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Can Steve well, get fat? (Pop-reel :/)

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JumboDud's Avatar JumboDud
Level 25 : Expert Geek
This is something thats been on my mind for a while. One day, playing on creative, building god knows what, I stumbled on something that never was really cleared up. Now, sure, when It comes to video games, characters never really get fat, but when It's a top priority in a game, it somewhat should matter, It would be funny if you could get fat in Minecraft, but, even though It's a game, let's take it a bit more serious.

What would actually happen

 Steve eats a lot in Minecraft, "duh, It's needed unless you are on creative". But, sure, he does eat a lot, but, maybe a little to much. Lets say each cake that he eats, is, for say, 200-300 calories, and in one full life before you, let's see, blew up from TNT/creeper,fell,/kill,die from hunger, etc. (die) you eat about 2 cakes every day (earth, not Minecraft day). In one week, that would be around, well, 250x2=500 calories, multiply that by 7 (500x7)=3,500. Thats about 1 whole pound every day. In one lifetime if you are not playing hardcore mode, and for instance you lived for 2 human weeks, and about every 7 min. is one Minecraft day, is about, well, you get it, he'll be REALLY fat, especially if he starts off at around a weight of 185 pounds, not even from muscle, he'd be extremely overwieght, if you could get fat in Minecraft, at that rate of food, INCLUDING everything else you eat, you most likely become obese, and eventually not be able to move, AT ALL. He could go on a diet though, right? But see, not being able to move from exsesive obesity isn't anything new, many people have this experience, It's to the point where you have too much weight for your bones and musles to handle, eventually causing you to no longer be able to move. Since also Minecraft doesn't have wheelchairs, or other types of transportation like a wheelchair (Minecart, duh) Or be able to have surgery, poeple that do not begin a diet or have surgery, which may cause you to only have a 50% of living, eventually die if they, well, just laid there, first of all they need exersise, if they don't move at all, they eventually jut break down, also, eating more food would cause your organs and other body parts to get squished, even including heart, and lungs. This leads to, well, death. But you can start all over again, right? Not in real life, sure, I should honestly stop comparing a block based game to real life, but you honestly get the point, if that could happen in Minecraft, you'd have about 1 week (real life week) before obesity, which then this pain starts ALL OVER AGAIN.

Well, I hoped you like this little blog, put it together the last minute, and I think it turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself. Well, everyone have a good time, goodbye...

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by JumboDud 04/21/2014 6:38:27 pmApr 21st, 2014

Got pop-reel :I

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Mechanical Wolf
04/21/2014 5:51 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Mechanical Wolf's Avatar
Imagine if you made KFC not MFC but KFM. Kentucky Fried Minecraft
04/21/2014 6:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Geek
JumboDud's Avatar
I was not the creator of the main picture of this post, I found this on Devianart™
Mechanical Wolf
04/22/2014 7:28 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Mechanical Wolf's Avatar
04/21/2014 5:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragon
04/21/2014 5:30 pm
Level 25 : Expert Geek
JumboDud's Avatar
Lol :D
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