Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

1:1 The World Trade Center Complex by LiamR99

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LiamR99's Avatar LiamR99
Level 51 : Grandmaster Modder
1:1 Scale, The World Trade Center
A tribute build by LiamR99


Never forget. As of today (September 11th 2014, time of project release) it has been 13 years since the World Trade Center was destoyed in the September 11th 2001 attacks. Not only were these beautiful buildings lost but also 3,000 lives innocent lives. Never forget 9/11, the twin towers and the people who lost there lives in this horrific attack. This day will always remind us of how cruel the world can be. My respect goes to the families in New York who lost their loved ones and the brave men and women of the New York fire bregade and police department that died on that day rescuing those injured and in need, never forget.

As a tribute to The World Trade Center, the people who were lost and the heroes of Spetmember 11th 2001, I present to you a fully scaled replice of The World Trade Center, completely up for download!


The inside of the towers and buildings are not built, there is not yet a shopping mall or building 7. However, besides that the main complex is complete and there will always be future updates on this project to come! Finally, because of the world height limit the towers could not get any taller but until a 512 block height (hint hint Jeb ;) ) there is nothing I can do! Sorry!

Please be respectful of 9/11 and enjoy this map!

For ultimate experience I suggest downloading Optifine and GLSL Shaders!

Thank you! - LiamR99

Progress100% complete

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12/17/2018 6:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ttho09's Avatar
seems familiar...
12/14/2015 1:55 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Aa60660's Avatar
Ill be happy to collab with you and to WTC 7 if you'd like.
08/07/2015 3:32 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
+Ace1041+'s Avatar
I'll have you know that someone took credit for your work and got on the pop reel... http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/original-world-trade-center-3409628/ .
Depraved Creeper
09/12/2014 4:23 am
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Depraved Creeper's Avatar
Splendid work!
Jomaster The Second
09/12/2014 1:08 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
Jomaster The Second's Avatar
*Horrible, insensetive 9/11 joke goes here*

Either way, this is a very well made recreation. Never forget, even though I'm Australian.
Depraved Creeper
09/12/2014 4:22 am
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper
Depraved Creeper's Avatar
Statistically, 9/11 Americans won't get this.

There you go.
Jomaster The Second
09/12/2014 4:46 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
Jomaster The Second's Avatar
Dank U
09/12/2014 12:09 am
Level 41 : Master Modder
David5886's Avatar
You know what you should do, after you finish this one, build the new complex, you know with the Freedom tower, and the memorial museum, I love seeing this, you should do the new complex that is currently being built in NYC
09/11/2014 9:50 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
Amazing build Liam thank you for putting such effort and time into this project. I hope to see more added onto in the future. Never forget, and those who died will be never forgotten.
09/11/2014 7:47 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
joc95's Avatar
you want griefers? Cause that's how you get griefers!

joke aside, i haven't seen any modern style buildings in a long time on this site. so good job with that
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