Minecraft Mods

Project "Dead Butter" - A SkyDoesMinecraft Fan-Game

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Irvau's Avatar Irvau
Level 28 : Expert Toast
As stated by the title, this is a SkyDoesMinecraft fan-game. Because butter.
Currently, the whole game is just a semi-simple maze. It regenerates randomly upon death, so it should be fresh every time.

It has a handy little launcher that allows you to choose multiple graphics modes. Don't worry, if you decide to go fullscreen at the smallest resolution possible, it won't break any graphics. It's adjusted for that, although some GUI will be missing if it's small enough.

The player mechanics have been finished, too.

It's not much at all, but I plan to add more. Eventually it'll be a maze where you wander about trying to find all of the rooms that contain the keys to the boss room, all the while avoiding enemies. Or something fun like that. :P

WASD -  Move around.
Shift - Peer around walls. You can only do this when you're not zoomed in and viewing the targeting thing. Also, the controls change here a bit. "A" and "D" are used to lean the camera left and right, respectively.
Left Mouse - Shoot some butter at stuff.
Right Mouse - Zoom in and pull up a targeting-thingy. Helps with seeing where the bullet will end up, as they aren't fired straight in the middle of screen. Can only be pulled up if you're not peering around walls.
X - Harm yourself.
Z - "Scare" yourself. Currently being worked on, all that happens right now is that the camera fog flashes.
Up Arrow Button - Reload your gun. Only for development purposes, this will be removed in the final update.
Space - Spawn a squid where the center of your screen is pointing at.

So, yeah, that's all of the controls!

Well, this is taking a bit longer than I had hoped. 6 months thus far, although the first three were really just a bunch of procrastination. In about a week I re-wrote all of the work I had done in those 3 months with better, more efficient code. It had more OOP in it and the animations were improved, making them independant of the framerate. Since then I've been making edits here and there. So I'm crawling my way along. :/

At least I've almost finished procedural generation. It's not garunteed that a pit room or boss hallway will be generated, so I have to wrap that up. Otherwise, it's good to go!

Also, the squids currently have a very simple, stupid AI. They just go directly towards you in a straight line. Obviously, that doesn't work out in a maze. The next thing I will probably work on will thus be making A* pathfinding for the squids.

Oh boy will that be fun.

Afterwards, it'll just be adding some of the challenge rooms that are at the bottom of the pits, adding the boss fight, and some details here and there. Then it should be done, and I can move on to making pone gaems!

Oh, and for those wondering, this was made with Mark Sibly's pretty cool (but rather old) Blitz3D.
CreditSkyDoesMinecraft, for that "Sky-Army" idea. :D
Progress40% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

2 Update Logs

v0.4 : by Irvau 06/01/2015 10:29:18 pmJun 1st, 2015

Oh boy this one took a while. Three months, darnit, and a third of the time went to a temporary Squid AI.
Ah, well.

Anways, here's all the stuff:

+ Finished player mechanics
    + Added peering
    + Improved the zoom-in cross thing to it's final state.
    + Made the camera movement smoother and more undwerwatery.
    + Added camera fog that adjusts to the player's position and current condition.
+ Improved squids.
    + Added simple squid AI.
        - Made it the wrong kind. Now I'm gonna have to undo a month's worth of work.
        + Made different types of the AI indicated by the squid's colors.
+ Added procedurally generated rooms
    + The meshes are now light-mapped, so it looks decent.
        - Removed the gun visible in the corner of the screen, as it was incompatible with the lightmaps. Plus, it was just plain old annoying, and it could've been replaced with a simple jpeg overlay.
    (+ Also gained like 5,000 programmer xp)
+ Improved respawn function
+ Re-added shooting
    + Improved the bullet animations.
+ Added some ambiance noise
    + It's really just a heavily edited versino of some highway traffic noises (+ 10 audio xp)
+ Added a launcher that supports a wide variety of graphics modes, assuming your graphics card supports it.
    + The GUI is adjusted to smaller resolutions
         - At extremelyl small resolutions, some of the GUI is missing.

... not bad, I guess.  :/  Oh, and:

+ Survived a corrupt flash drive because I backed it up literally a minute before the thing died. O_o'

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11/27/2015 4:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mlpfang's Avatar
a changeling fan yay
07/19/2015 3:51 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Awesome man!!
Or rather bro.
You beat Sheep Factory by 1 diamond, 3 faves -2 comments and one pop-reel.
07/21/2015 4:23 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
Irvau's Avatar
Ummmmmmm... ok?
06/09/2015 5:33 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
conorboy27's Avatar
death to all budder :} squids rule :3
06/13/2015 12:51 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
Irvau's Avatar

Good point.
I should probably change the title to something more fitting.
06/14/2015 2:36 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
conorboy27's Avatar
07/19/2015 3:49 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Don't worry man, the new update will come with squid pathfinding. A.k.a. We're doomed.
Minecraft fox
06/04/2015 5:24 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Minecraft fox's Avatar
06/04/2015 1:40 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
EndTEmpire's Avatar
Hey bro! I just tried it out and it's great! Naturaly there's not much to it yet, but it ran smoothly!

(I'd recommend that you compress the game in a zip instead of a rar though so that everyone can play it without having to get WinRAR)
06/05/2015 1:59 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
Irvau's Avatar
Or 7zip  (which is free) :P

Yeah, that seems like a good idea.

Also, thanks!
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