Minecraft Maps / Minecart

MineLoop (Amusement park/parc d'attractions) 1.12

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Xynoss_2000's Avatar Xynoss_2000
Level 33 : Artisan Network


This map is an amusement park with over 40 attractions, there are normal attractions like the most by parks but it also contains attractions created entirely from the command block.
This map was built in 2 years

Have Fun =P

Progress100% complete

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05/17/2019 2:04 am
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
There aren't that many theme park maps being made nowadays. Downloading this I had no idea what I was getting into. But WOW were my expectations blown away! You guys have NAILED using command blocks and armor stands, something I have yet to even get the GRASP of. Great job! I'll definitely take some of your command block techniques as inspiration for my theme park!

A few critiques though. The theming tends to be inconsistent in most of the rides, being that it doesn't really immerse you into them when walking in. This is due partly because of the boring lines that players have to deal with. It doesn't ground you into the ride. Work on fixing up the lines so that they don't look at boring. The best example I can give you with your rides is Minechafter. More signs would be helpful too. i didn't understand how some rides were supposed to work (the carousel ones) until I messed around with the ride.
Also, it would be useful to have a book in your hand that would teleport you to every ride. If you can pull off these rides with commands I bet you can pull that off too

For the record, the rides that blew me away so far was the Dragon drop one, the Cobra, and Horror. I also noticed there's a purple coaster still under construction. From the looks of it, it looks like it's going to be a fun coaster! I'll look forward to it!
05/31/2019 8:52 am
Level 33 : Artisan Network
Xynoss_2000's Avatar
Thank for your comlpliments and thank you for your constructive criticism, I take your note for upgrade the Futur theme park

Thank you :P
09/12/2021 12:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Antwouane's Avatar
cest quoi ladresse du serv
04/25/2019 2:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
nicenisse14's Avatar
Really great park! I like it, i would take some inspiration for my own theme park im building right now, you can check it out if you want too :)
04/25/2019 3:03 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Network
Xynoss_2000's Avatar
Thank you very much for your compliment, and no probleme for take my ideas, I come on your park with enjoy :P
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