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How it would be without griefers?-pop reel

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JumboDud's Avatar JumboDud
Level 25 : Expert Geek
Well, griefers are a big part about Minecraft. Just incase you didn't know, a griefer, or 'griefers' is a person or persons who steal others hard earned resources and destroy there hard working buildings. Some may be against griefers, and some may feel, if you are smart enought to have good defenses, you will not get griefed. Well, today, I'm on the "greifers are rude" side of this argumental ses-pool, and telling you just exactly why.

Others acutally worked for these things

No matter
you are talking about stealing resources, or breaking buildings, both, most likely took time to do. So, why would you do it? "Oh, hehe, It's funny, I'm a total troll, bro. So funny.". Well, how'd you feel if it was you, how'd you feel if you made a completely awesome steampunk/Skyrim village, all in survival, including resources! But, since you have a bad reputation, you have the hate get the best of you, and a group of people wish to get revenge, first they plant your village with TNT, steal your resources, and let it blow. Everything..gone. "Well, you could have made a defense.", Well, wouldn't you want to feel safe knowing no one will steal your items nor destroy your builds? "what about Faction servers, you can raid, which is pretty much griefing.", Yes, but thats allowed on the server, thats a big part of the acutal gamemodes, and even on servers that do allow grief, sure, you'd get a laugh out of blowing someones modern house to bits, but then they come right back at you? That sure sucks, but, they say an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...It makes the whole world have blind...If someone hits you...you have the right to hit them back 10 times harder.

Good examples and bad examples of griefing
There is a whole section of Youtube devoted to something known as 'trolling'. Trolling is in which you make fun of someone, which then mostly causes them to have a spontanious rage. But, is griefing the same as trolling? Not to me, trolling is a lot of the time funny, but when you break or destroy someone elses hard earned creations, thats just rude, simply not nice, not funny at all. There are many good examples of griefing on Youtube if you look at some well known Youtubers, because they don't do it at all...there is no good example of griefing, sure, sometimes it might be sucessful, but that doesn't mean It's good, griefing is overall a bad thing. Bad examples are all examples, but especially bad examples are ones in which someone gets easily caught and banned.

Thank you everyone for reading, see you later, I hope you agree, if you dis-agree, please tell me why! :D

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Mechanical Wolf
04/27/2014 8:22 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Mechanical Wolf's Avatar
I griefed once but only because I made a house on a server and one day a house was built right near it (while I wasn't on). Over time nothing changed about the house, no chests ever appeared in it and really, there was no door, just a hole. So me and my brother (since it was made of birch wood and oak planks) burnt it up with lava. The house was really crappy anyway, with walls of birch planks with some randomly placed birch wood on the walls and ceiling. It was half in the ground as well.
Mechanical Wolf
04/27/2014 8:18 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Mechanical Wolf's Avatar
This makes completed sense. I have a question for you all though: If you made a really cool house and a griefer griefed it, would you like it more if they rebuilt the house in their base rather than slapping the items in their chest?

Comment your thoughts below
04/27/2014 12:23 am
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
I've griefed before, after all who hasn't done it at least once? In terms of stuff like griefing a disbanded faction it is very fun, but griefing does suck, it's up to servers I believe to manage griefing.
04/26/2014 10:05 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
falkok15's Avatar
The game would be awful. You need people who are gonna take down what you spent hours on building. It brings challenge into the game.
04/26/2014 11:49 pm
Level 25 : Expert Geek
JumboDud's Avatar
Agreed. Thats why faction servers exist. Greifing is a whole different thing, because when there is ment to be no griefing, that means no griefing.
04/26/2014 9:29 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pig
WolfieJones2003's Avatar
I was a griefer before but I stopped. Sometimes when I'm bored, I grief a bit.
04/26/2014 9:37 pm
Level 25 : Expert Geek
JumboDud's Avatar
Thats something good to confesse, but do you ever really feel good about it, imagine if you were your griefers eyes, slowy blowing up your great creations.
05/03/2014 2:38 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pig
WolfieJones2003's Avatar
I felt a bit guilty.
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