This Map is an entry in the completed Overgrown Builds.

Minecraft Maps / Other

Willoughby - Ruins/ Aka Ruined Arena

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StormWatcher's Avatar StormWatcher
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
For the Overgrown Builds Jam.

Might have gone farther than necessary; Also, not sure how well this stays within bounds of jam.
If it breaks any of the rules, I'll either go through the process to fix it or just take it down.

While the focus was on ruins, the arena is technically functional, due to spawners being located within.

Only really important things to read are the directions.

Some Directions:

Initially when you are spawned in, you'll be in adventure mode. Press the button which should be behind you.

Next, you should be tped to another room. Here you'll be provided with 2 options: Creative mode, and Adventure mode.
Note that this isn't really an adventure map, or even a PvE one per say, just more of something you can explore/fight in adventure mode if you so choose.

Creative mode is peaceful, set to day.

Adventure mode begins at dawn, with the day cycle being on. Mode is normal.

If you wish to go back to the area from which choices you were prompted to make, copy/write this: /function mapfunc:worldrules . Note that this will clear your inventory, so do take that into account, though it may not matter too much.

Some details about the process (Skip if not interested):

Utilized world painter moderately more than normal.
Created at least 3 different possible worlds to use, amounting to at least 15 variants of them total. Ended up with a flat circular world (I spent WAAAAAY to much time on this. I kid you not). Silly, yes.
Also used to adjust biomes after the builds were finished, as well as mountain and the "river" around the early middle part of the project.

Mountain had a weird reaction to being put through world painter, ice oddly no longer being ice beneath a topmost ice block, twice; had to (first time) use fill command all the way around, then place blocks---2nd time less problematic, but still had to place ice by hand on water sources the entire way that time around.

Used world painter to populate landscape with trees, as otherwise there was nothing but a town, a mountain, and a river.

Would have had this done much sooner (as in, likely less than a week, or no more than one)...if I had not had the bright idea to create a town surrounding the arena.

Outside of the buildings, arena and roads are symmetrical. Some buildings are symmetrical as well (usually the better ones).

Contrary to how I normally build, built the arena and town first in (relatively) good condition. Then after done, proceeded to put into a "ruined" state.

Even though I don't think it actually works (and if it does then I need to know so as to disable it), followed a tutorial by Infernal Device (YouTube) for tping new players to a certain area; it did work, but then I figured for what I was doing it might be better not to (unless I put it into the right area, which then it works as it should?).

Other than the mentioned above, predominantly used some functions and adjusted some drops of three mobs. Certain things are given depending on what you decide to do.

Originally, the town wasn't going to have a name. However, when I thought about giving a name, Willoughby fit. It is a reference to an older show our family has so far liked watching when we do, and to me, fit due to the context.

By far the most tedious part of the building for me were the buildings in the outermost ring, or as I began to call it, row 2. You will see a significant downgrade in the building styles and decent building. Not for a lack of trying, though. Nearly burnt me out to not finishing.

Texture, while tedious as well, was not so bad. Perhaps it merely seemed as bad as it did was because of the mental fatigue of building as many buildings as I did, and then having to go through, "ruin" them (not just destroying, but also plant life), then texture.

Had to use a generator for some items used in the "adventure" option, mainly, other than because it was a little easier than typing everything out, because I legitimately couldn't figure out how to get text to wrap in a description, not go off screen. Unfortunately, it is definitely not the tellraw command style, and I will be trying to figure out how to do write out the lines myself. Hopefully.

The area which you are initially spawned was not supposed to actually exist. Instead, the area for the 2 modes was supposed to be the starting area.
Spawn mechanics I do not like now.
Had to remake the option room, as well as create a new room entirely. The main upside is that, for whatever reason, the function which is supposed to exist in the spawn area (mapfunc:worldrules), wouldn't trigger properly, so there ended up being a different initial spawn, and it is then triggered when you press the first button. From there, everything else is nearly the same.

The order of process (more or less): World creating (world painter); initial phases (WP, MC-At first started building a little); Finished world Selection (WP); Began building Arena (MC); Added the first road, then the second, then "center" roads to connect (MC); Added 2 buildings, then added third road [​which was finished after river was included] (MC); Added river (WP) [​took a few tries]; Some more buildings, Started 'sewers' [​so as to justify the water passing through and utilized by arena-same reason river exists.] (MC); Added some more buildings, added a bridge, textured roads (MC); Added mountain [​because I figured the water needed to be justified somewhat, as well as the landscape being flat-took some tried to get one somewhat acceptable], some issues with ice not being ice, filled, road texture finished, small mine shaft with path made [​nothing much] (WP, MC); Finished sewers [​after some procrastination], added some buildings, added some small 'farms' (MC); Finished buildings to be built(MC); Utilized fire, tnt, and manual destruction to make it easier (MC); Changed biomes (WP); Continued with the 'overgrowth' part, filled land with trees [​even in village] (WP, MC); Added some functions, basic, continued the 'ruination' of area (Datapacks/Commands, MC); Mostly alternated between texturing, overgrowth, ruination, basic world functions and gamerules (MC, D/C); Worked on functions to take break from the 'building' process (D/C); Began re-texturing the road and ground within the village boundaries, continued on with functions (MC, D/C); Alternated between texturing buildings and functions (MC, D/C); Worked on finding a way to wrap text in item description, eventually found a generator (D/C); Finished up everything building-wise [​other than initial spawn] (MC); Began focusing on functions, later spawn area (D/C, MC); Tightening up the loose details of functions, then had to readjust spawning due to some issues (D/C, MC); Completion [​Relatively]

Also, decided to give the world a unique icon, rather than what it had originally. Not necessarily significant, other than is similar to arena in shape.

Background (Real life):

The idea to create an overgrown arena is not really new to me. In fact, this was really an attempt to create a better version of one I made on a semi-survival server (sadly, at the moment it's down, I'm guessing it might be being reset, but could just be down). Plus, I wanted to actually be able to have it where you wouldn't have to worry about destroying something. This definitely ended up bigger than I meant it to.
As for whether or not I think it is an improved version, it's hard to say. In terms of the structure symmetry itself, almost absolutely. In terms of the "overgrown" look? Not so sure. I'd say both would fit more as 'cousin' structures rather than something to compare.

Spawners are placed so that the arena is functional. To ensure it is always functional is partially why the weather is set to thunderstorm; the main reason, though, is that it seems to set the sort of mood the ruins need.

As mentioned earlier, the town, which was literally created because I thought the surroundings to the arena were too empty, didn't originally have a name. However, we had recently watched a few episodes of a certain show a few nights prior, and as I decided to come up with a name, it ended up occurring to me. It is from just one episode, one which was sort of sad, actually. But I digress.

Mob drops for creepers, zombies, and spiders have been adjusted, to sort of fit or reference something, as well as to provide some materials and sustenance. For instance, zombies drop a feather; this is a reference to a version, though I never played it myself (yet), prior to chickens existing and the only way to getting feathers. What version, I don't know for sure. I'll probably look it up later.

There are some other references to some other things, but I won't go into them right now. This entire thing is long-winded as is.

Background (Ruins)

From a time forgotten quickly,
Left behind for reasons unknown;

Whether disaster, natural or not,
'Spite of time, It it has stood.

Willoughby was a town based around one thing, a very sole structure: Its arena. In fact, the town was built after the arena was constructed; prior to the town, it had just been tent-based lives for the few who had lived there.

Why was the arena built? Not for sport; it was a training ground. It had been constructed, hidden away, during a tumultuous war with an evil power, and was one of a few such training sites. In its time many warriors had been made there, and it gained significant repute as a result.

After the evil had been defeated, eventually the town of Willoughby was formed, surrounding this arena, who's original name is lost to time, then called the Arena of Willoughby. To prevent the chaos of some other such towns, it was divided into four quadrants, two rows. In the event that a third row was necessary, there were plans to take care of it with relative ease.

One can eye the changing architecture, style, and material starting from what was called Q1r1, also called the "Founders' Quandrant" (though the true founders had been dead for some time, and forgotten). There is some history in the preferred building styles, but if one does not know how to follow the flow, it began from Q1r1 to the left, to Q4r1, then from Q4r2 to the right.

While unclear what caused the final abandonment of Willoughby and its once-great arena, there has been some evidence suggesting some had begun leaving before the final exodus. There are also some theories that perhaps the town was attacked, and having no walls, was more prone to destruction.
The reason walls had not been built was that when it began, or so it is assumed, it was a town of fighters. Having someone always on guard, and being home to the greatest warriors of their time, walls had not been necessary. By the time it was abandoned, however, there are signs that this was no longer the case. Thus, it seems plausible that this may have been a factor as well.
One flaw in this theory is that the buildings remain surprisingly intact. Of course, it has been noted that the constructors of these structures seemed unusually skilled in the longevity of them, so it is indeed possible that they may have been damaged by some attack but survived the assault.

Whatever the reason it was abandoned, nevertheless, in spite of time, clime, and a beginning corruption according to some reports, it has stood, and still stands, shell of its former glory, but powerful one at that.

[​Sorry if this is kind of cheesy, especially the beginning. My mind could not stop making a story for it as I went along building it, so I decided to include something.]
Progress100% complete

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