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Yellowshirt Lore Chapter II.V: The Throne of Man

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TheNewTK421's Avatar TheNewTK421
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Yellow and Red were almost at the border. Yellow was anxious to get on with this mission. He really wanted to find his sister and make sure she was safe from harm.

However, Red suddenly called for them to stop.

"Wait, kid. We gotta go back a bit." said Red.

"What? Why?" asked Yellow.

"I've gotta unload a bit..."


"The toilet, kid. I've gotta use the toilet!"

"Why didn't you go before we started?"

"I didn't have to go then!"

"Bruh, you sound like a child! The irony of that is I'm the child here while you're a grown adult!"

"Kid, come on, please! I've gotta do this! I'm aching!"

Yellow didn't feel like waiting for that sort of thing. He wanted to find his sister. Nonetheless, since he would prefer not to get caught up in an argument that would likely delay them even longer, he conceded.

"Okay," said Yellow. "We'd better make it quick though. Wherever Yellowshirta is, she might not be able to wait forever."

"Thanks a bajillion, kid," replied Red.

The two went to a nearby seafood restaurant. It, like other buildings in the area, seemed basically empty. Red entered the restroom. Yellow stood by, waiting for him to get out. He sighed, knowing that, despite wanting this all to be quick, things might very well take an eternity. He couldn't just leave Red, however. He might not get very far if he were to continue this mission on his own. Thus, he had little choice but to endure this ordeal.

Red was a bit surprised and irritated to see that people were in the loo but no other part of the building. He waited for everyone else to leave. He personally disliked having to use public toilets since he didn't like others listening in on his business. Nonetheless, he preferred it over having to take matters outside, so he waited for the others to depart.

Oh, just get outta here, PLEASE! he frustratedly thought.

Yellow continued to wait, though he was beginning to become impatient. How long would this go on? He wasn't sure if he could bear standing in one place for such a prolonged period of time. Thus, he began to pace around, waiting for this torturous trial to end.

Finally, the restroom was clear of watching eyes, listening ears, and smelling noses. Red entered a stall and closed the door. From there, he carried on with business. Red hoped it wouldn't take long, though he knew it probably would take at least a bit.

Yellow continued to pace. He was becoming all the more bored. In fact, not just bored, but stressed. He wanted to resume the mission, but he couldn't carry on alone. Desperate for something to keep himself occupied for the time being, he decided to go into the empty kitchen and see if there was something to do in there. Even if it was something like cleaning a sink left unclean, he would be happy to do at least something with his time. Looking in the kitchen sink, he noticed that many ants occupied that particular space.

After a torturous amount of time, Red was done with his duty. He felt somewhat relieved, but also somewhat exhausted. He collapsed onto the floor and started thinking about things. These things were things he thought about often whenever he took time in his life to think. They were things that made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about things which made him think about thingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutthingswhichmadehimthinkaboutqpfmpsnepifnaipnrpiajipjfwpajfpjwapfhpawnfpanhpwanfpwnafpwnpnapwfnapwfnpanwfpanfpwanfpanvpwnapfainwpfnapwjpawnfpianpfwanwpfnaipfwnpawifipawfpafipahipwhfpawhifphawiphfipah

The ants soon were crawling onto Yellow. Yellow became worried since he didn't know if they would be friendly to him or not. He felt he should remain calm, but as they kept coming he became increasingly terrified. What would he do to fight this potential menace?

Red woke up, for a moment having forgotten where he was and why. He got out of the stall and washed up. Sadly, when he went to dry, he discovered something terrible.

Oh, not one of these! thought Red.

It was one of those hot air dryers. Red despised these things with a passion. Weren't they proved to be unsanitary or something? Why were people still using them? Red wished there was an alternative. Suddenly, he remembered that there was.

Yellow's entire person was now entirely covered in ants. He wanted to scream, but he didn't want them to get into his mouth that no one can see. Yellow then started thinking about how weird it was that he could talk and eat and stuff but had no visible mouth. How did that work exactly?

Red went back into the stall and started wiping his hands with toilet paper. Unfortunately, the toilet paper was very thin and seemed to almost melt when in contact with his wet hands. Red started to get large wads of paper to get the job done. By the end, he had used up an entire roll of toilet paper.

Sure hope no one gets ticked off by that, he thought to himself. Hopefully it'll just be replaced before too long.

Red made his way to the restroom door to exit. Unfortunately, the door, for either one reason or another, was now stuck.

Yellow was still not sure what he was going to do with all of these ants. None of them decided to bite him or anything so far, but they covered him to the extent that he looked like nothing more than a statue made out of ants. Yellow didn't want to move because he thought it would either scare or anger the ants. He waited for Red to get out of the restroom so he could come deal with this issue.

What's taking so long? thought Yellow to himself.

Red couldn't figure out what was causing the door to be stuck. Was something wedged in somewhere? He looked along the gaps between the door and the frame but could find nothing. Was there a problem with the hinges? The hinges on this door were not very visible, so he couldn't tell. Was the door locked? It didn't look like the door even had a lock to begin with. Red rattled the knob to no avail. He then pushed himself against the door, hoping he could force it open. It still wouldn't budge. Feeling exhausted from his effort, he collapsed once again, gasping for breath.

This one's a tough one, he thought.

Yellow kept his eyes shut. He didn't want any ants getting in there. This had gone on long enough. Red was still not out, so Yellow had to do something himself. But how? He couldn't see anything even if his eyes were open, and he was still afraid to move. Yellow feared that this could be the end.

What a stupid way to go out, he thought to himself.

Red was still trying to escape the restroom. He repeatedly rammed himself against the door, desperately hoping he could break it down. The door did not give in, however. It remained sturdy as ever. Red became angry at the door, yelling all sorts of unflattering things at it. Of course, the door remained unmoved despite all of this. Red's rage rose rapidly.

Yellow still was unsure of what to do. He thought of possibly trying to shake the ants off, but he was still afraid of making such an abrupt motion. His distress was at an all-time high now. This was both the most odd and most terrifying event he had ever endured. When will it end? Will it end? Will he ever be free? Again, was he doomed to die in such a dumb way? What could be done? Could anything be done? Was it time to surrender to tiny insects? Let them eat him alive if they wished? Yellow hoped it didn't have to end in such a way. He didn't go the distance he had just to be stopped by puny creatures. Still, he couldn't find a way to solve his problem.

Suddenly, the fire alarm went off.

All the doors in the restaurant, including the restroom door, were opened. It was part of a system (I probably didn't need to tell you that though.) Red was charging towards the door as it was opening and crashed himself into a table. He felt some momentary pain, but soon recollected himself and looked around for Yellow. He was surprised, though not completely, that he couldn't find him. Nonetheless, he wasn't sure where to find him now.

Yellow was losing the strength to stand. He didn't want to collapse since he worried that the ants might become mad by the abrupt movement, but he couldn't help it. He was going to collapse soon whether or not he wanted to. He wished something could happen to resolve all of this.

SAVE ME!!!!!! thought Yellow desperately.

Suddenly, Yellow felt himself being blown back by some sort of force. He was blown to the ground. However, he no longer felt the feeling of tiny legs crawling all over him. Yellow finally opened his eyes to see that the ants had been overcome by a garden hose which had been taken in through the back door. Yellow felt relieved, though he was unsure who did this. It probably was the same person who activated the fire alarm, but who did that? Yellowshirt was a bit confused. However, at the same time, he was relieved to be free of this burden. He exited the kitchen and met up with Red.

"There you are, kid!" said Red. "What've you been up to? You're soaked!"

"I don't think you'd believe it," replied Yellow. "What happened to you? You were in the restroom for what felt like an eternity!"

"Just like you said, kid. I don't think you'd believe it."

This time I decided to save without a title in the URL. This will be the standard for later chapters.
Also, I made the thumbnail with Scratch 3.0's vector editor.

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