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Do You Know The Meaning Of The Word "Blog"? *Rant*

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nolez15's Avatar nolez15
Level 24 : Expert Toast
It has occurred to me that almost everybody that posts a "blog" isn't posting an actual blog.

Being a blogger, I'm always checking out the forums and blog sections of Planet Minecraft. I've reported about one dozen "blogs" today, describing each one of them as "garbage". People use the blogs section of the site to spam server IPs, ask for jobs, ask for plugins, post utterly useless garbage about how they've decided to start skinning (shocker), and just generally post half-paragraph-long, unreadable, jumbled-up messes of God-knows-what.

This has to stop.

There's a reason Planet Minecraft has a forum. They have a forum so people can post all the sudo-dyslexic rubbish they want to, without bumping an ACTUAL blogger's submission off the recent list. However, something bothers me more about all of this. There is one type of blog section abuse that's worse than all the rest. That abuse spews from the mouths (or fingers) of uneducated nine-year-olds, who like to spaz out about things they know nothing about, just to get a diamond. A fantastic example of this are the recent 'SOPA' threads that we've all seen. Every one of these threads that I've seen has been written by somebody with a learning disorder who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about. People need to do their research before they speak.

The Bottom Line:
Learn what blogs are, guys. Speak when you have something to say, not to say something. Check your facts before you go to the trouble of making a post, and when somebody tells you that you've done something wrong, don't start flaming them just to "win", consider their input. They're probably right.

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03/18/2014 4:36 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
levi8george's Avatar
I agree with you so much, It's also annoying when people decide to take other people's blogs and use the same concept and idea. I saw a popular blog about PvP tips and tricks. The next day some guy wrote almost the exact same thing :/ Diamond for you.
03/18/2014 7:17 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar

I see that a LOT these days. There's like five thousand blogs/forum topics about the same stuff.
03/14/2014 5:04 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
Same here! The message is true, but also all of this rants have to stop. Its making me angry if i see 15 "blogs" a day that tell me what is wrong, what are the top 10 highest jumping animals or how i should call gold ingots!

But you're right. I will also start to flag "senseless" and "bad advertisement" blogs. Maybe the community will honor it and stop. Lets hope the community can bring the community back on track! ^^
03/14/2014 2:19 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar

It`s pretty annoying to see people posting their servers all over the blog section, too. It's like cheating.
03/14/2014 1:51 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1519716's Avatar
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