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60 Facts That You Might Not Know About Minecraft

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QueenDiamond's Avatar QueenDiamond
Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja
Hey! In this post I will be posting some little known facts about minecraft.
Here they are:
1. Zombie Pigmen can be created in the overworld if lightning strikes a pig
2. Creepers and Skeletons cannot see a player through glass unless they are aggravated
3. Magma Cubes cannot swim in lava
4. If a player is over or under a skeleton, the skeleton will shoot itself
5. Fish are easier to catch while it's raining
6. If fire kills pig or cow, the meat you get from it will be cooked
7. Ghasts cannot blow up cobblestone
8. The ~ Character will hang off the edge of the sign
9. You are able to sleep during a day thunderstorm
10. Lava flows 7 blocks in the Nether instead of 4
11. Iron golems and wolves are the only mods that can become hostile in peaceful mode
12. When you throw a snowball at a blaze, 1.5 hearts will be taken away from the blaze
13. Torches placed under falling sand/gravel will break the sand/gravel for you if it has fallen at least two blocks
14. You can stack signs and line them up to one another
15. Redstone can travel through half slabs, allowing you to hide your redstone
16. Pressure plates can hold lava and water inside of them without it spilling over
17. Signs and ladders can stop water and lava
18. You can break boats and minecarts with a bow and arrow
19. Items thrown into flowing water that is on top of ice bricks will move incredibly fast
20. A player that is in a minecart on a rail can ride directly through a one block wall
21. One lava bucket will fuel a furnace for 1,000 seconds
22. One blaze rod will fuel a furnace for 120 seconds
23. Nether fences and regular fences will not connect
24. Sticky pistons that are powered with only one tick will push blocks instead of holding on to them
25. In survival mode swords break melon and cacti the fastest
26. In survival mode axes break pumpkins the fastest
27. All cows in Minecraft are female, as you can get milk from all cows
28. Pumpkins are more rare then diamonds
29. Drinking milk will stop poison and potion effects
30. You can obtain a dragon egg by pushing it with a piston
31. TNT explosions destroy lava
32. Slimes always jump in straight lines
33. Slimes can't swim
34. Right click a mooshroom with a bowl and it gives you mooshroom soup
35. Arrows will cause fire damage if shot through lava
36. Endermen always drop Enderpearls if they are killed by iron golems
37. You can fish underwater
38. Pistons cannot push obsidian and bedrock
39. Cacti destroys items
40. Has a slight chance of filling a cauldron
41. A creepers fuse countdown lasts a little longer if it encounters a cobweb
42. Spiders are completely nice when in the day or in fully lit room unless you attack them
43. Magma cubes do not take fall damage
44. A TNT explosion will destroy 70% of the items around it
45. You can drive a minecart like a car if you ride a pig with a saddle in it
46. Zombie Pigmen are not affected by lava or fire
47. Tamed wolves will attack you if you shoot yourself with an arrow
48. Water destroys cobwebs
49. The pumpkin must be placed last to create an iron golem
50. Endermen are more likely to spawn on a night with a new moon
51. An arrow shot at primed TNT will come flying back at you
52. You can't put a door on ice
53. Mobs cannot spawn on slabs
54. It is possible to grow a tree past a height limit
55. Spiders can't climb up ice
56. Creepers can climb up ladders
57. the chances of a sheep spawning with pink wool is 0.5%
58. A fully charged bow does more damage than a diamond sword
59. Creepers are based on a fail model of a pig
60. A sword will not take damage while killing the enderdragon

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09/03/2013 1:32 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja
QueenDiamond's Avatar
09/03/2013 7:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
taco_lover213's Avatar
Love this article.
08/30/2013 7:35 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja
QueenDiamond's Avatar
Oh, I'm sorry. Were you in charge of this blog post?
08/30/2013 2:08 pm
Level 44 : Master Necromancer
Monsieur_Creeps's Avatar
endermen take damage in water
08/30/2013 1:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja
QueenDiamond's Avatar
I didn't have time to add that fact and I wasn't sure what people would be interested in. I'm sorry
08/30/2013 12:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
hawkek's Avatar
I knew all of these. You didn't mention that Endermen sounds are actually the word "hi" reversed and minorly altered.
08/30/2013 11:23 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja
QueenDiamond's Avatar
Thanks all! I'm still working on adding more facts... I should have more by tonight
08/30/2013 11:19 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Windmaster10's Avatar
Well now i know i play too much minecraft, i knew all of those XD
08/30/2013 11:03 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
Nice :)
08/30/2013 10:12 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
HbTextures's Avatar
Wow, the blog is better than "10 facts you don't know about minecraft" In the other blog, the facts are nooby, but your blog is the best!
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