Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

ChrisRyot's HD Star Trek Resource Pack 1.8.1

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ChrisRyot's Avatar ChrisRyot
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect

"It's true, it's damn true!" "Finally..." okay, enough quotes. Yes, I finally managed to update this awesome resource pack :D
There are quite a few new textures, old ones have been improved and all in all it's just up to date! There are probably some sounds missing, but you can include them if you have the ones from my former version of this RP.

The Star Trek Texture Pack is my own creation, made with textures from the video game "Star Trek Elite Force" and its mods. It's not completely done yet, but it's nearly complete. There are only a few items and stuff missing. There can be some textures of other Texture Packs. Don't know if there are still some of them in it.You're welcome to give suggestions of what I should change and comments...I'll try to fix everything the best I can.


Remember that this is a Creative Mode based resource pack! Of course you can use it in Survival mode, but many blocks are pretty difficult to get without creative mode. Furthermore it may not be recommendable to use those textures in an already existing world. Do what you think is most fun for you. =)

Furthermore you will need to patch Minecraft, using Optifine or the MCHDPatcher. Otherwise your Minecraft will probably crash, or the textures will all appear white, which kinda sucks.

Connected Textures

It's recommended to have some ctm knowledge. You'd know which techniques can be used to arrange certain blocks, for instance horizontally, vertically, or randomly. Nevertheless, even without any knowledge about it you'll find out how everything works pretty quickly. =)

There are be some big changes, which may force you to rebuild some of your creations. Either because of the new ctm feature, or because the blocks just have new textures. Still, I tried not to chance everything so you have to rebuild everything from the beginning. Think of all the new textures, which were made possible to add because texture packs can finally contain differently sized textures *_*

The 1.8.1 version is not quite finished, but it is completely playable the way it is. I just don't have any ideas or matching textures for all objects. If you have ideas or suggestions, let me hear them.

To come to an end, please, because this is not completely finished or matching, give me some feedback and suggestions of what to change, what to add or what I should get out of the pack as soon as possible.

This video is....incredibly outdated. Please, if there's someone, who wants to make a video, presenting this resource pack, feel free to do it and I'll post it here. Thank you :)

Beware of Gerrrrrman language! ;)

Additional Notes

This is only a beta version of the 1.8.1 Resource Pack! Some fixes need to be done and some textures aren't there, but it's so much more than the last version.

I used different texture packs as templates, for example the famous Misa Texture Pack, which means, and I ask for any file you notice so I can replace them, there may be some files in this texture pack, which I forgot to edit or just did not see.

Need some help with adding villager faces. I am horrible at drawing faces [as you may see]. So if you got some cool face textures you'd like to share, let me know =)
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.9

30 Update Logs

Update #30 : by ChrisRyot 11/06/2023 4:25:52 pmNov 6th, 2023

Yeah there ain't anything coming, sorry.
This project is pretty much abandoned.
Can't say I'm never going to return, but for now and the foreseeable future, this is all there is and ever will be.

Thank you to everyone who downloaded and played this resource pack! Everyone who included this into their videos online or just went on to build some pretty spaceships.

Sincerely hope everyone is doing good.

Cheers everyone and never forget rule of acquisition number seven: Keep your ears open.

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02/09/2020 8:59 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
wiredawgy's Avatar
I cant wait, I am creating a star trek game for the xbox, and I am converting resource packs over to that version. It has been a blast. When you are finished, I would like your permision to use it in my game.
06/25/2019 2:50 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ninja
ERT_Master's Avatar
Norton decided that the download wasn't okay
08/21/2019 2:55 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
ChrisRyot's Avatar
sorry to hear that. It should be fine. At least I didn't do any weird shenanigans with it.
06/25/2016 5:58 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Varient's Avatar
When do you think you will update this to 1.10?
I'm making a Star Trek Ship and some of the textures are glitched with the pack because it's a 1.8 pack in 1.10.2.
Please let me know if you will ever update the pack.
11/12/2017 5:18 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
ChrisRyot's Avatar
Oy...apparently it's been about a year since you've written this comment.
I'm afraid it's more than just highly unlikely that I will continue this pack. I've unfortunately lost all the texture stock for this pack so...yeah. That sucks. I'd like to do a little update, but somehow it doesn't seem to be worth the time anymore
11/09/2015 10:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
MrLOLCraftLP1's Avatar
Chris!  Wieso war es so viel Methan-Gas auf der assimilierten Erde in First Contact?
Jedes Dröhnchen ein Tönchen.
11/07/2015 10:47 pm
Level 29 : Expert Robot
LeonSteamhawk's Avatar
I don't even know much of Star Trek, yet this is a very awesome-looking pack! Good job! :)
10/29/2015 12:42 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
MrLOLCraftLP1's Avatar
Es geht immernoch nicht mit den schildern versuch mal den Hintergrund zu verändern
10/28/2015 1:02 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
MrLOLCraftLP1's Avatar
Ω du weist was das bedeutet oder
10/29/2015 10:46 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
ChrisRyot's Avatar
sicher doch :)
und zwar nicht nur, weil ich das griechische Alphabet kenne :D
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