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I created a fictional condition for our lore because I couldn't sleep

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PsioPsia001's Avatar PsioPsia001
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
You're in an office of the head of SOPOT (Service Of developing Projects of Operational Technologies). There's a young man who is giving a presentation to Aspen Newton, the boss.
Starting below this paragraph, normal text is the content of said presentation and code boxes are interactions between these people

Humans have known about part-dragons for centuries, but we're still not sure what caused the existence of this condition. It is known that they aren't descendants of humans and dragons, that's technically impossible. Currently only children that bully their part-dragon peers believe in it. One theory says that being a part-dragon is caused by a genetic mutation that developed when people lived next to dragons. Dragons emitted chemicals and breathed different substances, some of them were mutagenic. The genes that cause the condition aren't always active, sometimes people that aren't part-dragons pass it on their children.

There are three common kinds of part-dragons, other types weren't properly researched. They're fire part-dragon, ice part-dragon and water part-dragon.
*shows some photos* //the thumbnail is AI-generated and isn't accurate

They have common physical and psychological traits that are different for each type of part-dragons.
Part-dragons have different skin color than their non-part-dragon relatives. Fire part-dragons have much darker skin with a purple tint.It's thick and fireproof. Likewise, ice part-dragons have much lighter skin that doesn't frostbite. Water part-dragons' skin is almost translucent. They can stay underwater for a longer time than an average person.
Fire part-dragons usually have red, orange or purple eyes. Ice part-dragons' eyes are often blue or in other cool colors (that's how they look different than albino people). Water part-dragons's eyes are different shades of blue, including the non-natural ones.
Their nails are similar to scales or shards.

Most part-dragons' hair grows in spikes on the head and over the spine, of course it's much shorter on the spine. It usually falls down loosely, but punk part-dragon youth used to keep them in spikes.
Some of them develop small tails and wings. Nowadays they're usually surgically removed because they don't fit in clothes and are inconvenient. There are mentions of people with dragon wings in old legends and folk tales, but they're most likely emphasized descriptions and part-dragons never had full-size dragon limbs.

This condition also has its psychological aspects. Part-dragons are often talented in things related to their elements.
Young part-dragons often have problems with their feelings and behavior. Fire part-dragons may be aggresive, ice part-dragons are often isolated and worrisomely quiet. Water part-dragons are hyperactive or have serious mood swings.
These issues usually disappear during pubert. Some part-dragons never experience them and in others they evolve and become their personality.

-some famous knights are believed to be fire part-dragons
- There was a noble family in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, where many people were born ice part-dragon. Women from this family were considered especially attractive for their intimidating personalities and unique appearance (especially their pale skin, it was considered attractive in the past). In the beginning of the 19th century many of them were expelled to Siberia, but probably survived and were doing well thanks to their resistance to the cold.

Thank you for your attention!
AN: Marcinek, Marcinek, Marcinek... You're not at school anymore.
You were supposed to check the security clearance of my new employee, not make a presentation.
M: *It's my first task outside the office and I failed... I must not cry or show that I am embarassed
and stressed*
M: *calms down* Mx Newton, how did you guess my name?
AN: Look, I have a schedule of official meetings on my laptop. When your boss sent me a message that
you will deliver the informations today, the software attached the name of the person who's responsible
for it. *shows a business card on the screen- Marcinek: trainee*
M: Isn't it against the rule of avoiding being spotted? You see everyone's names and positions.
AN: They actually taught you something, I didn't expect that. I have access to this because I am
the head of SOPOT. Average members don't know so much about people from other organizations.
Thank you for coming and preparing this but it's useless, unless you found something about
the new employee's anger problems. You need some help from a more experienced person. Don't worry, it
just has to be done properly.
M: I found only the medical documentation made when he was checked as a candidate. I found something
about part-dragons there and did more research. This was the only interesting thing there. The trainees
cannot seek information outside until they learn to do it in a non-suspicious way. I could browse
the archives and nothing else.
AN: They should have sent someone with full access and more experience, but I can't change it now.
Thank you for trying to help, next time you'll do it better.
Do you know why did you have to come here by public transport?
M: I don't know... This place is 186km away from us.
AN: New members often think that their life will look like action movies and dream about fast and loud
cars. And blowing them up. First of all, they're a terrible camouflage and you're not supposed to get
everyone's attention. Secondly, we don't have much money for cars and they're older than the new members.
The trainees have to catch buses first to enjoy whatever they get in the future.
Goodbye and good luck!

Creditleonardo.ai, Bogdan Boner the Exorcist

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I cry in my spare time Y-Y
02/21/2024 11:38 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Narwhal
I cry in my spare time Y-Y's Avatar
how do you make a blog?
02/22/2024 3:03 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Find "Blogs" in the Minecraft section and click "Create new blog"
I cry in my spare time Y-Y
02/22/2024 3:26 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Narwhal
I cry in my spare time Y-Y's Avatar
dw got it
01/05/2024 2:34 am
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
_BenQ_'s Avatar
Sopot is the name of a city in poland
01/05/2024 3:12 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
PsioPsia001's Avatar
I know, it's on purpose
01/05/2024 3:40 am
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
_BenQ_'s Avatar
01/04/2024 3:14 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
🤣 Crikeys, even the super secret organization is run by bean-counters and button-sorters…

{Nice work 🥂}
01/05/2024 4:10 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
PsioPsia001's Avatar
01/04/2024 3:22 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
PsioPsia001's Avatar
do you mean the part about cars?
it's inspired by real life XD
I did not add "that must not enter highways because the noise made by the engine while riding faster than 100km/h is unbearable" and it's a description of my friend's car
01/04/2024 3:51 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Also the part about the new guy being asigned a task for which he lacked the needed access, the description of what was wanted being lacking, the assignment being made by and communicated by HR/personnel (rather than the person who needed the info), and just the general tone…

[I was usually pretty good at working the bureaucracy, but never ever learned to love "BB"]
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