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NotchedFactions - Factions | mcMMO | Builders Wanted

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instantcrafterz's Avatar instantcrafterz
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Status Offline Pinged: 03/06/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to NotchedFactions...
A... Factions Server
A... Nice Server
A... Sentence withou the word "server" in it
A... special place

My special place is now being introduced to the public. Welcome to NotchedFactions, home of me, Rishi, or as people call me ingame, rs2012minecraft. Recently, I lost a server very dear to me, and I decided, hey, why not rebuild it again? Let me find out what I did wrong, by doing what I did again. And I hope you guys will experience it with me.

Recently, my server InstantFactions got griefed by a staff member named "ZentonPlays" and also by a developer (In-game-name is) "ikoi". Please try not to trust these people unless you are them. But, it's your choice, and hopefully your choice is chosen well. I decided that if nobody could be trusted anymore, I needed to find new people to trust.

With the help of my old friends, SwagaroniGS, BaconandBacon, lightening206, PopTarrHunta, PootaMoota, Firemasterex, Splashworks, and a new friend name ConnorPlaysMC, I have now rebuilt this Factions server, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

If you would like to donate, we are setting up an enjin website soon, so be sure to take part in that, and also, if you are kind enough to donate, you will be rewarded a rank by doing so. 35% of profit goes to charity, and the rest goes to the server. Recently also (bad luck right?), I lost a loved one by a blood disease called Leukemia, which basically produces abnormal white blood cells that destroy your red blood cells, and your body will be prone to infection and disease. So I will be donating to the LLS organization with 35% of my profits.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, for leading my insanely long post, and hopefully, you can have fun playing and supporting me, as well as supporting yourself.

Thank you,
  Rishi (InstantCrafterz)

Diamond if you would love to.
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Subscribe if you really love me.
View, and comment if you would <3 to help.

CreditPopTarrtHunta, BaconandBacon, SwagaroniGS, lightening206, others

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01/12/2015 5:56 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
DouglasWarren's Avatar
Just sayin', shouldn't you be able to rollback the old server to before the grief? Or something like that?
11/20/2014 8:24 pm
Level 1 : New Network
HelgaBail's Avatar
Age: 17
Minecraft Username: AlabamaGamer2004
Maturity Level: 8 1/2
Which Position Would you like: Any.
Why should I pick you?: I would focus on maintaining the peace, assisting players in making their ideas reality, and keeping everyone active and entertained. I hate seeing people complain about being bored, and that's easily fixable by conversing with them or suggesting a new idea. I would keep the peace by reminding people of the rules before any situation became too big of a deal, and caring for everyone involved, newbie or veteran. ​ I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial.

In-Game skills?: Well, I am good at stopping arguements and comprimise.

How often can you be on? Almost everyday.
11/16/2014 7:34 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
Onishii's Avatar
Hello! I would like to apply for staff :)

Skype or Email: I'm afraid I'm not allowed to give those out, and I'm terribly sorry >.<

Age: 13

Minecraft Username: F34RTEHR34PER

Maturity Level (1-10): 10

Which position would you like? Admin

Why should I pick you? I believe that I should be picked since I am very honest and trustworthy. I don't judge people. I have a mature sense of humour that I won't use for my own satisfaction, but others's (sorry about my grammar, haha). I would never even think of abusing the powers bestowed on me, and I'd punish people accordingly. I will gladly answer questions or pleas for help. I welcome every new player with happiness.

What are your in-game skills? Well, I'm good at getting jobs done and getting along with people. I work hard and quickly get arguments resolved.

How often can you be on? Well...almost all day on the weekends. I may not be on often on the weekdays, as I have school.

Thank you for reading this :)
If I am to get a position, feel free to PM me :)
I'll be on in just a moment to say hi and get my bearings around the server!

11/16/2014 6:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
finntalez's Avatar
Skype or Email: please accept me, i do not have skype but i am still a huge help

Age: 16

Minecraft Username: FinneyM

Maturity Level (1-10):9

What position do you want? admin

Why should I pick you? You should pick me because i am a one of a kind Finn unlike any other, but i still can get the job done! Also, i am funny and don't cuss often and can fix any problem. I work well with others and am good with my powers(i don't abuse any given permissions). I have rightfully earned admin twice and co owner once, i do not like to be treated like a slave, but a friend or ally is great! I love to help newcomers and give them the gist of servers.

What are your in-game skills? if me building a detailed ancient greek acropilis not just for a good staff position, but to earn trust and respect answers your question than the case is closed

How often can you be on? between 3:00-6:00 (pm)California time on week days and between 10:00(am)-4:00(pm) on weekends. PS- the server sounds great, i hope that i make it into the team and can get to work immediately!
11/16/2014 6:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
instantcrafterz's Avatar
Come online, and we'll be glad to make you staff.
Planet Minecraft


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