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ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar ShinobiCraftTeam
Level 47 : Master Ninja
Status Offline Pinged: 02/12/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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ShinobiCraft Minecraft Server

30 years ago, the Fourth Shinobi War came to an end. "The War of all Wars", as it was commonly named. The war had aligned the villages to fight against a greater threat: The Akatsuki. Hundreds of thousands of shinobi fought and perished honorably. Fathers, mothers, husbands, sons and daughters sacrificed themselves to protect their village, their loved ones and their way of life. But has their sacrifice given the shinobi world a wake up call? Was the destruction of the Fourth shinobi
War not enough to satisfy the villages' lust for power and wealth? Only YOU can influence the shinobi World. Will you band together with your fellow shinobi and spark a new war or revolution? Or will you fight tooth and nail to maintain the peace, and defend your way of life? Whatever your motive, whatever your goal; big or small....only YOU can make it happen.

We present,
ShinobiCraft Minecraft Server

A combination of Minecraft and the Naruto World
A whole new level of gameplay, ShinobiCraft will be a fun-filled Naruto RPG server that is coming your way, never seen before.

The team consists of dedicated professionals that come together from around the world

We will need:
Builders (Urgent)
Interior Designers
Texture pack Degisners (most probably in HD to provide better experience)
Mod makers (experience preferred)
Lore writer

Not sure what some of the jobs are? Refer below

We require a large amount of builders to help build the main structures of the universe e.g. houses, monuments, gates etc. Buildings are to be according to images found in Naruto, if not it can be based upon the village/country and be built accordingly. Builders built exterior structures.

Interior Designers:
In-charged of designing interior of buildings made by builders with reference of existing images (if applicable), if not, a good sense of architecture is possible.

Texturepack designers:
A good texture pack would be needed for best server experience. Those texture packs found around the internet are usually over exaggerated, what we want would be something in-between realism and naruto world. Items would have to be customized to fit the universe theme.

Mod Makers:
Generally, mod makers will make plugins/modifications to help the server fit into the Universe. Jutsus, Clans, Bloodline Limit etc.

Lore Writer:
Since ShinobiCraft is a RPG server, a lore is required to give a life to it. We require good lore writers to come out with great background, create stories etc. to make the server more interesting to play in. Good command of grammer and vocabulary is a must!

Skype: (Recommended to make one for communication purposes)
Experience: (in the job you are choosing)
Samples: (Please show example photos of your builts/ or short lore write ups)
Self intro:
Why you love Naruto:
Ever been banned?:
What will you bring to this server: (Relate to your job would be appreciated)

Before being accepted, you must agree to go through a short test and try out. You will be accepted if you are deem worthy to be part of our team.
Good luck and may you be part of the ShinobiTeam

***Some qualifications are needed for certain job scope as we want a team of professionals to maintain this world and the future of Naruto Shinobi RPG.

Website: shinobicraftofficial.enjin.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShinobiCraft/

Apply now!!

The current completion of the village
ShinobiCraft Minecraft Server

Additional Notes

A new Naruto minecraft server focused on roleplay, bringing you to the next stage of gameplay. We are a team of dedicated staffs presenting you ShinobiCraft. Keen in helping out? Apply now! Need you!

As promised, we are presenting you a list of frequently asked questions.

~Frequently Asked Questions~

1. Is the server releasing soon? When are you releasing? How long more? Can we get a time frame?

We are a dedicated team of people trying to bring the best of Naruto to
Minecraft, but we are too humans and have our own personal commitments.
We are trying our best to make sure that everything is
in working order before we release the server so as to provide the best
RPG experience. Thus, we regret that we cannot confirm when we are able
to get it done. Nonetheless, we are pumping in our efforts into getting
things rolling. It is better to under promise and over produce than the
opposite. Let's not speculate too much, wait and see. Hopefully it will
be mid of this year, hopefully...

2. Is the server F2P or we need to donate to get certain items, clans, bloodline etc?

This server is a Free2Play RPG server and it will be forever. No
donation will make you overpowered. That is power gaming, it strictly
prohibited because it is unfair and affects the role-play environment.
What you get from donations will be rewards such as game currency, lands
etc which do not have full effect on the environment and lore. It is to
keep the game aspect fair to all our players, thus no rich fella will
be able to dominate the game. Rewards such as items, clans and bloodline
can be received if you were to role-play your character well. It will
be determined by GMs/ Admins sole discretion.

3. Can I get the map of the server?

Of course you can-not. We have spent countless of hours building this
map and server with blood, sweat and I guess a bit of tears? What gives
you the right to get your hands on it (and probably make your very own
server with it), it stays and stays only with ShinobiCraft itself.

4. Is the server going to be whitelist?

Yes, whitelist will be in place as a form of filter against trollers.
Like we said, we want to provide the ultimate RPG experience, thus
whitelist is a must!

5. Then how am I going to get whitelisted?

It is very simple. Firstly, you will need to create your own character.
By creating your own character, it means that you have to put on your
thinking caps and write a character biography that includes his
personalities, past history, strengths and weakness etc. We recommend
you to be creative with your character, and it should be original. Any
forms of plagiarism will not be tolerated and you will result in
permanent ban if caught doing so. Why copy others when you have the
freedom to make your own? Like so, no characters should be from the
Naruto anime itself. You cannot roleplay as existing characters from
Naruto. Only when we deem your character is worthy to be part of
ShinobiCraft story, you will be accepted and whitelist. HURRAY!

6. Can I still join without creating a character?

No you may not!

7. Will ShinobiCraft be using MagicSpell Plugins?

Sadly, we will not be making use of the magicspells plugins. Honestly
it is a cool plugin but we find it too simple and mainstream. We have
contacted and join forces with one of the best Naruto modder out there.
Check out his FB page SEKWAH41.
He will be part of the team as a senior admin and the main coder.
ShinobiCraft will be the official server for his mod, though you are
free to play around with the mod in single player.

8. What is planned for the mod?

Currently, we have generated a lot of ideas for the future of the mod.
We shall not disclose, but be sure to look forward to more action and

3 Update Logs

Youtube Teaser : by ShinobiCraftTeam 08/31/2015 3:02:42 pmAug 31st, 2015

A recent Youtube teaser of the konohagure from the server is being linked! Enjoy

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10/06/2018 3:39 pm
Level 41 : Master Ninja
Sachiko95's Avatar
Whats happend to this project? is it still in work? I'd like to join it :)
01/15/2018 9:45 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
PrinceDaniel8's Avatar
I'm trying to start my own server. I like to have all the different Naruto Villages in my Server.
05/06/2017 3:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
petlen123's Avatar
So I'm guessing that this whole thing is completely over? Sekwah hasn't updated the mod in a year and we haven't received any update on the server what so ever, ever since it was released. Iv'e been waiting since you guys said you would release this server only to be updated with delays. Wow
07/26/2017 12:11 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Hello petlen,
Unfortunately we are facing a lot of setbacks during our development such as building and mod. Moreover the Dev team also have personal lives to go on thus making development even slower. Please understand as we hope to have the server up as much as you would like it to, but it seems currently impossible as for now. We will update again if there is any progress.
Thanks for your support

06/06/2017 8:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
justucreator's Avatar
If you want the server to be good quality why don't you shut your mouth! So far this mod is awesome with a little tweaks here and there but they have and need lives of their own, unless your ready to sit at a computer 24-7 to help stfu!
12/12/2016 8:00 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Minecraftsam04's Avatar


13, However never underestimate
ones age


United State

Pacific Time

Skype: (Recommended to make one for communication purposes)


Experience: (in the job you are choosing)
Been playing Minecraft since it first came out

Samples: (Please show example photos of your builds/ or short lore write ups)

Hello, my name is Sam. I enjoy watching anime and oddly enough doing school work. Some things I enjoy doing is building with friends on Minecraft as well as writing stories (not the best tho)

Why you love Naruto:
I love Naruto because of the diversity between characters and how each of them are unique

Ever been banned?:
Not that I can recall

What will you bring to this server: (Relate to your job would be appreciated)
I can bring a member who is mature, hardworking, and an excellent builder. I also enjoy helping people and assisting with issues.

Best Regards, if I'm in or not I can't wait

To see the server progress further, can't wait

12/24/2016 6:33 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Hi Minecraftsam04,

Thank you for applying with us.
We have reviewed your builds and they are pretty well of.
But we have to apologise that currently we are not accepting any new members as we are consolidating the our existing resources and members to get the release up as soon as possible.
We will keep you in mind in the future as the server gets released.

Thank you.
12/30/2016 3:36 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Minecraftsam04's Avatar
Thank you for your reply and I can't wait to see the server up!!

Not to sound like I'm trying to form an argument, and I respect your decision on my application, however, the forum(I know it's old) states that builders are urgent so if you do indeed need help or builders I would love to offer my help at a more convenient
01/02/2017 12:31 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Good day,
As the forum is a temporary platform, we have yet made any updates to the previously written information and thus the mismatch of information and we are terribly sorry about it.
Please check out our Facebook to keep up with the latest update

10/04/2016 5:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
i want to join
Planet Minecraft


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