would never be enough, so we are going through the challenges of trying to make compromises and deciding what exactly we are willing to add to make that happen!
06/01/2014 12:23 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
oldmanNickerson's Avatar
I see your point, and this IS happening everywhere. I was a moderator on a server and the most players that ever went on it was 10. I sound dumb when I say it, but this could very well be the turning point of Minecraft. Simply too many people have it, and like you are saying the smaller survival servers simply can't compete. The one thing I want is a small server that is vanilla and uses no plugins, and has a strong community. The server I was mod on has long since been shut down, and there is a slim chance it will come back. Minecraft realy is not what it used to be, and that is just sad. :/
06/01/2014 12:59 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ClassyEnglishman's Avatar
Totally agree with you , I see what you mean about the turning point too , all true.
Prism Network
05/03/2014 3:27 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Prism Network's Avatar
This is sooo true, I mean I had my server online (Prism Servers) for about 5 months each and once a month I got around 15 players max and from that time when those 15 were on our playerbase got down and down and down and BAM, server shutdown due no one playing on it besides me. Now I am starting survival server AGAIN but this time it will be cracked so even non premium users can enjoy old times of minecraft and survival which is minecraft ment to be, not some kind of game with bunch of minigames in it and many hub servers without survival or PvP survival!

Anyways good blog! :)

05/03/2014 7:26 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ClassyEnglishman's Avatar
I have heard literally hundreds of this kind of story , it's happening everywhere!  :( Thank you anyway for the diamond :)
Prism Network
05/04/2014 8:10 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Prism Network's Avatar
If you ever want to you can visit our server too! :)
05/03/2014 11:32 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Kettle's Avatar
Quite a while ago, i used to run a semi-vanilla server with just a protection plugin and obviously essentials. It had around 15 people on week days and around 30 at the weekends. After a while plugins were becoming more useful and people preferred trying out new things and since then my server has been dead. Just recently i remembered about it due to it being paid out monthly and i stopped paying.
05/03/2014 11:36 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ClassyEnglishman's Avatar
Exactly my point , this sort of thing is happening to hundreds of server atm :(
04/23/2014 11:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
Torborn's Avatar
I just started putting together a survival server. What a coinkydink.
04/24/2014 7:31 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ClassyEnglishman's Avatar
Look at my Server Advertisememnt blog to help if you want :)  I personally love Survival servers , it's just the mass Minecraft population prefer minigames :P
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