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Avenger Craft: Minecraft Server Of The Marvel Universe

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Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Avenger Craft: Minecraft Server Of The Marvel Universe
Status Offline Pinged: 12/22/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
§fMinecraft Server Of The Marvel Universe
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IP: mc.avengercraft.net

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCStpENny2YDIUwFkGa9zeOA

Web: https://www.avengercraft.net/

Discord: https://discord.gg/5BweeaH

Server Information: Avenger Craft is a roleplay & superhero server, existing in the Marvel universe. Avenger Craft is a part of the Justice Network, which also contains our original DC server Justice Craft! On Avenger Craft, players can apply to become their favourite character who appeared in Marvel's comics, films or other media! Only one player can be a unique character at a time (until the player goes inactive). The server contains multiple Marvel themed builds, weapons, powers, cities & worlds which allows the player to feel like they are truly apart of the Marvel universe! Avenger Craft has a custom built resource pack which contains custom marvel themed items!

How do I become a character?: To enter the world as a hero/villain on Avenger Craft you must first create a character application. Character applications will take place here on our website and be reviewed by staff members.

(we will no longer be accepting applications from the comment section of Planet Minecraft, if your app is unanswered we suggest you reupload it to our website through the link above)
CreditJustice Craft: Minecraft Server of the DC Universe

1 Update Logs

We Are Back! : by Superman 05/03/2019 1:26:28 pmMay 3rd, 2019

Avenger Craft Is back with a vengeance!

There is a countdown timer on www.avengercraft.net See you online folks. Server IP is mc.avengercraft.net

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05/09/2019 1:19 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
Italianluvgod's Avatar
vortex primes you ruined my dream ;cccccccccccccccc i used to go on justice craft and beg to be spider man and asking when avenger craft will come out... you ruined my one and only dream that ill never accomplish in life. ;ccc
04/30/2019 9:32 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Superman's Avatar
09/16/2018 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Derpy_Carrot's Avatar
4.groot is a tree like alien with a known criminal rocket together the two traveled the galaxy collecting bounty's until they met up with people known as star lord gamora and drax sorry idk groots backstory so i looked it up and put it in my own words sorry

dendrokinesis the ability to control things made out of wood, living or dead,plasticity,super streangth,durability,size manipulation,he can make mini clones of himself out of wood (search it up I was shocked by it) and chlorokinesis
movie of gaurdians of the galaxy,comic books,tv shows of marvel
7.i want to be this character cause out of all people in the marvel universe groot is my favorite I saw he was open and I took the chance to be him

8.i say at roleplaying I'm a 8 if I roleplayed with groot I would do I am groot (this after it)
09/16/2018 4:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Austin5722's Avatar
1. Austin57

2. 18

3. Doctor Octopus AKA Otto Octavius AKA Doc Ock

4.Otto Octavius was born in Schenectady, New York. His father Torbert was abusive towards him and his mother Mary. Otto was a shy child and was bullied in school by the other students. He was determined to not end up like his father and became a dedicated student.
After graduating from college Otto went on to became a respected nuclear physicist and inventor. His pride and joy invention was a set of four mechanical arms that would be controlled via brain-computer interface. Otto would go on to use the mechanical arms to aid him in his work.
One day an accident occurred that caused the robotic arms to become fused with Otto's body. The accident also affected Doctor Octavius' mind causing him to start a life of crime as Doctor Octopus.
Doctor Octopus went on to become an enemy of Spider-Man and would plague his life for years. He is considered by many to be the web slinger's nemesis and went on to form the original Sinister Six, a group of supervillains dedicated to destroying Spider-Man.

5. Doctor Octopus' abilities include brilliant engineering skills, a genius-level intellect, and expert tactical skills. He is equipped with four mechanical arms that have incredible physical strength, can be controlled via thought, are imminently flexible and are armed with razer sharp claws.

6. Marvel comics, Spider-Man 2, The Spectacular Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man The Animated Series, Spider-Man PS4, LEGO Marvel Superheroes, etc.

7. Doctor Octopus is my favorite Spider-Man villain and my favorite Marvel villain. I would love to play this character and think it would be very fun to portray him in AvengerCraft.

8. 8
09/16/2018 5:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ocvarner12's Avatar
09/16/2018 4:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jaydenmine8's Avatar
1) What is your Minecraft Username? jaydenmine8

2) How old are you? (Please be honest! this does not effect our decision on accepting your application)
3) What is the name of the Marvel character you wish to apply for? (Please include the character's real name and any aliases!) MacDonald Gargan

4) A detailed description of your character's backstory. (Two paragraphs is usually the minimum)(in your own words, no copying and pasting! We will be checking)
Mac Gargan before he became this criminal apart of the sinister six was a PI hired by JJJ to find out how Parker could take such good and well shot pictures of Spider-Man. But because of Pete's spider-sense he is able to evade the pictures and this is when JJJ hired Mac for a different untested genetic changing process that was led by Dr. Farley Stillwell. Since this was a test by splicing DNA from animals the tested animal/arachnid was a scorpion. But the reason for this was to create a warrior capable to defeat Spider-Man. But this caused his mind to go nuts and he became insane.

Scorpion won two of the fights with Spidey but lost the third, and this battle was scorpion trying to kill JJJ he was dumbfounded by the irony of what he created to kill Spider-Man was defeated to save his own life. But returning to his criminal ways he even kept a vendetta for Spider-Man and JJJ. Later down the line he was hired to follow the S.H.I.E.L.D agent Sharon Carter. But this caused Captain America to beat him down. A bit after this he resumes crime and fights and wins against Spider-Man.

This is when scorpion find out that he is alive and knows hes in a hospital as he storms in and finds Peter and his Aunt May in a hospital room as he demands the whereabouts of Spider-Man and then proceeds to wreck the hospital and kill people as Spider-Man beats him up and makes him apologize to May.

This leads to him nowadays where I would like to pick him up with a suit that looks more like his Ps4 Spider-Man suit but still having his powers of wall crawling etc avalible to him without the suit and if I could be his symbiote version for some time as i do have another app for him in the venom suit.

5) List of the powers/abilities of your character.
  • Superhuman Strength: Mac Gargan possesses extreme superhuman strength due to his DNA infused with that of Scorpion's. So with that said, MacDonald, with his strength as the Scorpion, is able to lift approximately 15 tons, and as such, he can easily overpower humans, and can lift extremely heavy objects, uproot trees and use them as weapons. On several occasions, he has proven capable of even overpowering Spider-Man himself.
  • Superhuman Speed: Due to genetic enhancement on his DNA, Gargan can run and or exercise as well as operate at superhuman speeds hence his overall body equilibrium is also heightened although he isn't nearly as fast as speedsters. With his speed, he can outrun vehicles.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Gargan's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. Originally, he could exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue began to impair him.
  • Superhuman Durability: As Scorpion, Gargan had superhuman durability which also enhanced via his suit. The scorpion suit was capable of shiedling Gargan from bullets from small-arms weapons firing conventional ammunition. Gargan was also able to survive heavy impacts and blunt force trauma without sustaining injury.
  • Superhuman Agility: With or without the symbiote, Gargan's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Gargan's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
  • Wall Crawling: Gargan is capable of adhering to solid surfaces much like Spider-Man, though he typically punches holes in walls to use as hand-and-footholds for better grip.
  • Mechanical Tail: Gargan's scorpion suit possesses a strong/powerful mechanical tail. At first, the tail was equipped only with blunt tip, but after gained better version of the suit, he gained better mechanical tail models as well. The better tail model now equipped with a blade, energy blasters, and acid spray.

6) Media you own or have seen which include your character? (Film, Comics etc)
PS4 Spider-Man Game and the Play Station Spider-Man game and in Spider-Man Homecoming and a number of comic books and Spider-Man themed series.

7) State a reason(s) why you should be this character.
Because of his Sinister Six story for roleplay would be cool and if I can have the ability to have the symbiote for a bit it could bring some cool story elements for Brock Spider-Man and Anti-Venom.

8) What would you rate your roleplaying ability on a scale from 1 to 10
09/16/2018 5:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ocvarner12's Avatar
Nice job, accepted!
09/16/2018 12:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jaydenmine8's Avatar
1) What is your Minecraft Username? jaydenmine8

2) How old are you? (Please be honest! this does not effect our decision on accepting your application)

3) What is the name of the Marvel character you wish to apply for? (Please include the character's real name and any aliases!) Venom, Mac Gargan better known as the scorpion

4) A detailed description of your character's backstory. (Two paragraphs is usually the minimum)(in your own words, no copying and pasting! We will be checking) After Eddie Brock's cancer was cured from Mr.Negatives curing abilities. But that is when he sells his left over venom symbiote in a villain auction. Eddie was also going to give his earnings to charity but that's a little irrelevant here.

The symbiote was going to bond with Angelo Fortunato before it bonded with Mac Gargan and he became the new venom, but it was like Eddie's venom being big and buff it is more like the ultimate spider man as it was slim and looked more like Spider-man. But once bonded Mac couldn't hold back the desires of the symbiote as its desires of being a cannibalistic maniac is brought out.

Even at one point he joined the sinister six and becoming a thunderbolt. While in the sinister six led by the green goblin, it led him to Ryker's island and he barely escaped. Then being enlisted for the thunderbolt sub group of the avengers. This being like a suicide squad for marvel as their are implants that can electrocute those who are in it and they have to hunt down "Secret Avengers". This is when Mac gains more control over the symbiote itself after letting an enemy live in a previous battle. This is when he was sent to hunt Namor. But during this time the sybiote was telling him to feed it, as it is revealed that Blue-streak was controlling their actions. But at the end of this endeavour the monstrous form returns and stays for a while.

When searching for spiderman Mac find eddie in a F.E.A.S.T center and tries to Re-bond and it forms a white substance and this is when Anti-venom was born and it began to fight venombut later down the line spiderman teamed up to beat venom but Norman Osborn and made a complete counterpart to Anti-Venom and a scorpion suit to Mac Gargan.

This is when Mac/Venom was asked to join the Dark Avengers by Norman Osborn. And this is why the form of venom looks like Spider-man instead of the parent venom, and then the venom symbiote was taken from him and he became scorpion once again.

But I would like to be the symbiote version of scorpion before he became scorpion again and would like to be the reformed version in the dark avengers while looking like the symbiote spidey but still being Mac Gargan.

5) List of the powers/abilities of your character.
Wall Crawling, Spider Sense, Organic Webbing, Super Strength, Enhanced speed, Enhanced Flexibility, Enhanced healing.
6) Media you own or have seen which include your character? (Film, Comics etc)
Comic books have been the only mention of venom Mac Gargan.

7) State a reason(s) why you should be this character.
Because it would bring a cool feel for mac gargan to be a web slinger and hopefully I can change back to the normal scorpion for good to join the sinister six to get it completed.

8) What would you rate your roleplaying ability on a scale from 1 to 10
09/16/2018 12:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mrandy06's Avatar
1) What is your Minecraft Username?
2) How old are you? (Please be honest! this does not effect our decision on accepting your application)
3) What is the name of the Marvel character you wish to apply for? (Please include the character's real name and any aliases!)
Captain America/Steve Rogers/Nomad
4) A detailed description of your character's backstory. (Two paragraphs is usually the minimum)(in your own words, no copying and pasting! We will be checking)

Steven Rogers was born in the Lower part of Manhattan in New York, in 1920 from poor Irish immigrants, Sarah and Joseph Rogers.His father was alcoholic and died while he was a kid.And her mom died of pneumonia while he was a teen.By 1940,before America entry in WW2,steve is a tall,scrawny art student who is specialized in illustrating and a comic book writer and artist.Because of Adolf hitler’s rise to power steve send a request to be in the army but got rejected because of his frail body.That’s when he decides to be a subject for an experience where he’s injected with a super soldier serum,the serum is a success and transforms Steve Rogers into a nearly perfect human being with peak strength, agility, stamina, and intelligence. The success of the program leaves Erskine wondering about replicating the experiment on other human beings.But Erskine refuses to write down every ingredient of the serum,but he’s killed by a nazi spy named Heinz Krueger.But Steve is willing to avenge erskine but Krueger dies while running into the machinery.But in other comics he punched Krueger into the machinery.

Unable to reproduce the serum,American government casts Rogers as a patriotic superhero, able to counter the menace of the Red Skull as a counter intelligence agent. He is supplied with a patriotic uniform of his own design and a bulletproof shield, a personal side arm, and the codename Captain America.He later goes into a private infantry camp where he meets the mascot Bucky Barnes and they become friends.

Barnes find out about Roger’s identity and promises to keep the secret if he can become his sidekick.Time after USA president presents cap with a new shield,forged from steel and vibranium by an catalyst,the shield is so effective that it replaces his own firearm.Throughout WW2 bucky and cap fight the nazis menace both on their own and as members of the superhero team the Invaders.In addition to bucky he was also helped by the sentinels of liberty and took out missions throughout the world and fought against a lot of criminals during the American soil.In late April 1945, during the closing days of World War II, Captain America and Bucky try to stop the villainous Baron Zemo from destroying an experimental drone plane.He launched a plane full of explosives but cap and bucky manage to get there before the plane get off,Bucky tries to defuse the bomb but it explode and Captain America falls in the Antarctic freezed water.For many years people tought they were dead but neither of them had died...
He then becomes the first avenger and forms the avengers...

5) List of the powers/abilities of your characterPeak human strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, senses, and mental processing
  • Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant
  • Accelerated healing factor
  • Expert tactician, strategist, and field commander
  • Wields vibranium steel alloy shield

6) Media you own or have seen which include your character? (Film, Comics etc)
The avengers
Avengers:Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
The first Avengers
Avengers:Infinity Wars
7) State a reason(s) why you should be this character.
I love him so much he’s so cool and I love his shield and costume i’s really love to be him.
8) What would you rate your roleplaying ability on a scale from 1 to 10

09/15/2018 1:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kaydenfox's Avatar
  1. KaydenFox10
  2. Around 16
  3. X-23 (Laura Kinney

  4. A secret program attempts to create clones of Wolverine. Dr. Martin Sutter head of the program recruits Dr. Sarah Kinney, though Dr. Zander Rice isn't exactly please (He was raised by Dr. Martin Sutter due to his father being murdered by Wolverine). They continue to create a clone of Wolverine, though the Y chromosome is damaged and Dr. Sarah Kinney suggests an odd idea they continue trying. Failing though they decide to take up on Dr. Sarah Kinney's idea. Having a female clone of Wolverine. They are forced to do so (due to no other way) but punish Dr. Sarah Kinney as well, by having her be the mother of the clone. Once the clone (known as X-23) is born years pass and Dr. Zander Rice activates her mutant gene by a special type of radiation poison and covers only her claws in adamantium. They train her to become an assassin and soon she starts killing for them, but in reality just getting money for Dr. Martin Sutter and the program. At one point in time Dr. Sarah Kinney gives orders to X-23 to save her niece Megan (because she is kidnapped) and X-23 is successful. Shortly after Dr. Sarah Kinney is fired, but before so Dr. Zander Rice reveals more clones, all the way to X-50. (Kimura is also her handler, a cruel handler that punishes her every chance she gets). But as life goes on Dr. Zander Rice has plans of his own... he orders X-23 to kill Dr. Martin Sutter and his entire family and to keep it a secret. Soon Dr. Sarah Kinney gives a letter to X-23 (and Wolverine about the program and such) ordering her to basically kill the program. She is successful but pays a terrible price. During the experiments Dr. Zander Rice and the program did on X-23 they made a trigger scent causing her to kill everyone once smelling it. A trace of the scent triggers X-23 into killing her mother, though her mother tells her her real name before dying. Laura. In Dr. Sarah Kinney's hands is a letter and photos of Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters and some photos of Wolverine.
Much later in life X-23 tracks down Wolverine and fights him and is successful but doesn't kill him, instead telling him why she hates him so much and what he did. Wolverine knows this because of the letter Dr. Sarah Kinney sent him much later. But two party crashers decide to crash the family reunion and they interrogate X-23. The interrogators are Captain America and Matt Murdock, and she tells them everything, Matt believes her but Cap is still suspicious but in the end they decide not to arrest her. Before the hunt of Wolverine she was with Megan enjoying life before risking Megan's life again and decides to leave for the hunt of Wolverine. And after the interrogation she gets in a bad part of town, cutting herself and stuff and working for Zebra Daddy. Some bad stuff in a rough neighborhood really. But soon Laura meets these cool mutants and joins them on their quest and soon kills Zebra Daddy and saves the neighborhood really. A lot of other missions happen to her later, like Captain Universe and yea. She later does become the All-New Wolverine and I believe is remains as Wolverine. (Comic origin, not movie or tv show origin)
5. Well she's a clone of Wolverine... two claws in each fist and one claw in each foot. Claws are covered in adamantium. A healing factor, super strength, flexibility, super smell, sight and hearing. A highly trained assassin.
6. Logan, and two episodes of X-Men Evolution?
7. Well she's on my top 3 favorite marvel comic characters along with Nightcrawler and Gambit. And I've done a lot of research on her over the past year.. and have started collecting her comics. I know more about her than my other favorites, Nightcrawler and Gambit.
8. 8 or a 9. I've done a lot of past roleplaying and I'm planning on becoming an author, I am very realistic with my roleplays as well.
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