Minecraft Servers

Justice Craft: Minecraft Superhero Server Of The DC Universe

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Superman's Avatar Superman
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Justice Craft: Minecraft Superhero Server Of The DC Universe
Status Offline Pinged: 12/19/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
           >> JUSTICE CRAFT 
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We Regret To Inform You After 6 Years Of Operation This Server Is No Longer Online.


SERVER IP: mc.justicecraft.net

Justice What?

Justice Craft is a Roleplaying server based around the DC Universe. In here you can
become any Hero or Villain and create your own path in our self-made Roleplay Universe.


Once you have joined, it is up to you to create your own path! Having the opportunity to
become any Hero or Villain within the DC Universe and choosing to save others or to
destroy all! Never cease to explore the limitless possibilities of your characters!


Justice Craft’s Roleplay Universe is a large and ever-expanding one which constantly seeks
to explore new paths and possibilities no matter the character. We actively create a combination
of progressive Roleplays and non-cannon wacky Roleplays for those who just want to lay back
and have fun Roleplaying! We offer an inviting and inclusive system which doesn’t fail to incorporate
new players and characters into the developing lore! We have Roleplay Managers who oversee
the canon Roleplays and are always there to welcome you into the system!


Explore the most iconic DC landmarks or the most obscure locales. The server offers a large range
of explorable locations spanning throughout the DC Universe. Constantly updating and
implementing new builds and locales to provide a fresh and engaging experience for the player!


We attempt to provide an optimal experience when it comes to the PVP aspect of things. Embedding
an MMO inspired weapon and power system to help facilitate constant changes and to be flexible
to the players’ requests whilst keeping them engaged in the thrill of battle with an array of different
Arenas and an updating weapon kit based on your characters’ Roleplay status!

Still need help?

We’ve got you covered! If you haven’t quite got the hang of things yet, we have an active and engaging
Discord community who’s always willing to give a hand to a player in need, and if that doesn’t quite work,
you can always talk to any available Staff Member or make a post on our forums!


We hope to see you online! Start your journey and embrace your true self!

4 Update Logs

Justice Craft 2020 : by Superman 03/17/2020 12:02:57 amMar 17th, 2020

The wait is not long now!

Staff have been hurrying to get the server back to its old glory after the corruption event that occurred last year, but we are happy to announce that Justice Craft will becoming back with a vengeance!

A few things to note:

- Your rank will be reset (If you are a donator please message a staff member with your discord name so we can verify)

- Your character will be reset (Yep thats right folks, all characters will be reset and you'll have to reapp again (staff included)

- Banned players will be reset (You will have another chance to prove yourself! Please note these players only are given one more chance, some more known offenders this will not apply to.)
- We lost alot of worlds and builds, but we are building brand new ones and you can help!

I will be opening up the server and character applications at a later date which I will announce so stay posted, please note to be patient during this time as it will take a while to create powers and accept apps and things. I'm super excited to be back


Community projects posted by members on this server

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04/30/2021 8:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
Super_MN's Avatar
It says that im not whitelisted?????
05/15/2020 9:34 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Dephir's Avatar
This server kills me a little inside slowly every day, but I love it <3
11/28/2019 9:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LordEdge76's Avatar
Is this server still alive??

I myself have been a minecraft rpg'er for 4 years or so, and as a fan of both dc and marvel i'd be overjoyed to be capable of playing on the server

However when i clicked on the apply link error404 came up.

Sorry for disturbing <3
01/11/2020 1:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Superman's Avatar
Hi, yes we are still alive! the server is currently down due to technical difficulties.

The server will be relaunching early 2020. Please check on status on www.justicecraft.net

You'll also be able to apply here, but probably wont be accepted until the server is back online.
09/22/2019 1:27 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Modder
Flashdino's Avatar
I want to play and be flash
05/09/2019 1:18 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Italianluvgod's Avatar
i remember when i used to go on here and Beg to be spiderman.... now my dreams are friggin crushed cuz a stupid vortexprimes took the god of the land. ;cccccccccc
09/22/2019 1:29 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Modder
Flashdino's Avatar
I am the only one who likes dc no marvel
04/15/2019 8:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Italianluvgod's Avatar
Uh, Does this have to be a DC server or can poeple rp marvel here cuz uh, the marvel server isnt too popular.
04/20/2019 10:06 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Fabioo's Avatar
Although! We'll soon be having a Marvel vs DC Roleplay event as a way of celebrating the release of Avengers Endgame, you can tune in through our discord to know exactly when this will happen!
04/24/2019 10:48 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Italianluvgod's Avatar
so uh maybe can you tell me when it will happen plz?
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