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road trip through Lithuania and Latvia - photo blog

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PsioPsia001's Avatar PsioPsia001
Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
Recently I visited three European capitals, many other beautiful places between them, and Suwałki.
I want to share some photos with you. Unlike last year, I took a lot of photos and some are quite artistic.
The first part has normal photos, then there are some things that my weird sense of humor perceived as funny or worth sending to friends.
I'll probably create a separate blog for them ("Soviet artifacts and Polish monuments"?)

Lithuania - the land of green and yellow fields, slow driving and Polish tourists

Trakai - a castle on an island
It's near Vilnius and it's probably a popular destination for weekend trips and sailing
There's an interesting prisoner in the dungeon (dm me or comment to get a photo in dms, not sharing it here because it's a political commentary)
road trip through Lithuania and Latvia - photo blog
road trip through Lithuania and Latvia - photo blog
road trip through Lithuania and Latvia - photo blog

Vilnius - the capital of Lithuania

We did a real speedrun there because my dad thought that there's nothing worth seeing there. In fact, there are a lot of interesting places and I could show my family some of them thanks to reading overly descriptive spy thrillers 💪

Even though I've never been there before, it felt so familiar. Remember, do not entry any dark street.

^ The most overrated building in the city, the Gates of Dawn (aka Sharp Gate)

The Basilian gate, literally next to it

Cathedralposting (pay attention to the sizes of humans and the building)

Užupis Respublika (The Republic Over the River?)
It's a "republic" created by artists in Vilnius and the place where Jagan got drunk and started talking to a cat. I'm not shocked, there are so many paintings on walls and surprising things there that it's difficult to keep in touch with reality. They also have a constitution. I tried to take a picture of it, but it's not good. Read more here

Even the LGBT community of geography students from Warsaw has been there

There's a border control, mostly closed. That's why there are no queues of trucks.

My favorite country, CD! People from this country are so nice! Here they have a parking place for bikes or something like that.

How do they go there?

It's a nice city but I didn't go sightseeing there, I have only some pictures of the night sky.

Latvia - the land of wide trains, cool cars and people who speak Russian

Riga - the capital of Latvia
It's a beautiful city that used to be an important place for merchants and scholars. Latvians celebrated their Independence Day when we were there, that's why there are so many flags on some photos.


The legendary Cat House

It's a rich suburban seaside town, I didn't like their beach but there are some nice buildings. I'm pretty used to such houses, so I took pictures of the unusual ones.

I found some information about this one


There's a large, beautiful palace. It's impossible to go inside because it's a university now, but I took some photos of the building.

The last photo - a sunset in Poland

Thank you for watching! I posted it as a blog for order and keeping it for a longer time. I have more photos, but I don't want to spam you and it's getting late. Soon I'll post another blog with photos from museums, monuments and funny things (sadly without Saules Aptieka and Breaking Bad-themed bar)

Remember, the real treasure is the memories you made and the kvass you drank on the way

Cya! I swear I'll make some Minecraft content soon-

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05/17/2024 9:06 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
They are all so cool, and there are some that I wanna talk about via Discord because I found them specially interesting...
Also, the last one with the sunset in Poland looks a little similar to a nuclear explosion
05/18/2024 2:00 am
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
You're welcome!
Dm me anytime:D
I noticed it now... Why does the sky sometimes look like during a disaster (like the red sky in winter, my brother's friend said that Russians shot a missile)
05/16/2024 4:39 am
It/It • Level 53 : Grandmaster Cowboy Procrastinator
Sushifox's Avatar
These are all so cool! Makes me wish I did this for my trip to Amsterdam
05/16/2024 8:04 am
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar

you can still find your photos and make a blog
05/15/2024 5:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Fun seeing pics from an actual person (vs. guidbook / professional photog) of places (especially those I doubt I'll ever get to).

"Remember, the real treasure is the memories you made and the kvass you drank on the way"

Well said 👍
05/16/2024 3:00 am
She/Her • Level 57 : Grandmaster Ranger Mountaineer
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Thank you!
I understand it because I saw many photos from these places and it turned out that they look much different (I thought the blue gate was white and the brick tower was in the city, not on a huge hill)
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