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Kirbythedog's Avatar Kirbythedog
Level 33 : Artisan Taco
Status Offline Pinged: 11/19/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Server Info

KirbyCraft is a fun , friendly , family with great plugins for everyone.

We have a discord now! discord.gg/Sv3v4T7

We have events almost every single day at our very own growing Event Jungle.

This server is NOT a role play based on the Nintendo game , Kirby , it is named after my old dog.


No spamming

No griefing

No unfair mods

Keep swearing to a minimal

Do not kill players unless you ask them to fight

If you kill someone give them their stuff back

No bullying or being mean to players

Do not ask for admin

Noinappropriatecreations ordiscussions

At least build 10 blocks away from another player

Do not enter people's houses without asking them first

Do not make grinders or xp/mob item farms.

Additional Notes

50 Slot Survival PvP Server. Nuclear Fallout Hosted in Atlanta for miners in the BoshWash. No lag for Europe players.
Teamspeak ip : ts65.gameservers.com:9312

KirbyCraft Minecraft Server

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Kirbythedog 09/12/2015 3:51:38 pmSep 12th, 2015

added teamspeak

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08/14/2017 10:35 am
Level 33 : Artisan Taco
Kirbythedog's Avatar
Server is now shutting down due to college. Nice playing with all of you guys <3
06/11/2016 3:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wheeljack01's Avatar
Hi! I have a player named Penguin_king17 who has both lied, somehow he was able to give himself a nick name and use my username to say sexual stuff, griefed ppupp's and my own house. He has threatened to burn our house down, was building with in 10 blocks of our house, and is using insulting words/phrases. For an example, "I hope your parents get divorced." The griefing really was not too big of a deal, but he broke some blocks off of our house, so we killed him. We then gave him back all of his stuff and he started to complain about "Where's my diamond sword?????" when he never had one. He then said,"Give me my sword or I will report you." So ppupp made him a diamond sword and gave it to him. Once again he said,"Where is my sword?" when we had already given him one. Please just take care of him! I love this server and I don't want people like him ruining it for everyone else! I also am quite worried that Penguin_king17 will grief our house once we both get off, so I took some screen shots of the house complete. (except for the broken window, which Penguin_king17 broke)
06/11/2016 2:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Taco
Kirbythedog's Avatar
The problem has now been handled :) . Also next time please pm me or one of my moderators directly using steam and or skype for a faster solution since we do not check this page that often
09/30/2014 9:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
AnneDane's Avatar
THE 1.8 Update awaits! Patience! I'm calm.. :D

08/26/2014 12:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sailormoongirl1's Avatar
yay bailey lol even though im active on and off its a great server and ive met a lot of nice people!:D
06/28/2014 6:25 am
Level 33 : Artisan Prince
Mishoo's Avatar
Maybe i can take snapshots with shaders? I think you'll like this offer! it'll make the server pics GLORIOUS!
06/28/2014 10:32 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Taco
Kirbythedog's Avatar
:3 yes do it !
05/01/2014 1:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThatDiamondGuy01's Avatar
Hey I'd like to join the sever but I have some questions do single girls show up on the sever I just broke up with my gf and Im looking for some girl who's not afraid to get her hands dirty and leaves me guessing I'm a great miner and have good luck in a mine as long as I have someone protecting me I'm not the best builder in the world dudes and dudets but I'll try I do make videos but my channel isn't up and I will ask constantly if someone wants to skype before my video if u help me i know a lot of people who play minecraft and I'll tell them your sever think about it and skype me at my username I'm using now during the week I'm off until 4 or 4:30 or 5 and I don't get out of school till 3:30 and I'm 12 don't skype me until 4 or I'll skype u think about my offer thanks
05/22/2016 7:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
MegaHaagie's Avatar
Just Call Me East
05/08/2016 3:23 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Just Call Me East's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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