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The lengthy accumulation of reasons (Farewell)

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Trotelot's Avatar Trotelot
Level 35 : Artisan Nether Knight
Hullo to all who decided to endeavor through this unweeded garden of answers and reasoning. Yeah, this is the long version breaking down a decision I’ve made concerning my journey on this site. I’ve decided to give some background, clearing things up, so I don’t just leave those of you who may care to know hanging off a cliff of curiosity. Or to entertain those who find my dead profile in the future :P

In short, I will be leaving this site because I no longer feel drawn to it, my presence has died, and my personal life will no longer suffer lack of my attention when I do leave.

1. Loss of Interest
No, I don’t mean I don’t care about anyone here anymore. I love this community and I think it’s a great opportunity for creative people to be loved and appreciated outside of their normal circumstances. I took advantage of that when I first joined in March of 2022. But that also subconsciously forced me to feel like I needed to fill a quota of content or social relevancy to keep the likes and diamonds rolling in, so it sapped a lot of my energy and time with family. After I left in February of 23, for a family issue, I realized that none of this really matters. The likes, diamonds, or even attention from other users. Which is why when I returned a few months later, I had no motivation to build back what I had. I kept ties with my two closest friends here, and posted sporadic content, but I never felt that need for online respect and glory again. It just didn’t matter anymore. And the more I’m here, watching the community go by, the more I want to leave. It sounds kinda mean, but I really don’t think there’s anything here for me anymore. This is just my view, I’m not saying anyone is bad or the community sucks, no, don’t misunderstand me lol. I love it, I’ve just experienced enough to know I should move on.

2. Dead Presence
As it was already explained briefly, I have nothing to offer this place anymore. I hardly post content, generally keep away from wallposts, and don’t interact with fellow users the smallest fraction that I used to. But I’m not sad about that at all. I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything. My personality type isn’t one that attracts many, and I don’t think I should change to appease strangers from the internet. What I had was good, and if I encouraged some people or even made one person smile while I was active, that’s a win in my book.

3. Real Life
As amazing as this place is, like any social media site, it forced me into a dark abyss of disrespecting my personal life. I know others can manage how much online time affects their lives, but I didn’t and mine suffered a lot as a result. Even if you don’t know it, you could be addicted to it. I was.
I put more effort into my online relationships than I did with my family, and no matter what you think, no one should be respected or more important than the people raising you.
Since then I’ve recovered, and the thought of falling back into that scares me.
So in order to prevent that again I’m getting rid of it all together.

— •

There you have it folks
Your friendly neighborhood arsonist is moving out
Before I go I’d just like to say that many of you are amazing people, but make sure everyone around you knows how much you appreciate them. Not online. Go hug someone. Go frolic in the rain. Sniff a real flower growing out of the ground. Don’t always use a screen as an escape, there’s doors to this big, scary, but beautiful world all around you. Ask questions. Find what you believe in. Do the research. Discover His purpose for your life.
I’ve laughed with lots, cried with some, fought with others, but hey, I prayed for them all and I hope everyone who reads this finds their way in the world.
Ew it got cheesy-
Welp, imna go

Cya later guys o7
CreditLots of people

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04/26/2024 11:55 am
Level 44 : Master Lemon
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
I'm ashamed to only see this know, 2 months late

goodbye =,)
03/24/2024 1:36 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
I'll miss you Trot, but I can totally understand your reasons <3

Until next time :)
03/17/2024 3:40 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar

We'll miss you, Trot !
03/16/2024 9:47 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Wolf
Panda_Wolfe's Avatar
03/16/2024 9:31 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
BlackDagger's Avatar
03/16/2024 2:45 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheMountaineer's Avatar
I totally get you with everything you said.

I'll be thinking about you. I look forward to meeting you someday.

This is such a wise decision not many could make.

Farewell. :)
03/15/2024 5:49 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
WisteriaGrove's Avatar
o7 <3
Square Pirate
03/15/2024 9:12 am
Level 28 : Expert Crab
Square Pirate's Avatar
03/15/2024 9:02 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Farewell, my friend! We’ll certainly miss you around here, and I hope you have a great life! o7
03/15/2024 7:23 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
TravisaInc's Avatar
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