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Yellowshirt Lore Chapter II: Disappearance and Dictatorship

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TheNewTK421's Avatar TheNewTK421
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Yellowshirt McRedhead got home, ready to tell his sister about his day. His project's presentation was a disappointment, as was the rest of school, but a curious meeting with a new and friendly face took things in a new direction. Yellowshirt was no longer concerned about anything that happened previously. Instead, he was excited to tell his sister about a strange yet delightful experience. He opened the door to his home, sat on the couch, and waited.

However, Yellowshirta had not come home at the usual time. Yellowshirt was a bit confused, though he assumed that perhaps she was working overtime. He waited some more, but he became bored after a bit. To pass the time, he decided to watch some television.

Yellowshirt was confused to discover that the same news broadcast was playing no matter what channel he went to. Nothing else was available to watch, not even broadcasts from other news stations. Every channel had the exact same broadcast from the exact same news broadcasting corporation. What was happening? Did his television need to be fixed? Were all the channels somehow being hijacked? Yellowshirt wasn't sure what to do, so he decided to watch the broadcast to see what it was about. The news anchor, though initially trying to maintain a calm disposition, seemed visibly panicked when announcing the latest event.

"BREAKING NEWS: Today, at 4:30 PM, a most surprising event has occurred. The mayor of our city, along with the rest of our local government, has been removed from power and replaced by a new authority. Our new leader has decided to remain anonymous and keep most objectives and intentions private, but we will remain faithful to our rulers, whoever they may be. Obedience... is the most important... of virtues... and we... as a society... must... No... No, I can't... I won't do it! I won't submit! I won't give up my rights, my freedoms, my--"

The video and audio of the broadcast were suddenly cut off. The screen was black and remained silent for about half a minute until a voice, heavily modified using audio filters and effects, spoke.

"Greetings, viewer. Welcome to our new society. In times previous, you lived in an era of confusion. I am here to bring clarity. All organizations, whether they be businesses, charities, law enforcement, educational institutes, or even the press, are now under our direct control. Let me also make it clear that our work is not yet finished. Our influence will soon spread to the neighboring cities and towns. Do not confront us. You are powerless to stop our growth. Opposition would be fruitless. With that being said, have a nice day!"

After the message ended, the recording of the news broadcast restarted. Presumably, this had been playing on loop for a while and would probably continue to do so.

Yellowshirt became scared. What was happening? Was this for real? Was this just a prank set up by a hijacker? Either way, who was behind this? Yellowshirt had many questions, but no clear answers.

To think that meeting my sister's doppelganger would be the strangest thing to happen today! Yellowshirt thought.

Speaking of which, where was his sister? She still hadn't come home from work. Yellowshirt decided that now was the time to stop waiting and start searching. Thus, off he went to find Yellowshirta McRedhead.

At a convenience store downtown, a stranger in a large hat and a large trench coat stood waiting. Specifically, he was waiting to give someone some important information. However, this person had not yet arrived, and the wait had already lasted several hours. The stranger started wondering if it was really worth the effort.

Maybe he'll just figure it out himself, he thought.

Yellowshirt ran to the convenience store. He knew that Yellowshirta occasionally brought home delicacies supplied at this store, so he decided to check if she decided to stop here. The stranger saw Yellowshirt headed towards the store.

About time, he thought.

Yellowshirt looked through the store window and saw that it was completely empty.

Odd, thought Yellowshirt. I thought this store was a 24/7.

The stranger walked up to Yellowshirt to give him the news.

"If you're looking for your sister, you won't find her here."

Yellowshirt noticed the man and replied.

"Yeah, I had that figured out. After this, I'll check..."

"No, kid. I meant here as in this city. She's not in this store or anywhere else within local jurisdiction "

Yellowshirt was shocked to hear this. Why would Yellowshirta leave when she seemed adamant on staying just the other day? And why didn't she let him know of this development?

"Where is she?" asked Yellowshirt.

"How should I know?" replied the stranger.

"Well, how do you know she's not here? In this city?"

"Well, my client told me she left work at an unusually early time and headed out past the border."

"Your client left work?"

"No, no, no! Your sister left work. Stay with me on this, kid. Anyways, my client told me your sister passed city borders, though unfortunately I wasn't told which border that was. If I knew which border, then maybe we might have some leads or something. I've been waiting here for the past several hours to give you this info."

"Why didn't you go to where my sister's job was? That was the first place I looked."

"You mean your sister doesn't work here?"

"No. She works at the fast food place about three blocks from here."

"Ah! My client made a mistake. I'm real sorry."

"Don't worry about it. But why did my sister leave? And where is she now?"

"Again, we don't know. All we know so far is she's somewhere beyond city limits. Hopefully, with your assistance, we'll find some more answers."

"I've never left this place before."

"Well, kid, this is your big chance to get away, then."

"I don't know if I'll be safe."

"Don't worry, kid. I'll be right beside you. Nothing to fear."

"But I don't know even know your name. Who are you?"

The stranger took off his coat and hat to reveal his form. Yellowshirt was surprised to see that much of the stranger's appearance was an inversion of his own. Instead of black pants, he wore white. Instead of white socks, he wore black. Instead of a yellow shirt, he wore one in red. Lastly, instead of red hair, he had yellow.

He looks kind of tacky, thought Yellowshirt.

"Redshirt Whitepants Eugene Warner-Crosby Blacksocks McYellowhead at your service," said the former stranger.

"You've got quite a name," remarked Yellowshirt.

"Yeah, well, you can call me Tony for short."

"I think I'll call you Red instead."

"Okay. I'll call you Yellow if you don't mind."


The two stood in awkward silence for a bit.

"So, are we gonna start now?" asked "Red".

Another brief pause.

"Sure I guess," replied "Yellow".

So off they went to search for Yellowshirta McRedhead. Yellowshirt was not sure how exactly this journey would end, but hopefully it would end well enough. At the very least, he wanted his sister to be okay. She was his oldest companion, and he couldn't afford to lose that.

As the two ventured off beyond city limits, a familiar face was following close behind...

This time I managed to save with an actual title in the URL.
Also, the thumbnail for this one is a bit more experimental than the last one, aiming for a sort of chibi-esque style. Not sure if everything is perfect, but I think it works well enough. The image seems to have become a bit low res in the thumb. I had a bit of a struggle with trying to change that, so eventually I just kind of gave up and left it as is. I think it works well enough. If you want a somewhat more high quality version, you can see it here:
Yellowshirt Lore Chapter II: Disappearance and Dictatorship
The art was made using Inkscape.

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This Blog and its thumbnail art are available to the public under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Copyrights and any similar rights are waived. Wherever public domain dedication is not possible, CC0 will act as a public domain equivalent license as described in the legal code.

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12/28/2023 8:41 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
12/28/2023 8:18 am
Level 35 : Artisan Geek
Christ8Pizza's Avatar
great story!!!
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