Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interviewing PMC Moderators! (Chat, Forum, Site)

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Dohvakiin's Avatar Dohvakiin
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn

Welcome to my blog!

Hullo everyone! Dohvakiin here, with another blog. Been a while since i've done on of these, so I do apologize for that. With that aside, on to the blog!

Many you always ask the same question. "Who are the PMC Staff?" Now, many people would reply "Oh, they're just people who go around PMC and make sure no one is breaking the rules. That is true..but only to a certain extent. Haven't you ever wondered who they really are? If you have, then wonder no longer! Here, I interview some out of the many moderators on PMC. This includes:

1 Chat Moderator
2 Forum Moderators
1 Site Moderator.

I did try to get a Super Moderator on here, but alas, I fear that they just simply do not have the time to be interviewed. We'll start off with the amazing Chat Moderator, Jetra. Now, you may see some of the questions pop up again, but just to different people.

Jetra The Chat Moderator

Dohvakiin: How long have you been a chat moderator?
Jetra: June 7th of this year
Dohvakiin: How often do you hand out an infraction in chat?
Jetra: Fairly often. Probably at least one an hour which is the norm for the day. On off days, I might give few or busy days even more.
Dohvakiin: Is there anything around the site that you would like to see changed?
Jetra: Not particularly, I just think that a change in site design is in order, though
Dohvakiin: Why did you decide to accept the position as chat moderator?
Jetra: Because I enjoy helping,and what better way than to make sure that chat is as safe as possible for the younger members of the Minecraft community?
Dohvakiin: Is there anything else that you would like to add?
Jetra: [To the site] An option to see texture packs I may like based off those I favorited.


And that, ladies and gentlebugs,ends the interview with Jetra. I'd like to thank Jetra for taking part in the interview, it is much appreciated!

Exurbia, the Forum Moderator

Now,on to the forums!

As you know, forum moderators work to keep the forums nice and clean of profanity and other such things. They work hard, every day, to keep the forums running smoothly. Without them, you'd be seeing spam threads every 5 minutes! How annoying D:<. The first Forum Moderator I interviewed was Exurbia. Our little conversation goes as follows:

Dohvakiin: Do you remember when you first became a moderator?
Exurbia: Yeah, I remember when Paril asked me to be a chat moderator. I don't rememer which day it was.. It was about a year ago. I was overjoyed!
Dohvakiin: How often do you issue a ban/warning on a user?
Exurbia: Depends, I try to moderate every day, so I tend to ban users everyday. And I probably give out at least 5 warnings a day!
Dohvakiin: Do you have any things on the site that you would like to see changed?
Exurbia: I would like the forums to be improved, they are kind of a pain to moderate. I also wish the site would have more up-time, instead of being down all the time (It always crashes when I go to do forum reports, I think it hates me!)
Dohvakiin: Do you. at time, feel stressed between your responsibilities both in and outside of PMC?
Exurbia: Yes. All the time. I always try my hardest to moderate every single day, and feel a little guilty if I don't! :P
Dohvakiin: Has PMC changed you in any way?
Exurbia: Yeah, I've probably matured more since the time I joined. I've kinda grown with the site I guess. Plus I've met loads of awesome people, and I don't regret joining the site.
Dohvakiin: Anything else that you would like to add?
Exurbia: Remember kids, stay in drugs, don't do school!

Teddy, the Forum Moderator

On to the second forum moderator!

Teddy was more than happy to be interviewed, but the poor moderator was sick. Since Teddy didn't want to write a huge wall of text, he only answered these following questions (which were more than enough ;) )

Dohvakiin: How long have you been around PMC?

Teddy: About a year now. i used to lurk around when I wanted to look for a skin. Infact I only joined because I used to make skins for a server and I wanted an easier place to post them. I also had a few friends push me forcefully into it.


Dohvakiin: Why did you decided to accept the position as moderator?

Teddy: Because of all the populari- I'm kidding. I stay merely for the other moderators. They are great friends to me and I would miss them if I ever decided to resign. In the beginning I accepted the position because I had nothing else to do. I enjoyed (and still enjoy) working around the site. Even if it is very stressful at times.

Dohvakiin: Has PMC changed you in anyway? If so, how?

Teddy: I used to suffer (and still do to an extent) from severe anxiety before I joined the site. I was scared to ever become part of a community - let alone moderate it.

I don't get outside much because I suffer from a few illnesses so social interaction isn't a huge part of my life. PMC is, even as sad as it sounds, a large chunk of the outside world that I can access. Not only does this make me a little more confident - it gives me a reason to bother with friends or other human beings. It also makes me less willing to stuff my face with twelve chocolate bars, cry while watching a chick flick and calling up my girlfriends to talk about nail polish or something like that.

Either-way - PMC is a big part of my life and makes me happy most of the time. So I don't mind if I can't go outside much anymore...

Azie, the Site Moderator

And last, but certainly not least, Azie! Before you read the interview, please, help Azie on her adventure in YouTube. She recently started up a little YouTube Channel, and would appreciate it if you'd check her out!


To be honest, I don't know much about site moderators, as I have only really talked to Forum and Chat mods. This interview with Azie lead me to see that we both have a love for food.

Dohvakiin: Do you remember when you first became a moderator?

Azie: Yes. Paril invited me to the Chatroom Lobby to talk and proceeded to thank me for what I had been doing around the site. I was just thrilled to talk to someone on staff. :) It was a few weeks later that I got the official PM asking if I would accept a forum moderator position. :)

Dohvakiin: How often do you issue a ban/warning on a user?

Azie: Probably 50 or more times a day. Most of the bans and submission removals are first offenses, but occasionally I ban someone who has a long record. Out of the 50 bans every day, I would say 3-5 people message me about their bans. Out of those 3-5 messages, 2-4 are angry or in denial. The other 1-2 are typically well-worded and honestly curious what happened.

Dohvakiin: Do you have any things on the site that you would like to see changed?

Azie: I know Paril has been working on Chat 3.0 which is exciting. I also would really like to see some kind of a "check the boxes of threads on a user's forum profile you would like to moderate" instead of deleting them all one-by one. That doesn't really affect you guys at all, but it sure makes forum moderation easier for me.

Dohvakiin: Do you. at time, feel stressed between your responsibilities both in and outside of PMC?

Azie: I graduated from high school a month or two ago, so before then it was rather hard for me to do both, but I've got a bit of free time now, so it isn't stressful. Thankfully, we don't necessarily have report quotas to fill, so if we can't moderate for a few days or will be away and inform the others on the team, it isn't a big deal.

Dohvakiin: Has PMC changed you in any way?

Azie: It has. I'm a great deal more patient with others now. Some of the mail I get is really shocking and a few months ago I might have screamed back at people in all caps calling them names. Teddy and Exurbia have inspired be to be a lot more patient when people are upset.

Dohvakiin: What is your favourite thing to do when the internet is not avaliable?

Azie: I like to draw and write and talk to my boyfriend, pretty much like any other 18 y/o girl. I have two cats that like to cuddle, so maybe I'd be watching a movie with them curled up on the couch. I don't really get out much and I'm rather solitary. I like my alone time.

Dohvakiin: What is your favourite type food?

Azie: That is not a question I can answer, because we will be here all day. Combo pizza; pasta and red sauce; canned corned beef hash (has to be canned); bacon; hamburgers; corndogs; onion rings; quiche (basicly an omlette in the form of a pie); cottage cheese and pineapple; tortellini with capers, chicken, pesto, artichoke hearts, olives, and bell peppers (Mom's specialty); bagels and cream cheese; sour cream and onion chips (no kettle chips please); salad of any kind (excluding; and orange chicken... To name a few.

Dohvakiin: Anything else that you would like to add?

Azie: Just that I really appreciate all the support you guys give me and that this place would not be the same without every single person here. I look forward to a long future of entertaining and building a community with all of you both here and on Youtube. :) I hope all of you stay tuned for some of my Let's Plays and future skins and blogs. :)

That's it everyone! Hopefully, this blog wasn't too long and boring. If you enjoyed, please:




See you all later c:


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09/18/2013 7:36 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus
shinadafan2012's Avatar
"I also wish the site would have more up-time, instead of being down all the time (It always crashes when I go to do forum reports, I think it hates me!)"

08/18/2013 2:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Blob
Speedy's Avatar
Azie: That is not a question I can answer, because we will be here all day. Combo pizza; pasta and red sauce; canned corned beef hash (has to be canned); bacon; hamburgers; corndogs; onion rings; quiche (basicly an omlette in the form of a pie); cottage cheese and pineapple; tortellini with capers, chicken, pesto, artichoke hearts, olives, and bell peppers (Mom's specialty); bagels and cream cheese; sour cream and onion chips (no kettle chips please); salad of any kind (excluding; and orange chicken... To name a few.

Started laughing my head off.
07/31/2013 2:51 am
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
COOPERx223x's Avatar
Well done, Dohvahkiin. Interesting insight into the life of PMC mods that not many people would know otherwise.
Jeez, I remember when Azie made one of her first posts about why griefers grief. Now she's a site mod! I gotta admit I'm a little jealous...
07/31/2013 3:53 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Dohvakiin's Avatar
07/31/2013 3:56 am
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
COOPERx223x's Avatar
xD believe me, I am. I know you're not supposed to ask, but I swear, if I could...

Anyway, good job! I'm also looking forward to your game being released!
07/31/2013 4:31 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Dohvakiin's Avatar
Thanks Coop c:
07/31/2013 4:35 am
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
COOPERx223x's Avatar
Any time, my friend!
07/21/2013 11:07 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
Azie gets 1-2 polite PM's every day??? I'm lucky if I get 1 every couple of weeks.
07/21/2013 11:35 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
They should've interviewed you. We could've heard that wonderful story of.. how *yawns*.. you became a wonderful... text-line-smiley-gif
07/21/2013 5:50 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Dohvakiin's Avatar
Maybe some don't like you as much. ;-;
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