Miner-Genzhik, the Earth's savior from the underground. Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Miners and Cave Dwellers Player Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Miner-Genzhik, the Earth's savior from the underground.

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Fates's Avatar Fates
Level 49 : Master Procrastinator Artist
Miner-Genzhik, The robot that lived centuries underground, with the goal of saving the Earth.

In the year 2457, in a post-apocalyptic Earth, that year, there were no more living beings on Earth, but a robot was still alive.

This robot was built in 2033 by a very intelligent scientist and archaeologist, this robot has an artificial intelligence, capable of being more intelligent than a human being.

This scientist first created him to help with his research, but after a while, the scientist had a serious disease, and died in 2035, at the age of 81.

The scientist was doing a research on an underground cave, extremely hidden on Earth, he could not even confirm whether that cave really existed.

According to the scientist, this cave was found in prehistoric times, in the cave he could see some clues that, possibly, there was something miraculous in that place.

It was a labyrinthine cave, but in the center of it there was something that, probably the return of a person's life, could happen in the center of that cave.

For there was a small source of water, or some liquid similar to water, but it was transparent, and it shine a lot.

And again, according to the scientist, a deceased person who entered that water, and remained in it for 8 hours, that person's life would miraculously return.

And in prehistory, this water source was possibly used a lot when discovered, but for some reason, it disappeared from everything, and from everyone, for unknown reasons.

But then, what did this source really make Genzhik the savior of Earth? So.

After the scientist and archaeologist who created Genzhik died, the robot was in a severe depression, yes, the machines also have feelings.

He started to feel useless, thinking that his scientist died because of him, the scientist had very good health, and could live up to 100 years.

But a disease came to him, it is unknown where, and now Genzhik is depressed about it, thinking it was all his fault.

Continuously depressed, and the world was still healthy, for the time being, until an alien arrived, threatening that he would dominate the Earth.

This left the Earth and all its inhabitants worried and afraid, years passed, and even centuries, nothing happened.

Some people were even more afraid, the people of the past, who passed on to the people of the future, were even more afraid, thinking that the longer it took, the worse the fate of the Earth would be.

But Genzhik, in 2035, saw this alien, threatening the Earth, and by 2035, NASA was already confirming aliens from Mars, but did not confirm that, they could be a threat to Earth.

From then on, Mars could no longer be considered a planet to befriend or possibly a second place for Earth's inhabitants to live, of course, with permission.

NASA confirmed that, yes, the alien did inhabit Mars, and incredibly, the alien had a giant resemblance to humans, something NASA didn't know.

But, the device they had, of enormous technology, a device capable of making the whole Earth hear your voice.

But don't think it was an extremely loud voice, leaving those closest to the alien's location deaf, it optimized, and made everyone hear, loud, and making no one deaf.

The device was able to 70% of the Earth hear the alien's voice, enough to spread to the rest of the 30% that was probably the other side of the Earth, farther away.

The alien was detected visually seen in Asia, only Asians who saw the alien with the naked eye, who was in a kind of ship, threatening the Earth.

From then on, the whole Earth, everyone, began to prepare, space soldiers were preparing to make defense weapons, in case of any type of attacks on Earth.

In 2035, the Earth had 6 billion inhabitants, the Covid-19 pandemic had ended in 2028, leaving 2 billion dead, yes (I just don't expect that in real life).

So, the Earth no longer had its 7 billion inhabitants, but it was recovering, and a lot.

After all this, Genzhik felt that, he should revive his scientist, from all this, he, alone, without the help of anyone, and only with what he had in his anatomy, was the search for the underground source, to try bring your scientist’s life back.

Years passed, Ae he did not find, decades passed, and he did not find, centuries passed, and he did not find.

Then 2411 arrived, that year, the Earth had an impressive number of inhabitants, 15 billions, and high technology, new countries, and natural satellites that the rich lived on.

But they were not the rich of millions or billions, they were of quadrillions, yes, the money on Earth reached absurd levels.

But Genzhik, very old and weak, was still trying to find that source, he hasn't stopped since 2035, but he was already very weak, and was giving up, until then, it happened.

And what happened? The aliens from Mars, they came back, and as some inhabitants predicted, yes, they were correct, they came back with incredibly powerful weapons.

At that moment, a war started, with the Earth defending itself, and with Mars attacking, yes, the beginning of the greatest war of humanity begins.

So everyone on Earth, very desperate, and several on Earth also tried to attack Mars, but it was a planet far superior to Earth.

Mars had only 700 million inhabitants, and it beat the Earth to humiliating levels, the Earth was strong, but Mars was more, 30x more.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? Yes, but the war passed, and it came in 2436, which was the year that, on Earth, there were already less than 100 million inhabitants, and Mars still had 230 million, as it is.

The war lasted many years, but the Earth lost, 100 million were confirmed alive, but most were on satellites hidden in the galaxy.

The rest of the inhabitants were intending to travel in the galaxy, trying to find another Solar System to live in, but they were not successful, Mars found them before.

Arrives 2454, Genzhik was almost dying, and the Earth, in that year, already had inhabitants of Mars, and about only 50.000 inhabitants of the Earth, who were the ones who joined Mars.

And Genzhik was looking for that source, but he wouldn't give up, but the year has come, this year.

The year 2457, in that year, after much digging, after much effort, and after much strength, Genzhik, found the cave, yes, finally, after 422 years.

He had not yet reached the center, because as I said, this cave was labyrinthine, very labyrinthine, that is, there were more things, until the time came that Genzhik fell to the ground.

He, lying on the ground, he was only a few days in the cave, but he falls to the ground and, he starts to not be able to move anymore.

But on it, there was a button, that button, your scientist never told what would happen if someone pressed it, it seemed that this could be Genzhik's only hope.

He, very slowly, pressed that button, and it appeared in his mind, what that button would do.

And what he said: "If you accept, you will have a power, but a consequence" that was all he said, Genzhik thought about it a lot, it was a difficult choice, but he accepted.

After that, Genzhik started to grow a lot, weapons started to appear on his body, and he was impressively 6 meters tall, and his normal size was 1 meter and 40 centimeters.

He was surprised, and he wondered, why, he soon realized that after that, he was pretty sure that, he could save his scientist, but after a while, he heard a little message.

And the voice said, "The world is in need of your help" and the only thing he thought was that the Earth was in serious trouble, and he didn't even know it.

He also wondered if, his scientist already knew all this, that is, the future of Earth, and its devastation of aliens from Mars.

This increased Genzhik's optimism, and he continued to look for that source, and he really, FOUND!!!

After finding it, he wondered now, what he was going to do, he had a lot of weapons in his body, so he thought about the following.

He only used one of his weapons, to get out of that excavation that seemed to be eternal, and he returned to the surface after 422 years.

Then he arrives, and begins to see the aliens from Mars around him, and then begins a second war, Genzhik, totally alone, against Mars.

And Genzhik, easily defeated all the aliens on Mars, until the moment came when Genzhik defeated the last one, he traveled to Mars, and defeated EVERYONE.

So, what became everything, no living thing? Just Genzhik on Earth and Mars?No, remember the source? It was not discovered by accident.

As the source only works with those who recently died, Genzhik had to revive the aliens from Mars, because of Earth's inhabitants, none could be revived anymore.

He will revive two of them, a man and a woman from Mars, both of whom were the last to die.

Genzhik, arriving at Earth, and arriving at the cave, he started to feel a little weird, at the moment he didn't care.

But he arrives at the cave, and he falls, and he can't put the bodies in the source, he falls and again, he can't get up anymore, he started to realize the "consequence" that would be.

At that moment, he started to feel an extreme sadness, because went all by accident, he killed everyone, and he was unable to revive two to restart the Earth.

But miraculously, the bodies were taken to the source, looking like a telekinesis power, but who could do that?

Was it the scientist from Genzhik who did this? Then at that moment, a voice came out of Genzhik's mind again, who was falling with a lot of sadness and frustration.

And the voice said: "We can't do everything we want, we have limits, and those limits always have a consequence, regardless of how much it happens".

At that moment, Genzhik hung up, and fell to the ground, probably, Genzhik deceased...

After a few hours, the two at the fountain, were there, and yes, THE SOURCE IS TRUE!! The two returned to life, with amnesia and without knowing anything.

At that moment, a new world begins, and Genzhik will be remembered forever, the hero who restarted the world.


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10/08/2020 1:14 pm
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
FlizAltiya's Avatar
Went to town on that lore. Will have to read it all at some point.

But yea nice work
10/08/2020 5:58 am
Level 36 : Artisan Fish
AphoticGoblin's Avatar
9.5/10. ITS AMAZING. I love it. The story, the shading, everything about this skin I love. The only problem is that the head got way darker shadows than the rest of the body. Try making the rest of the body's shadows as dark as the head's shadows are.
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