This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

-|-Survival with Steve-|-

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Twelve Parsecs's Avatar Twelve Parsecs
Level 29 : Expert Architect

I realized something. If I die in this world, nobody will be ever able to finish my gigantic quartz toilet, nobody can destroy the nature any further and farm animals in small cages. And here I am, lost in a cave. I realized that I should write a guide for someone else, who can take over my job. I'm writing with my book and quill I had from the start of my life. Well, not the start of my life actually, I was pretty old already when I woke up. But yeah, read this guide, and master the five things to survival!

I've probably been dead for a long time when you're reading this.
Or I'm stuck in the giant toilet again.
You, most likely, just woke up as I did in this strange cubic world, a long time ago.

At the place where I opened my eyelids, it seemed someone had lived there before. I was easily scared, so I ran away in fear the buildings were haunted or something. I've never been able to find them back again. 
When the sun dissapeared and the moon raise I noticed something. I was not alone. Zombies, spiders and skeletons appeared out of nowhere. As I quickly hid behind a tree, I didn't notice the green, armless creature with four feet that creeped up behind me. I heard it's sissing, and then an explosion.

The next thing I knew, it was day again. I stood up and saw there was a big hole in the ground behind me. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. Therefore I made you this guide. The five ways to master.


It turns out you can chop wood with your bare hands, so you should immediately search for a forest and hit down some trees. I'm sure you've noticed the weird inventory slot hologram thing by now. If you open this inventory, there is a little 4 by 4 box. If you put wooden logs in there it magically changes into four wooden planks.
If you fill this magic inventory box with wooden planks, you'll get a crafting table. With a crafting table you can craft a whole lot; from swords to axes, from shovels to hoes.

With the wooden planks you got, you have to start building a shelter. This will be your protection against the creatures of the night, and bats.

NOTE: Don't make your shelter out of dirt, it will emberass in you front of the female creepers!


You have to start looking for food. With weapons you can hunt for any animal. Almost every animal gives you meat. Just hit them a few times and they're dead. Put the raw meat in a furnace and it will be cooked. You can also just go fishing. It's easier, but boring. And for some reason fish are invisible when they swim underwater.

NOTE: Don't kill bunny's, they're cute.


If you have good weapons, full armor, a stock of food, then you are ready to hunt for monsters. Monster drop useful items, like strings, blaze rods, rotten flesh. Forget that last part. Here is a list how to attack the different mobs:

Zombies: Just hit them. They are very dumb.

Skeletons: Craft a shield, it will block their arrows for you. 

Spiders: Ehmm... Attack back when they attack you.

Invisible_creatures_that_you_can't_hear_or_touch: RUN! (Sometimes it might be your shadow)

Cows: Confront them in a gladiator arena.

Creepers: Go pet them.

Withers: Play hide and seek.

Enderdragons:Throw eggs on them.

NOTE: In your magic hologram menu you can apperantly set the 'difficulty' mode to peaceful, wich prevents the spawning of monsters. I wish I noticed that before.. Otherwise I wouldn't have to hide in the quartz toilet all the time!


Go to the grass plains and get as much grass as possible. You'll get seeds out of it, wich you can farm and make bread of. The ideal farming spot is on dirt, next to some water. Use a hoe on the dirt to be able to plant the seeds. You can also farm carrots, potatoes and some other thing I forgot the name of.

NOTE: Cacao Beans can be used to make cookies. A must have!


When you are done with all the basics, you can go exploring the world. Make sure you got plenty of food and such with you, because you'll need it. There are still caves, jungle temples, pyramids, dungeons, fortresses, underwater buildings, different dimensions, villages and so much more to explore in this blocky world. Go out, and craft your adventure!

NOTE: Stay as far away as you can from the villages. Their inhabitants are weird, ugly and have big noses.


And here I am, writing these final sentences lost, deep under the ground. No items left except for this book and quill. I hear the monsters come closer. I know my faith; I'll die and you'll live. Goodbye. 


NOTE: It appears you can't die. You'll just respawn where ever you slept last night. I'm sorry, you're not needed anymore,

Hello everybody, I just want to thank the people who diamonded or favourited this entry. I hope you all like it! There are great entries out there, so I propably don't have much chance of winning, but it was fun. :)


7 Update Logs

Update 7 - (Probably) The finishing touch! : by Twelve Parsecs 12/13/2015 6:53:54 amDec 13th, 2015

-Fixed some writing errors
-Put a - sign into the title
-Polished it a little bit
-Thanks everybody that gave a diamond!

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01/07/2016 9:26 am
Level 32 : Artisan Magical Boy
Enoshade's Avatar
Great, man! When I submitted in the mars build contest, I didn't get enough support to make it to the finals. I hope you did get enough support in this though!
12/06/2015 10:45 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice drawings and paragraph titles.

Are these drawing done by yourself?

Anyway good luck with the contest although you're competition!
Twelve Parsecs
12/08/2015 11:03 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Twelve Parsecs's Avatar
Thank you! And I did all the drawings myself :)
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