♡ The Moonlight Warrior ♡ Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Oc&LoreJam.

Minecraft Skins

♡ The Moonlight Warrior ♡

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xDarkStarUltimax's Avatar xDarkStarUltimax
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
♡ (This was made for Miss Shroom's Jam contest!) ♡

♡ (This skin was made by me, the hair I found on this website: hair) ♡

☆ Hello! I'm Leona, but many know me as The Moonlight Warrior or The Realm Warrior.

You're probably wondering how in the world I got such a nickname like that. Well let me tell you all about it, but first I'll tell you a little about me.

I'm 16 years old, and I've loved the outdoors since I was a baby. I also love reading, writing in my journal, and writing stories, although I don't really share them with anyone. Many people say I take after my mother in that way, although I really wouldn't know. I have an older sister named Elizabeth, but no one has seen her in 13 years (since my mom died). When she disappeared she was 10 years old. She is 23 year old now, well that's kinda assuming she's still alive.

My mother died when I was really little (about 3 years old). I can only remember small things about her though, like how she always was looking after some or how passionate she was about the outdoors and reading. I also remember when I was discouraged, hurt, or down she would always say "Life is a test, but don't let it put you down. It will always try to find some way to challenge you no matter what. When life gives you a calling or a test don't run and hide from it, listen to it and take it on. Don't let anything else tell you otherwise my sweet little princess." I do dearly miss my mother, but I know she will always be in my heart.

Life was hard after my mother died, she was the peace maker and she was always kind to Everybody. She even had a way of making friends with the enemy. After her death all were deeply saddened. Many people start causing more and more chaos and crimes. Lots of the villagers were either badly hurt or injured from them doing various dangerous things. The King (my dad) did everything in his power to make peace and stop this violence, but nothing seemed to ease ever one form the pain of losing their beloved Queen Isabella of Everdoc. As I grew up I always hoped that someday all this chaos and destruction would all go away. One night, when I was only 13, I heard loud cries outside my window, more commotion than usual. I remember being very scared. I snuck out of my room and looked around for any sign of anyone, guards, the king (I mean my dad), anyone. Then I heard sounds of some guards, I panicked and hid, but I could still hear what they were talking about. They say something like there were people trying to kill the King and take me away and how they planned to burn down the castle! I was shocked when I heard this. When the guards I heard the workmen and the servants cry out "Fire!" I jumped out of my hiding spot and ran to my room to get my clothes on. I grabbed a sword that belonged to my mother, put on some small armor that my dad, the king, gave me, and ran outside to see if everyone was out. Thankfully everyone was safe and the fire was contained to one area.

I ran to the village and looked around for any signs of people sneaking around, but I did see anything until.................(ink splatters on the paper)

Oh heavens! sorry about that. Now where was I........... Oh right!

Until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I put my hand on my sword, that was tucked in my belt, and spun around to kick them to the ground. I held my sword to their throat and saw it was a guard with a black cloak on!

"State your business. Who are you and what are you doing? Who sent you to assassinate my father and take me away? Speak now!" I said in a stern tone. Then he spoke in a raspy voice, "I am Titus Warrior of the Seven Realms and the king of Star Valley sent forth a task for me to kill the king of Everdoc!" he grinned mischievously,"Plus what can a little prissy princess do to me? You're just a child and everyone knows that children are little weaklings." Titus added with a chuckle

"I think you might wanna rethink that, Titus, because I think life is going to be much harder for you now." I said with a straight, serious face.

"Whatever do you mean, you silly, weak child?" Titus said as he reached to grab his sword but found that it was no longer there.

"Oh are you looking for this?" I said, twirling the sword around in my hands, "What are you surprised a weak little child out witted you or have you just realised that I'm no weakling after all?" I added with a smirk.

"H-how in the name of the king did you even get that without me noticing, you little thief! You're still just as weak though, I bet you couldn't even face me in a small sword fight." Titus said with an evil chuckle.

"Oh I have my ways. Here and now I will stand against you and show you how strong I actually am." I said as I tossed the sword to him. He looked at me with invigorated spirits and got his hand on the sword and struck me down with a lash to the arm. He smirked with a chuckle. Guards heard all the commotion and ran to my side to help me. "Guards, this is my fight and I will finish it." I said as I picked myself up, raised my sword, and struck Titus, but he blocked it. As we fought I could tell that something was making Titus languish from the fight. When he didn't suspect a thing I stuck him in the chest and pinned him to the ground. "So how does it feel to lose to a "weak child"? I said with a cocky smirk.

"Oh well I don't know, but how does it feel to die trying to prove your weak little self in front of everyone." he said as he grabbed his sword and whispered, "prepare to die you weakling. This is for you my dear brother and for all the pain they had you pay. I will make you pay for this!" The guards pushed me out of the way and blocked the blow. I picked myself up and ran. As I ran I tripped over my boots and fell to the ground out of breath. My arm was still bleeding and I had scratches on my face. Thankfully I escaped with only some deep wounds and scratches, but I had no Idea where I was. I started to languish, so I sat down under the shade of the gracious, misty tree. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to rest before I heard the sound of horses coming this way. I got up as fast as I could and started to run. I heard the men on the horses crying out to me, but I kept running with the fear of if I dare stop I would be in grave danger.

"Miss! Miss! Wait up, miss. Please don't run!" I heard one of the men call. I didn't listen though. I ran and ran until I could run anymore. I thought I had lost them, but I heard a man cry out again. I had no time to stop. As I ran I tripped over rocks, tree stumps, and my own feet, but this time when I tripped over a rock, I fell to the ground striking my leg and head on the hard, rocky ground, and then everything went black. The men on the horses found me and took me up on their horses. They carried me to a village of not my own, and tended to my wounds from the fall and from the fight. When I woke up I was laying on a bed in a bedroom of a small, but well kept house of one of the men on horseback. Later the men explained to me how they were on their way back from the village of Star Valley to their village of Ever Glades, and they saw me wandering through the woods and figured I might be lost. After explaining everything to me, I told the mysterious man that I needed to get out and get some fresh air and that I didn't quite trust him and his friends. Before I had set out, the mysterious man revealed his name to me, "My name is Azrael, warrior of the sun, as well as a guard to my dear Lord Cassiel, m'lady. My friends here are Elves from the Elvin forest called Hollow Grove. This is Elivina or Ellie, m'lady. And this is Aveley, Elivina's younger sister. We've been friends since childhood." the mysterious man said, trying to make me feel more at ease.

"Why are you telling me this? Also, as do why you trust me with such information in the first place. You just barely met me and you're opening up to me so much" I asked with much confusion.

"I just feel the need to trust you. You have something queer about you that makes me feel I can trust you, Lass. It's almost like I feel like you have something magical to you. It just makes one scratch their heads with desperation to know what this queer presents is. I must know where are you from and what's your name, Lass. Please, I must know. Do you by chance have a blood line to a power?" Azrael said in quiet desperation.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, the both of you, but I don't feel too much safe to tell you such of where I come from, or if I have a blood line to a power. Please forgive me, you guys seem like very nice people, but I need to get some fresh air. I best be on my way now. Please forgive me for cutting things short." I said as I was getting up to get some fresh air, "Also, you wanted to know my name, well it's Leona." I add on my way out the door to the lovely abode.

"Very well then go ahead and get some fresh air and we can talk a bit later." Azrael said, trying to raise his voice to make sure I heard.

"So it will be." I said, then I was off. I wandered around the village of Ever Blades for a bit, but then, as I started to wander around the outskirts of the village I stumbled upon three powerful items that I recognized. My mother had told me of a story of Three Warriors, when I was younger. They each had items that possessed great power. One the Lunar Warrior, Celeste, who was the guardian of The Moonstone, two The Realm Breaker, or The Realm Phaser, River, who possessed the power of The Realmstone, and three The Emerald Warrior, Ember, who possessed the emerald staff that had unimaginable power upon who could curse anyone to a unbounding place. This place is where nobody would ever want to go. These three warriors were called the Guardians Of The Lunar Alignment, and their legacy still lives on today. Oh, I almost forgot the three guardians were from the enchanted village of Castaway. Anybody who were to get a hold of these three items and merge them together could result in dire consequences. Consequences that no one could ever imagine. Quite a scary thing to think of but it is all true. So that's why I knew it was my duty and my responsibility to take great care of these three items, and never let them fall into the wrong hands. I couldn't trust anybody, not even the closest people or friends I knew. I also couldn't tell anybody about what I had found that day.

Many people think that The Guardians of the Lunar Alignment is just a silly fantasy story that little kids learn or just a simple legend, but it is indeed real. And it's indeed very dangerous if anyone under the authority of dark magic were to get a hold on these items and were to merge them together. When merged, it could destroy an entire Village just in seconds and possibly wipe out an entire population. I took it upon myself to protect the items and keep them safe and to try to use them to help my village.

I couldn't let anyone see my findings so I grabbed my backpack and stuffed the Warrior items. As soon as I knew the items were secure in my backpack, I ran back to the mysterious man's, ehh, I mean Azrael's humble abode. When I got there I told Azrael, Elivina, and Aveley that I needed to be on my way back to Everdoc and that I had business back at home. "I must be on my way. This business is very serious and I must tend to it Immediately." I said.

"We will be accompanying you." Azrael said in an ordering voice.

"Azrael is right. We mustn't let you go alone. After all, you're the princess of Everdoc!" Elivina said with a wink and a knowing smile. Aveley nodded in agreement with what Elivina and Azrael had said.

"W-what! N-no! You can't. How did you know I was the princess of Everdoc! You just can't. It's way too dangerous! No, I can't have ANYONE else getting...........h-h-h....hurt." I said as my eyes started to tear up and thinking about my people, my village. "I-I-I can't." I added with my head down.

"Hey are you ok? I'm sorry if I said something wrong. And I'm an Elf. I know a lot of things. After all, I'm over 900 years old." said Elivina.

"W-what? I-I...How is this possible...." I said with still tears and my head down.

Azrael walked over to me and lifted my head up and said, "H-hey, what's wrong? Is everything ok, are you ok? Did we say something wrong? Why don't me, eh, us accompany you?"

"Mmmh, I-I......m-my home....my....No you can't accompany me!" I said, a little shaken up.

"Hey, If you don't want to tell us it's alright, but please tell us are you ok?" Elivina said, understandably.

"I-I'm alright. I'll be fine, but I better be on my way now." I said.

"Wait, uh, please, let us accompany you. It will be safer and we may be of help to you. What say you, Lass?" Azrael said.

"Eeeeeh, errr, f-fine, but you guys must be very careful" I said, "Let's take our leave."

"Alright, you have my word to be careful, but would you be ok with me being your temporary guard? I would protect you with my life. What say you?" Azrael said confidently.

"Eh, I mean I'm fine, but.......fine you can be my guard, although I don't really need one." I said.

"Great! Now that things are settled. Let's be on our way." said Elivina.

When we got back to my village of Everdoc, I saw Titus standing in the center of the village holding a knife to my father's, the king's, neck. My eyes grew big and ran to him. "F-father!" I said.

"Leona! WAIT!" Azrael said.

"Hahaha, look who came back. I thought you were some coward who ran away like a baby. I guess I was right, children are weak and cowards! Now be a good girl and hand over your relic, all your power and your village to me and no one gets hurt." Titus said with an evil look in his eyes.

"N-no never! I would never give up any of these things! Especially given to you!" I said

"Why now, don't be rash now. I wouldn't let the king's death lay in my hands now. Now if you want everything to go well and no one gets hurt you better do what I ask of you."

"Never! W-why would I ever do such a thing." I said. Just then I remembered the items of The Guardians of the Lunar Alignment. I had a plan! I told Azrael about my plan. I was to run to the castle, get armored up and make sure I had my sword. I was to grab the items from my backpack and merge them together to make them one staff. Azrael was to fight and distract Titus while I got prepared. Aveley and Elivina were to use their magic to protect Azrael and I. Elivina went with me. Aveley stayed with Azrael. Once the plan was in place, Elivina and I ran to Azrael and Aveley's sides to fight Titus. I took on Titus and Elivina, Azrael, and Aveley took on his guards.

"Haha, so you think you can take me on?" Titus said. I had no response, just stood before him and stared him in the face with a glare of an Alpha wolf. "Well I see you have nothing to say. Haha, such a weak child! I can not believe you don't even care in the slightest bit about the repercussions you risk taking if you follow through with this fight. I will come out on top, just in case your weak little mind forgot." Titus said.

"Oh I am well aware of the repercussions and the risks I'm taking. And that risk I'm willing to take to save my people, even if that means sacrificing my life for them. What do I have to lose? Now unhand the king and fight me like the caworded you are!" I said

"Well, well, looks like someone is trying to be a hero. Well sorry to crush your dreams, but you aren't winning this. No a chance." Titus said as he unhanded the my father and thrusted him to the ground. I motioned for him to run, and he did. Aveley made sure that he was safe and hidden away. Titus and I fought and fought, until I struck Titus to the ground. I could tell he was surprised by me stiking him down. I pinned him down and the guard who were loyal to my father grabbed Titus and arrested him. The guards had no free will to do anything, they were being forced by Titus to do whatever he pleased. A couple days later Titus was executed by my father, the king for threatening our whole village in the Royal Family.

A month later, I was called the Warrior Princess! Azrael became my official guard, Azrael later told me that Aveley was his sister and that Elivina was Aveley's best friend! I was soo shocked to hear of this news of Aveley being his sister. Things seemed to all be well and at peace for now. I helped restore the village and vowed to protect and fight off any evil or threats that came to pass on my village, no matter what. I was to fight against those who sought to misuse the items' power, and later my bravery and determination were soon to earned me the titles of "The Moonlight Warrior" for saving and protecting villages under the cover of Moonlight and "The Realm Warrior" for the many time I would save cursed people and ordinary villagers from the void or different realms. Later my actions inspired others to join my cause, and together we were able to restore peace to the village of Everdoc.

I never forgot my mother's words of wisdom and always remembered the love and kindness that my mother brought to the world.☆

♡ Hi y'all! I hope you enjoyed my story and thank you so much for taking the time to read it! And soo sorry it's soo long. Love you all soo much! ♡

♡ Love,

xDarkStarUltimax ♡

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04/18/2023 6:58 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
xDarkStarUltimax's Avatar
♡ Hi y'all! I hope you enjoyed my story and thank you so much for taking the time to read it! And soo sorry it's soo long. Love you all soo much! ♡

♡ Love,
xDarkStarUltimax ♡
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