Minecraft Mods

WarFront [FML] [Over 130 Weapons] [10 New Biomes] [4 instant structures] [100 diamonds?]

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Andrewizard's Avatar Andrewizard
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder


WarFront isn't just a mod its a game changer, it adds a completely new feel to the minecraft environment. With over 200 new items, including over 130 Weapons, 10 new Biomes, 1 new Mob, and fully customizable Pills. With this mod you will be able to see minecraft as it was meant to be seen. And if you thought vanilla minecraft was awesome your mind will be blown away by this mod. Be the first to experience this new form of minecraft and life on the WarFront...

Classes Update:

The next Update will include a bunch of new things, mainly a new class system! In the update I will be adding things called classes and each class will have certain kits and strengths. Their will be 7 (or more) total classes including:

Measured out of 200%.

1. Knight: 80% Strength, 0% Magic, 40% Speed, 80% Defense
Traits: Knockback (Level 3)
Special: Boomer
Melee Weapon: Broad Sword
Projectile Weapon: Long Bow

2. Enforcer: 100% Strength, 10% Magic, 10% Speed, 80% Defense
Traits: Knockback (Level 7)
Special: Charger

Melee Weapon: Enforcer's WarHammer
Projectile Weapon: BlunderBuss

3. Scout: 50% Strength, 0% Magic, 120% Speed, 30% Defense
Traits: Speed (Level 3)
Special: Sprint

Melee Weapon: Dagger
Projectile Weapon: Pistol

4. Thief: 10% Strength, 10% Magic, 150% Speed, 20% Defense
Traits: Looting (Level 2)
Special: Looter

Melee Weapon: Thief Knife
Projectile Weapon: No Projectile Weapon

5. Spy: 50% Strength, 30% Magic, 70% Speed, 50% Defense
Traits: Night Vision
Special: Sneak

Melee Weapon: Flip Blade
Projectile Weapon: Silencer

6. Pyro: 30% Strength, 70% Magic, 40% Speed, 60% Defense
Traits: Fire
Special: WildFire

Melee Weapon: Fire Axe
Projectile Weapon: Flame Thrower

7. Alchemist: 10% Strength, 100% Magic, 40% Speed, 50% Defense
Traits: Potions (Poison, Weakness, Slowness, Instant Damage)
Special: Regeneration

Melee Weapon: Unknown
Projectile Weapon: Potion Gun

8. Tank: 40% Strength, 0% Magic, 10% Speed, 150% Defense
Traits: Resistance
Special: Blast

Melee Weapon: Unknown
Projectile Weapon: Grenade Launcher

9. Archer: 40% Strength, 30% Magic, 90% Speed, 40% Defense
Traits: Speed (Level 2)
Special: Wind Blast

Melee Weapon: Unknown
Projectile Weapon: Archer Bow

10. Shadow: 60% Strength, 60% Magic, 60% Speed, 20% Defense
Traits: Invisible, Night Vision
Special: Teleport

Melee Weapon: Chaos Sword
Projectile Weapon: Unknown

Projected Release Date: Unknown due to armor issues.
Note: This is not set in stone many more things could be added and the release date may change.


1. Download my mod.
2. Download Forge Modloader

1. Go to the start menu.
2. Press Run and search %appdata% locate the minecraft folder.
3. Go into bin and unarchive minecraft.jar with WinRAR.
4. Drag Forge Modloader files into the minecraft.jar
5. Run Minecraft to set it up. If you get a black screen re-download FML and my mod.
6. Quit Minecraft.
7. Drag my mod folders, Mo' Blades and Items into the minecraft.jar.
7. Get ready for life on the WarFront...

1. Go into Finder and select the option Go.
2. In the option Go click Go to Folder
3. Type this is go to folder: /Users/**YourName**/Library/Application Support/minecraft
4. Go into the bin and unarchive Minecraft.jar
5. 4. Drag Forge Modloader files into the minecraft.jar
6. Run Minecraft to set it up. If you get a black screen re-download FML and my mod.
7. Quit Minecraft and go back to the Minecraft.jar and then install my mod folders in minecraft.jar.
8. Get ready for life on the WarFront...


This mod adds tons of new weapons including Maces, BattleAxes, WarHammers, Knives, and custom Staffs. Now the Maces, BattleAxes, WarHammers, and Knives can all be crafted with the vanilla minecraft stuff like diamond, gold, iron, stone, and wood, but they can also be made with Dirt, Snow, Coal, Glass, Redstone, Emerald, Obsidian, and Lapis and they have Sword counter parts too! The custom Staffs can be made to induce potion effects and cripple your enemy or just be a weapon of mass destruction.


There are two different kinds of Staffs, there are the potion inducers and the special ones. The Potion Inducers can be used to cripple your enemy while the Special staffs can be used for teleportation, explosives, and for striking down an opponent with lightning. Here I will go more in depth with them.

Potion Inducers:
- Upgradeable by 3 levels.
- Potion Effects: Poison, Wither, Weakness, Slowness
- Can be combined to make the ultimate weapon.

Special Staffs:
- 3 Different Types: Explosive, Smiting, and Teleporting Staff.
- Explosive: Right Click to explode the ground like primed TNT.
- Smiting: Right Click to smite your enemies with a lightning bolt.
- Teleporting: Right Click to teleport anywhere everywhere.


Sky Color: Teal
Plants: None
Temperature: Freezing
Animals: Groups of Snow and Iron Golems
Height: Large Mountains
Water: Frozen Ponds


Sky Color: Light Blue
Plants: None
Temperature: Very Hot
Animals: Groups of Skeletons and Swipers
Height: Hills
Water: Toxic Ponds

Forgotten Forest:

Sky Color: Light Blue
Plants: Spruce
Temperature: Humid
Animals: Groups of Zombies and Swipers
Height: Large Mountains
Water: Ponds

Mysterious Woods:

Sky Color: Light Blue
Plants: Spruce and Birch
Temperature: Cool
Animals: Rare Cave Spiders and Bats
Height: Large Mountains and Massive Overhangs.
Water: Deep Oceans


Sky Color: Light Blue
Plants: Grass
Temperature: Humid
Animals: Chickens and Cows
Height: Flatland
Water: Shallow Lakes


Sky Color: Light Yellow
Plants: Grass and Oak Trees
Temperature: Warm
Animals: Cows and Pigs
Height: Flatland
Water: Dirty Ponds


Sky Color: Dark Gray
Plants: None
Temperature: Very Hot
Animals: None
Height: Rolling Hills
Water: Ash Filled Water


Sky Color: Light Blue
Plants: Apple and Orange Trees
Temperature: Cool
Animals: Passive Mobs
Height: Rolling Hills
Water: Clean Water

Cherry Grove:

Sky Color: Light Pink
Plants: Cherry Trees
Temperature: Cool
Animals: Passive Mobs
Height: Rolling Hills
Water: Clean Water


Sky Color: Gray
Plants: Dead Trees
Temperature: Warm
Animals: Groups of Creepers
Height: Flatland
Water: Dirty Water


Reinforced Bow:
- 700 uses
- 50% slower

Plated Bow:
- 1400 uses
- 100% slower

Flaming Bow:
- 384 uses
- 50% faster
- Sets Fire To Entities

Punching Bow:
- 384 uses
- 40% faster
- 100% Stronger
- Knockback inducing

Rail Bow:
- 200 uses
- 100% faster


Name: Swiper
Type: Monster/Human
Spawns: Forgotten Forest
Drops: Gold Nuggets and Stone Swords
Hostile Against: Villagers and You
Health: 45 half hearts
Damage Dealt: 3 Half Hearts

Additional Input - JavaBuckets

Note: More Screenshots will be out soon.
My Ad
CreditJavaBuckets for ideas and banner/
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4.7

12 Update Logs

R.I.P. : by Andrewizard 03/19/2013 10:35:43 amMar 19th, 2013

Due to problems and another mod I am working on WarFront will not be updated.

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06/28/2013 12:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cheekynorth's Avatar
is this 1.5.2?
06/16/2013 3:49 pm
Level 45 : Master Musician
UBCS_Karl's Avatar
Really nice job!
04/05/2013 11:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PandarianStudios's Avatar
Can I Do A Mod Showcase On This?
04/03/2013 9:12 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Lumberjack
Boss-mode's Avatar
this is so cool :3
03/24/2013 7:43 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
shhkapuppy's Avatar
How's 1.5 coming? I started on a new mod, but I'm still going to try updating a big one I've been sitting on for awhile and haven't released.
03/24/2013 9:32 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder
Andrewizard's Avatar
I am not going to update this mod or at least not for a while, I am currently working on a multi-dimensional RPG mod. 11 Dimensions!!!
Link The Enderman
03/21/2013 7:36 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Link The Enderman's Avatar
Now this is what i call a mod
03/20/2013 3:01 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Shadow_Master's Avatar
pls update the warfront -_-
03/20/2013 10:32 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Modder
Andrewizard's Avatar
I am sorry but WarFront will not be updated because I am working a multi dimensional RPG mod. At least I wont be updating for a while.
03/20/2013 2:46 am
Level 40 : Master Skinner
N0Mana's Avatar
why is this flagged?
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