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LEGO Ninjago Falling Apart (part 2) Echo Zane and Zane

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HarumiQuietOne4's Avatar HarumiQuietOne4
Level 59 : Grandmaster Princess
LEGO Ninjago Falling Apart (part 2) Echo Zane and Zane
Please Note:
The following fanfic is set before the events of Dragon Rising. If anything happens in the show afterwards that contradicts this story, it should just be accepted as an alternate universe.

Chapter 4: Echo Words

For the first few minutes, Zane tried calling out for the other Zane but then decided it felt weird calling out for himself. So, he continued his search in silence scanning the nearby area for any signs of movement. He stopped at an alleyway as he heard himself talking to someone. No. Not him, but someone who sounded like him. Scanning the area, he picked up the movement of a small droid.
“Hello?” Zane asked.

No one spoke but instead, he heard a beeping noise. Slowly, Zane began to approach where the beep came from, he asked:
“Who are you?”

Again, Zane was greeted with another beep. Just as he approached a large garbage bin a small droid holding pieces of metal jumped out from behind it. Momentarily Zane jumped, that was until he realized who the small droid was.
“Tai-D is that you?” Zane asked.
Tai-D beeped and spun around with excitement.
“Were you the one that was speaking?”
Tai-D simply turned around and pointed behind the garbage bin.

Zane peeked behind the garbage bin only to notice a nearly identical version of him curled up in a ball with hands covering his face. He quickly made the connection that it must be the other Zane. Echo Zane was repeating the words “I want to go home.” over and over. Zane was about to touch Echo Zane but decided against it. Instead, he took a seat next to him and spoke:
“It’s nice to meet you. I am Zane, I was built to protect those- “
“Who can not protect themselves.” Echo Zane interrupted.
“You're like me.”

This caused Echo Zane to lift his head from his hands and stare at Zane. As they made eye contact, the two didn’t know what to think of the other.
“Was Tai-D repairing you?” Zane asked, realizing all the loose parts.
“Mhm. You know Tai-D?” Echo Zane asked.
“My father built him.”
“Your father, who is he?”
“Dr. Julien,” Zane replied.
“He is my creator as well.”
This got a smile on Zane’s face.
“Does that make us brothers then?”
“I believe so.”

Tai-D approached both brothers and began spinning uncontrollably.
“We should probably go find the others Echo Zane.”
“What do you mean others? And how do you know my name.”
“Jay and Nya told me. They’re looking for you along with all the other ninja and fishermen.”
“Jay is here, looking for me?”
“Indeed, I’m certain they’d like to know you're alright… or rather I found you.”

Getting up, Zane reached out his hand to Echo Zane, who hesitated for a moment before grabbing his hand to get off the ground. Then Zane put his right hand up to his head and spoke to Jay and Nya through the commlink:
“I have Echo Zane and I believe you have answers.”

Chapter 5: Why you don’t remember

The three made their way back to where all the vehicles were parked, only to be reunited with everyone involved in the search. Jay and Nya thanked the fisherman for their help, leaving just the ninja, Tai-D and Echo Zane.
“Hey Echo, great to see you again! Oh, and you too Tai-D.” Jay said.
“Good to see you too Jay.” Echo Zane said.
“Why did you leave the lighthouse? Did something happen?”
“No. I just wanted to come and find you. You left without saying goodbye and didn’t come back. Why?”
“I… uh.”

Zane who had been standing beside his brother narrowed his eyes at Jay.
"Yes, I am curious as well as to why you not only didn't tell me I had a brother but also left him and Tai-D behind?" Zane asked.
“Zane it’s complicated. We didn’t know how to tell you all.” Nya said.
“How long have you two known about him?”
“Since Nada… I mean since back to when we visited Lil Nelson at the Hospital.”
“That long?”

Echo Zane seemed confused at Nya’s words and decided to interject.
“I’ve never met you before. I only know Jay from when he came to the lighthouse.”
"You wouldn't remember me. It's hard to explain. Why don't I tell you all when we return to the monastery? I don't want anyone to overhear." Nya asked.

Everyone agreed and made their way to the monastery. While driving back, Jay asked Nya on how they should word it:
"What are we going to tell them? No offence Nya, but there's a reason we didn't tell them everything."
"I know, yet we should tell them something at least. I won't mention anything about us if you don't." Nya said.
“Yeah let’s keep that between us.”
“We don’t need to tell them every detail, let’s just sum up everything and how we met Echo Zane.”
“Sounds like a plan.”

Everyone was gathered in the living room with some standing and others sitting. At this point, Tai-D was working on fixing Echo Zane whose left foot completely fell off while walking to take a seat. Jay sat beside Nya, holding her hand and motioning for her to tell them:
“Back when we visited Lil Nelson at the Hospital and we were atop the roof, there were events none of you remember.”
“There was this Dijin called Nadakai who turned people’s wishes against them, and after your third wish you would be trapped in his sword,” Jay said.
“All of us tried to stop him until it was just Jay and I left. So we went to the lighthouse and found Tai-D and Echo.”
"Eventually, I used my last wish and long story short it undid everything. Yet for some reason Nya and I remember it all."

Everyone stared wide-eyed at Jay and Nya for a moment. Still trying to process all the information.
“Well doesn’t that explain everything weird with you two and that strange feeling I had,” Lloyd said.
“Strange feeling?” Jay asked.
“When Nya did airjitzu for the first time, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I had this sense of déjà vu. Now, it makes sense, or as much sense as a Dijin who used people’s wishes against you can make sense.”

Jay looked over at Zane and could tell just by his expression that there were more questions he and Nya had to answer.

Chapter 6: Years of Silence and Rust

“So, you left Tai-D and Echo alone for all these years despite knowing they were there,” Zane said with his eyes furrowed.
“Well, I did visit them-” Jai said.
“Because you wanted to be close to Nya, not because of them.”

When Jay said nothing in response Zane said:
“If you’ll excuse us, I'm going to see if Cyrus Borg can fix him.”
“Zane, I can fix him here!” Nya said.
“You had your chance to fix him… years ago. So I believe the best course of action is to take him to Borg Tower.”
“We don’t need to drive to Borg Tower, Zane. I’ve already called Cyrus. He’ll be in the hangar in a few minutes.” Pixal said.

Everyone watched as Zane and Pixal assisted Echo to the hanger with Tai-D rolling from behind with Echo’s foot in hand. When the four of them left the room, the rest of the ninja turned to Jay and Nya.
“Were you ever going to tell us about them?” Cole asked.

When Jay and Nya both avoided eye contact, Cole's eyes widened and quickly furrowed.
“You two were going to live the rest of your lives without telling Zane he had a brother!” Cole said.
“I… we- “Nya stumbled.
“I don’t want to hear it. You can’t keep family apart like that. Especially leaving Echo to rust. That’s just cruel. I’m going to check up on them but don’t think this conversation is over.”

Cole walked out of the room with Kai and Lloyd following, leaving just Jay and Nya alone.
“Well, that could have gone better,” Jay said.
“They’re right though Jay. We should have told them sooner.” Nya said.
"Maybe we should have, but we can't change it now."
“What do we do?”
“Let’s just give everyone time to process everything. Zane doesn’t stay mad for long.”
“Jay we didn’t just dye his suit pink! We kept his brother hidden from him for years and now look what’s happening to him.”
“I know Nya. We’ll figure it out… together.”

Cole, Kai and Lloyd entered the hangar to notice Echo on a table who was being examined by Cyrus Borg. As they went to get closer however, they were stopped by Mini Pix, who quickly scanned them before letting them pass.
"What was that about?" Cole asked.
"Zane doesn't want Nya or Jay here while Echo is being fixed. I told Mini Pix to guard the area." Pixal said before handing a screwdriver to Cyrus.
"So, how bad is it?"
“To be honest, we’re considering building a new body from scratch.”
“It’s that bad?”

At this, Cyrus rolled back from the table and turned to face Cole, Kai and Lloyd.
"I'm afraid so. He may have been built with Zane's blueprints, but because he was made out of spare parts he doesn’t share Zane’s durability.”
“Can’t you just fix the areas that fall off?” Cole asked.
“I could, but upon looking closer. It’s not the exterior that’s the biggest issue… all the inside is rusted.”

Fun fact: I wanted to write this story because I wanted to show the reason it’s hard for me to like Jay and Nya as characters (this is not me saying they’re bad characters but this is why I rank them as my least favourite ninja). They’ve known Zane has a brother rusting away since season 6 (Skybound) and have yet to say or do anything. Not to mention, in the comic “Separate Ways” it shows Jay was with Echo Zane at the lighthouse but once again told no one about him. So basically this story is providing justice for Echo Zane and calling out Jay and Nya.

Part 3: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/lego-ninjago-falling-apart-part-3-jay-nya-echo-zane-zane-and-tai-d/

Skins used in the story:
Echo Zane: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-echo-zane-skybound-season-6-hd/
Zane: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-golden-armour-zane-crystalized-season-16-hd/
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