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Rova's Avatar Rova
Retired Moderator
Level 57 : Grandmaster Baconator
Hello again guys!

I've kept myself busy the last couple weeks being on and off work and doing this on the side.
This project is special because I challenged myself to do a remake of an old favorite using my updated building skill set. The reason I chose to remake the Tetrarch is because it holds a special place for me as being the first airship I ever imagined in terms of lore/story. As such, I felt that the ship deserved a facelift of sorts so that I could give it the detail and shape I truly imagine it to have in my story.

I have to say I'm pretty satisfied with the result. I was able to successfully thin out the exterior deck section and really give it that menacing "knife" shape that I wanted. It also seems to flow nicely from the thin main deck to the command area and then rounds out into the aft cannon batteries and crew deck. I personally think this ship looks the coolest from it's top down view, or looking at it from the bottom. (It seriously looks like a dagger!).

Hopefully you'll like it as much as I do!

Lore time!

The Tetrarch, at the time of Arkellian Imperial calender 1780, served as the Empire's flagship. The first airship designed completely by Arkellia's special Arcanists, the ship is both terrifying and wondrous to behold at the same time. Her unique knife shaped profile and feats in battle quickly earned her the infamous nickname "Dagger of the Skies."

The ship has served in dozens of battles, many of them being decisive points in Arkellia's history. Her most prominent role was during the Arkellian Summoners' War. During that time, her Captain, Silas Averrod, led the ship successfully through the battles of Kyussai, Mori, Gurasu, Sabure, Mizu, and Houjokai, all while sustaining only minor losses. The Tetrarch served as a focal point during the battle of Houjokai, which ended the Summoners' war, single handedly taking down at least a dozen enemy ships and disabling the Sky Fortress.

After the war ended, the ship was used by Silas to hunt down and kill any remaining Arcanists in the Empire. During this time, a rebellion formed in the Empire known as the Rogue Uprising. Duties at the Palace prevented Silas from taking the Tetrarch into the field, and so command of the ship passed on to his second in command - Lord Vorath.

Vorath was not as calculating as Silas was (not to mention he was not an Arcanist), and as a result, he lost the ship during a skirmish with Prince Rova's airship Hubris in the skies above Sora province. Rova's crew commandeered the Tetrarch, and together, both ships returned to Mori just in time to quell a siege mounted against the Imperial Capital by the rebel army. The battle at Mori exposed Silas as a traitor to the Empire, and he was killed in the throne room in a duel.

After this point, the Tetrarch's whereabouts remained a mystery... however, the ship has surfaced again 18 years later after a young Arcanist named Valor Navar came across the ship during a quest to earn one of his Arcane Insignias. Valor is now her captain, and he and his crew are currently using the ship for far less nefarious purposes. Instead, he is using the ship to cross the Empire in search of Arcane relics and libraries, hoping to help rebuild the near-extinct Arcanist population.


The Tetrarch has an impressive array of weaponry, which is as follows:
36 Fore Arcane Cannons (able to fire spells)
8 Fore rotating heavy turrets
2 Ship to ship grappling cannons (meant to hold/disable an enemy ship)
2 Aft Heavy rotating turrets
92 broadside medium cannons
28 bombs/rockets
1 Aether Cannon array (the only one in the Empire - the Aether cannon can focus all nine elements of Arcanism into a single devastating beam - at the expense of nearly all the ship's power for about 5 minutes.)

In the event of being boarded by enemy parties, the interior of the ship features ceiling mounted anti-personnel guns located in strategic areas.

She has crew enough for at least 50. The Tetrarch also features a dedicated medical bay, storage area, engineering room, expanded galley, brig, and 6 cannon batteries (4 interior and two exterior).

She's a marvel to look at and explore inside. Come see her on the Mithrinta server! World save coming soon!

- Rova
Progress100% complete

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06/04/2014 6:00 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
Woohoo Airship :D
06/04/2014 6:02 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Baconator
Rova's Avatar
Been a while.  Im working right now to make downloads public so everyone can enjoy them.  :)
10/08/2013 9:43 pm
Level 43 : Master Dragon
Voth's Avatar
You and Lynchyinc's airships really inspired me to start my own fleet. I posted my first today, check it out if you could? It's more of a classic style, built with wood and using a balloon. :)
06/20/2013 12:31 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Botanist
Olly's Avatar
I'm really hoping you're working on something under the hood here, Rova. I miss seeing your airships. :c
07/02/2013 2:16 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Baconator
Rova's Avatar
Don't want to spoil the surprise when it does come. ;P But in all seriousness I do have a few more things on the way, just taking a while because of work.
03/27/2013 4:16 am
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
TalPirateDomino's Avatar
well now I can see what you went through with jerks stealing credit for your ships on servers. recently had gotten a message from some guy on him noticing two of my ships in some guys server and him posting a sign saying he built it, I confronted the admin on it and insisted for him to eaither take it down or give the propper credit...the result was me getting banned from that server. but I now can really relate to why you keep your work exclusive.

looking forward to your next batch rova whatever it may be your ships always amaze me and inspire me.
03/26/2013 10:08 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
TyllarTV's Avatar
This is sick! I could never build something like this lol
02/27/2013 11:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
barri12's Avatar
download please
02/24/2013 11:13 pm
Level 82 : Elite Jarl
MrFruitTree's Avatar
Incredible! As always ;)
02/24/2013 3:41 am
Level 49 : Master Blacksmith
Antlia's Avatar
How do your ships keep afloat? Are they going really fast forward, do they have engines pointed down or do they use magic or what? I do not mean to ask this in a trollish way, as in to point out any flaws (and besides I think you've covered this aspect in your designs) but to hear your take on it, since I'm currently trying to make some good looking airships and am tired of using gas balloons. Still, I'm a rational builder so I can't just make them float with no reason.
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