Minecraft Mods

Warriors Four Mod [Wizard][Wands And Explosions!!]

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copper-sulfate's Avatar copper-sulfate
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
Hello! This is my latest in the Warriors Four mod series. This mod will contain 4 amazing Warriors of different talents and abilities. This One contains the wizard, a powerful warrior capable of casting many spells and destroying many enemies.

Installation is easy; drag and drop. The Crafting is covered in the Video by my friend Dr. Chemot.

Lore: It was but a faint summer’s morning when a young merchant, recently expelled from his home land for matters not know, stumbled across a glowing rock. The deviant lad had enough wits about him to slice the bizarre rock. When he did such a unnerving flash of light exploded form the foreign rock and entranced him into a deep sleep. When he awakened from his sleep many a year later, he felt a strong; inane urge to find more of the mysterious rocks. He now wanders the earth taking side jobs as he greedily collects every crystal he can find. 

The Mod: Contains 4 tiers of awesome crystal that you can collect and craft powerful wands and staffs with. I might add more content later but for now be contempt with what it has in it.

Magic Crystal

Back story: the most simple of the crystals. Does not contain very much power but is easy to obtain and a great starting weapon. You can find it in the glowing ore.

The wand: Simple and fun, mainly used for basic spells and really isn’t to powerful.

First Spell: Lucem! When cast, summons a small torch to bring light to the beholder. Good for exploring caves to find more crystals.

Second Spell: Aqua! When cast, summons a block of water. Used to push enemy’s away and keep one out of harm.

Third Spell: Flamma! When cast, summons a small fire. Used to harm and set things a blaze. An attack spell.

The Staff: Can be used once in the most desperate of times. Allows one to escape desperate situations. Sets the world to day time, restores health, and gives experience

The Armor: Basic Armor that gives the wearer the ability to both survive the touch of fire and breath underwater.

Arctic Crystal

Back Story: The Wizard stumbled upon this crystal when he accidently left some magic crystals in the snow while exploring the arctic. When he found them again they gave him warmth, comfort, and security where ever he went.

The Wand: Mainly casts defensive spells. Great for getting out of sticky situations and exploring dangerous territory.

First Spell: Oceauns! When cast, summons a pool of water. Used to trap, but not kill, enemies. Can be used to escape situations involving lava or to get down from great heights

Second Spell: Custos! When cast, summons a small snow man guardian. He will give you some protection but not a lot. Mainly used to escape situations as a decoy.

Third Spell: Domus! When cast, summons a brigade of ice that will comfortable encase you, or trap your enemies. Offers complete protection in case of immediate danger.

The Staff: Can be used continuously to confuse your enemies and give you security. Makes the clouds from above spew rain to confuse on coming enemies as well as summons a iron guardian for enhanced protection. Additionally, it digs strait down, a well of water for you to hide in or drown your enemies in.

The Armor: Gives one additional speed to escape foes and water breathing so as not to drown form one’s own casts.

Inferno Crystal

Back Story: The Wizard found himself constantly berated by rouges and other scoundrels; but all he could do was run away or hide. He though and thought and could think of nothing. He finally got so frustrated he through his remaining crystals into lava in the nether. Unexpectedly, a powerful new crystal emerged.

The Wand: Mainly an offensive wand. Use it to consume your enemies in fire.

First Spell: Mortem! When cast, summons a small explosion. Used for various mischief including killing your enemies, blowing up structures, and dance parties.

Second Spell: Alveous! When cast, summons a small stream of deadly lava. Used to permanently ignite structures and people. A truly powerful spell.

Third Spell: Consto! When cast, summons a ring of fire with a single flame that will never go out. Used as light or to burn, burn, and burn.

The Staff: An amazing sight, when the staff is used a huge radius is set ablaze in beautiful fire. Additionally lava is cast below the surface.

The Armor: Allows one to jump further so as to leap onto enemies. One is also incapable of burring while wearing this armor.


Unquestionable Crystal

Back story: The warriors thrust was never quenched, he thirsts for greater foe. He set his sight on the dragon and with great pain, overcame the beast. From its head flowed a new, unquestionably powerful gem.

The Wand: A truly powerful weapon meant for all out mass destruction.

First Spell: Onerariss! When cast, allows you to teleport to the nether. Good for quick getaways or collecting nether items.

Second Spell: Cavum! When cast, hollows out the earth beneath your feet. Oh and kills those around you.

Third Spell: Cursus! When cast, summons an ice structure that can be connected into either traps or larger structures.

The Staff: Makes the earth shake beneath your feet. Makes the earth explode, and then leaves some tnt to explode in after shock. Really just a fun item.

The Armor: Tons of buffs, allowing you to become almost invincible…. Almost.


Want to help?

Great you can…..
  • Create a spot light.
  • Make some textures.
  • Find out what the unquestionable crystal does.

Input is always welcome and credit is always given.


Create a spell

Have a good idea for a new spell?

Give it a name and write what it does in the comments.


Additional credit

Dr. Chemot: Spot light



Thank you

Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

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Banana Doctor
07/27/2014 8:13 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Banana Doctor's Avatar
What version is this Mod?
07/07/2014 11:42 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Androyd's Avatar
What program did you use to make this mod?
07/08/2014 10:13 am
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
copper-sulfate's Avatar
I coded it in Java using Eclipse as my envoirment. I used Forge to package the Code.
07/06/2014 10:02 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
XEpicMinerXx's Avatar
a loighting spell
07/06/2014 7:09 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
RiverHess's Avatar
Active Crystal

Backstory: The Wizard found himself consumed with the thought of never progressing, always stuck using the same spells and tactics. So, he explored new grounds. He started trying a variety of spells on Redstone, and the particles formed into a gem.

First Spell: Forso! Summons a redstone mechanism in the ground, forming a one block wide contraption, pushing whoever falls in into the nearest underground cavern. with a variety of pistons.

Second spell: Mechanum! Draws a redstone trail from one object to the next, placing repeaters where necessary. Click once on area or object, and again on what it should connect to or stop at.

Third spell: Haltus! Places random redstone trap, ranging from a bridge of anvils rigged to a tripwire, to a 14 block fall, triggered by a pressure plate.

The Staff: Send a bolt of lightning down where you clicked, activating any inactive redstone within a large area, and overloading any previously active redstone within the immediate area.

The Armor: Magically infused technology allows you to teleport to your spawn point after the mechanism charges (gives the function a time limit), night vision, and the ability to activate redstone with right clicking, but as a consequence will give you Enderburn (can't touch water without getting burned).

Hope you like the concept, just something I'd like to see.
07/08/2014 10:18 am
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
copper-sulfate's Avatar
Very Cool! I love the use of redstone and ashamed I didnt think of it first! Ill try to work it into future updates =)
07/04/2014 11:37 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
XEpicMinerXx's Avatar
can you please tell me what thwe wand dose bc i need to decide if i like it b4 i replace my old mod
07/06/2014 12:00 am
Level 36 : Artisan Robot
copper-sulfate's Avatar
I will just update the mod with the information
07/04/2014 11:36 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
XEpicMinerXx's Avatar
07/03/2014 6:57 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
ZachDevv's Avatar
Looks really cool!
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