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StarTrek Alive The Ultimate StarTrek Role playing Experience Whitelist 1.4.6

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Level 25 : Expert Mountaineer
StarTrek Alive The Ultimate StarTrek Role playing Experience Whitelist 1.4.6
Status Offline Pinged: 05/13/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Since I dont have the money for server hosting (yet) the serer isnt 24/7. We will be online from 3pm-10pm pacific standard time. If you want this to change drop a donation off on our website all donators are auto ranked up to Captain

How Can You Join

You must use this texture pack shipyards.freeforums.org/download/file.php?id=492
And one of these skins www.mediafire.com/?ok2hrlx4idh1rrb
Tactical = RED
Engineering = YELLOW
Science/Medical = BLUE
To get whitelisted head on over to our website, sign in or sign up, then fill out the form on the recruitment page and you will be accepted or denied within 12 hours (usually pretty quickly)

Whitelist Application
his/her back story (at least a paragraph) -

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7.Have Fun

This is StarTrek Alive the ultimate star trek role play experience.

Prepare to emerge into a world of vast possibilities where we put you in the driver seat.

Choose one of 4 career paths

Tactical Officer - Your job is to keep tactical operations such as weapons running smoothly you are also required to protect the base from intruders and ensure the safety of all who are on board
Pros - You are part of the security force now which means you get weapons and access to restricted areas
Cons - You cant fix any problems hazardous to the crew you can only keep the areas clear and you cant help injured crew members
Equipment - Set of Chain Armor, Phaser(bow), Phaser Batteries(arrows), Lt Cmdr and up get access to restricted areas

Engineering Officer - Your job is to keep the base afloat by keeping all systems up and running such as the warp core
Pros - You are able to fix any problems around the base and you are given temporary build rights to certain areas that have been damaged and Lt Cmdr and up get access to restricted areas of the base
Cons - You cant defend yourself against attackers and if you are hurt you need a medical officer to heal you
Equipment - Set of Iron Armor, Tricorder(wooden axe)

Medical Officer - Your job is to heal all the sick or injured crewman on the base
Pros - You get to heal people and have access to some cool stuff
Cons - No way to defend yourself besides fists
Equipment - Set of Golden Armor, Hypospray(apple)

Science Officer - Your job is to keep the bases non essential functions such as sensors up and running sort of like an engineering officer but with secondary systems only
Pros - You get the fun of being and engineering officer without as much work
Cons - You are limited to secondary systems and less important missions
Equipment - Set of Golden Armor, Triocorder(wooden axe)

How the ranking up will work (once I implement it of course)

Basically each year I will start a new season
Within each season there will be a new series every 1-3 months
Withing each series there will be a bunch of new missions for each career path
After you turn in a mission it will be recorded, once you complete enough missions you rank up

More than 10 ranks available

Cadet - Default rank very little permissions and you must go through Star Fleet Academy to have access to the map
How to Achieve - Default Rank
Pros - You have taken your first steps toward becoming a Captain
Cons - Not much to do

Crewman - Lowest rank you don't get missions yet instead you are the personal assistant to any officer who may require assistance
How to Achieve - Complete StarFleet Academy
Pros - You get to make a first impression on the senior officers because you are required to assist them
Cons - You are still young so the senior officers don't trust you with missions so you have to help them out with their tasks

Ensign - You may go on missions of easy difficulty but have limited permissions
How to Achieve - Prove to the senior officers that you can handle yourself on the Starbase (get to know some staff by introducing yourself)
Pros- You are a full fledged officer now which means you can undertake any available mission and you have worked your way into the senior officers point of view
Cons - You are still young and have much to prove which means you are generally ignored and your ideas are shot down

Lieutenant - Access to all easy and medium missions and a seat in Junior Officer Meetings and access to the Holodeck
How to Achieve - Earn 1000 credits and buy the next rank
Pros - You are really proving yourself you have earned a seat in Junior Officer Meetings and you can relax in a nice Holodeck simulation with access to all available Holodeck programs
Cons - You are still inferior and your ideas don't usually make it past Junior Officer Meetings

Lieutenant First Class - You can play hard missions
How to Achieve - Earn 5000 credits and buy the next rank
Pros - The senior officers finally trust you to handle tougher missions
Cons - You are still inferior but don't you worry your almost to a position where you can make a difference

Lieutenant Commander - A spot in Senior Officer Meetings as well as Computer Command Input which means creating Holodeck programs
How to Achieve - Earn 10000 credits and buy the next rank
Pros - You finally matter and have a say on what goes on around the base access to all Senior Officer Meetings you are finally a senior officer
Cons - Not too many besides your still not in the top spot

Commander - You get a personal assistant
How to Achieve - Earn 15000 credits and buy the next rank
Pros - You are on the Fleet Admiral's good side now which means you get a crewman to help you on your duty's as long as crewman are available
Cons - none you have a spot on the Fleet Admiral's good side whats bad about that

Captain - You did it you made it to the top of the chain you get to hang out with the big leagues
How to Achieve - Earn 20000 credits and buy the next rank
Pros - You are at the top while you cant attend Admiral Meetings just yet you can give them advice or suggestions for upcoming meetings
Cons - Your career is finished for the most part but if you want to go the extra mile you can work your way into the Admirals Ranks

Commodore - The lowest rank authority over all lower rank officers access to all commands
How to Achieve - must be recommended by a higher rank admiral, must be captain rank, and must pass Admiral Test
Pros - You are officially in charge you are an important addition to Star Fleet you have full authority over all lower rank officers
Cons - You are still looked down upon by the higher members

Rear Admiral - You have access to all commands
How to Achieve - Must apply your self as a role model and an authority figure assist 20 lower ranking officers with mission of any difficulty
Pros - You can recommend captains for promotion to Commodore
Cons - You still aren't fully in charge

Admiral -You have made StarFleet proud to have you on board you have all commands and you can build
How to Achieve - You must prove your worth to me because you will be my go to guy for important matters assist me or any other Fleet Admiral personally in 5 matters of the utmost importance NOTE: IF NONE ARISE A FLEET ADMIRAL WILL START HOLODECK SIMULATIONS WHERE YOU MUST ASSIST
Pros - You are now the one of the second most important people on base which means you can kick people but if you abuse this power you will be permanently relieved of Admiral privileges
Cons - None whatsoever you are in the top spot

Fleet Admiral - This is the highest honor any StarFleet officer can achieve you can do anything you want besides destroying stuff or killing people
How to Achieve - This is the top spot and isnt just given away like the rest of the ranks you must be approved by me and me only
Pros - access to every command and operator status
Cons - NONE

Additional Notes

This is StarTrek in an RPG Similar to star trek online
CreditAtrocities for the map

9 Update Logs

We are coming back : by NEXTGENCRAFTING 11/24/2012 2:13:33 pmNov 24th, 2012

Im hoping to bring the server back online by the end of this year and release on the 1st of january. I still have loads to build but im thinking about removing some floors and working on them while you guys play. I will have missions ready by then and everything will be good to go. All previous people who were opped to build will be de opped and will become normal players. I may be accepting staff applications but probably not until we have been going for some time. Before this server was just "StarTrek" but now comes the "Alive" part so hang tight well be back very soon. While you wait for the server to come back why not spend the holidays with your family and enjoy thanksgiving and christmas.

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05/17/2017 7:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JO99133's Avatar
Bring it Back! Bring It Back!
12/23/2013 9:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
superelienxxx's Avatar
please when is the server back ? It sounds great!
06/12/2013 11:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sean2709m's Avatar
whats the ip
06/12/2013 3:52 pm
Level 25 : Expert Mountaineer
Server is down at the moment, for more information go to our website http://startrek-alive.enjin.com/
01/01/2013 11:57 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Modder
PureGero's Avatar
Too much to join..... Why cant it be simpler?
01/02/2013 12:13 am
Level 25 : Expert Mountaineer
I cant let just anybody on
12/23/2012 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
derp009's Avatar
i own the ip and consoel and have nothing running on it yet. id gladly host the server for free on your part from this
12/23/2012 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
derp009's Avatar
I could host the server on my paid 24/7 server and i will give you full access to console as owner. Its already paid for and never goes down
12/23/2012 12:49 pm
Level 25 : Expert Mountaineer
That would be great but theres gotta be a catch
star trek guy
12/07/2012 12:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
star trek guy's Avatar
what is the ip
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