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ArdaCraft's Avatar ArdaCraft
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
The Shire

"Forty leagues it stretched from the Far Downs to the Brandywine Bridge, and fifty from the northern moors to the marshes in the south. The Hobbits named it the Shire, as the region of the authority of their Thain, and a district of well-ordered business; and there in that pleasant comer of the world they plied their well-ordered business of living, and they heeded less and less the world outside where dark things moved, until they came to think that peace and plenty were the rule in Middle-earth and the right of all sensible folk."

This is ArdaCraft's recreation of the Shire, the idyllic homeland of the hobbits from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. This forms part of a larger project which seeks to recreate Middle-earth in its entirety.

32 villages have been built in the Shire, as well as around sixty seperate farmhouses (and farmlands around them). There are also areas of wilderness such as forests, bogs, marshes and moorland, many of which have been built by hand and all of which have a meticulous level of detail and thought put into them. Everything is built down to the last word of Tolkien's description, and takes only minimal visual cues from the films. Furthermore, a wealth of historical and geographical research has gone into this recreation - for example, the farmland is based off the late Victorian English landscape Tolkien grew up in, and different rock types and layers have been used to more closely simulate a realistic landscape.

The result is a large, detailed and immersive recreation of the Shire in which you will find places of interest whichever path you take.

The Shire can be viewed from above on ArdaCraft's dynmap. There is no download avaliable, but ArdaCraft is a non-whitelisted server which anyone is welcome to come and explore, provided they have installed our modpack first.

All information can be found in our website at http://ardacraft.me/.
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Project complete! : by ArdaCraft 01/21/2016 5:34:41 pmJan 21st, 2016

The Shire has just been completed! Thank you so much to everyone who supported us - whether you built on the server, took a look around, or just gave us a diamond, it is all greatly appreciated. ArdaCraft now looks to the west...

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01/18/2019 8:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
galahad14's Avatar
Why it isnt singleplayer?
03/01/2016 10:54 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Sus
DaCreepinCreeper's Avatar
You guys never cease to amaze me. :) Good work you guys! Another diamond fro you!
01/23/2016 6:00 am
Level 25 : Expert Modder
SGTRedd's Avatar
So charming! Even a small sample download would be epic....
01/23/2016 7:07 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
ArdaCraft's Avatar
That would only work for you if you had our modpack, and if you had our modpack you might as well join the server.
01/22/2016 3:19 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Daner's Avatar
This is absolutely stunning, I love the rustic feel and how you've really captured the essence and peace of the Shire. I'm definitely going to be visiting later on, this is outstanding work.
01/22/2016 3:56 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
ArdaCraft's Avatar
Many thanks - look forward to seeing you online. Got some WorldPainted terrain you might be interested in taking a look at too. :)
01/23/2016 11:34 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Daner's Avatar
You know me too well! I'd love to have a look at the terrain. Downloading the modpack soon, I'll see you online!
01/22/2016 8:23 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
R3ktInPiece's Avatar
AMAZING! Great job Arda! Will it be updated to 1.7.9?
01/22/2016 10:58 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
ArdaCraft's Avatar
Thank you! We're on 1.7.10.
01/22/2016 12:20 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
R3ktInPiece's Avatar
I meant 1.8, but nevermind I checked it out c;
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