Minecraft Mods

Portal Blocks 2.0

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Raptor__'s Avatar Raptor__
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Modder

A mod by Raptor__

New page + download: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/portal-blocks-2-0

This mod adds various blocks and items related to Portal 2 to the game, and is designed to work with iChun's existing PortalGun mod. I intend this mod for map makers who like to make Portal-themed maps with iChun's mod.
Screenshots for 1.7.10:

Screenshots for 1.10.2 coming maybe later.

As you can see in the image above, I have added numerous elements that were missing from iChun's function-based mod, like blocks to build test chambers with, both types of button, and doors, among other things.

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Floor Button

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The floor button functions basically the same as a default pressure plate. More importantly, it works with the cubes from the PortalGun mod. It makes the same sound that it does in Portal 2 when it's pressed.
Pedestal Button

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The pedestal button emits redstone power when it's pressed for a few seconds, similar to the vanilla buttons. Currently, it does not make exactly the same sound as it does in Portal 2, but that will be fixed once I actually locate the sound's file.
Indicator Lights [1.7.10 version only, still a WIP]

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The indicator lights in this mod work exactly the same as redstone, except that they can be placed on anything - even themselves! However, I could not yet get them to work going on walls yet (they will render on the walls, but won't be powered), so for now, just try to avoid doing that. I hope to fix that error as soon as possible. Another thing - unlike normal redstone,an indicator light's signal does not need to be updated every 15 blocks with a repeater. Indicator lights can stretch on forever.
White Panels

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White panels are portalable, meaning you can place portals on them. There are several variants. I plan to add even more in the future.

[new in 1.10.2 version]
Double white panels are actually 2 blocks tall and automatically place/destroy either the top or bottom block.

Black Panels

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Black panels are not portalable. You cannot place portals from the PortalGun mod onto these blocks. As a result, they are considered "translucent" by the game, and allow light to pass through them. Handy if you want to make invisible light sources.

[new in 1.10.2 version]
Double black panels are actually 2 blocks tall and automatically place/destroy either the top or bottom block.
Quadruple black panels are actually 2x2 blocks and automatically place the other 3 blocks when you place the first.
Light Panels

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[1.7.10 version]
Light panels emit light (duh!) and come in 2 variants: white and black, each with two sub-variants : left-aligned and right-aligned. Each sub-variant has two blocks: top and bottom. That's a total of eight blocks, for those who don't math well (not you, I'm sure).

[1.10.2 version]
Light panels are now overlay blocks - you place them on top of existing panels. They can be placed either on the left side of the block, the right side, or both. They can be placed on the sides of blocks or on the floor or ceiling. Each light is 2 blocks tall.
Music Discs [1.7.10 version only, maybe will port to 1.10.2 version later]

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Just for fun, I decided to add a couple music discs. There are five, and are all made by Valve and found in the game: intro, apple, chambertop, finale, and Abadu Gaben (it didn't have a name in the files so I gave it one). This last disc is quite peculiar, and it can hardly be described as music. You'll just have to see for yourself what I mean.
Portal Doors

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These doors make the same sound as they do in Portal 2. They also are intended to be double doors, and when one gets opened, the other does, too. I hope to make them appear to slide open in the future.
Exposed Frames

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There are some walls in Portal 2 that have panels that fell off, exposing the frame underneath. I wanted to do this in Minecraft, so thus: frames!
There are two variants: yellow background (good for black walls) and dark grey variant (good for white walls).

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You will need Forge for this mod! Also recommended is iChun's Portal Gun mod.
v2.0_1.10.2 - Mediafire
v1.0_1.7.10 - Mediafire

Also, check out iChun's PortalGun mod here: iChun's Site

1.7.10 version
Zane Games:


Champion Ash5357:

Known Bugs - v2.0
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When the portal door gets powered indirectly, the other side sometimes does not open. And sometimes it just does not open regardless.
The pedestal button still makes the wrong sound

Known Bugs - v1.0
Click to reveal
Indicator Lights don't work on walls
The top of the floor button sometimes turns black

Planned Updates
Click to reveal
+Indicator lights
+Hallway Door
+Hallway Lights
+Hallway Blocks
+Observation Room Glass
+Swivel Chair
+Destroyed Black Panels
+Destroyed White Panels
+Destroyed Frames
+Assorted Debris
+Portal 1 Panels
+Portal 1 Lights
+Portal 1 Button Texture
+Cryo Bed
+Toxic Water
+More panel blocks
+Exterior Chamber Decorations
Progress85% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.10

2 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Raptor__ 11/15/2017 5:10:07 pmNov 15th, 2017

+ Updated mod for Minecraft version 1.10.2
- Removed Indicator lights (I just couldn't get them to work; redstone components are hard)
~ Changed how lights work - they are no longer full blocks; they are now overlays
~ Changed how double and quadruple panels work - they are now multi-blocks and don't have to have each top/bottom block placed individually
~ Switched the pedestal button and floor button rendering scheme from custom rendered tile entity to normal vanilla block models.

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06/20/2018 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
vggs3e3's Avatar
Is this going to be updated to 1.12.2? If so, is there a planned release date?
07/12/2018 7:10 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Modder
Raptor__'s Avatar
Yes, in fact it has been updated, like 3 months ago. I moved the mod's page to CurseForge.
05/12/2018 2:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GamesToTheMAXwell's Avatar
why don't I get all the blocks?
05/20/2018 3:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Modder
Raptor__'s Avatar
Some of the blocks in the picture are from iChun's mod.
iChun later removed said blocks in the newer version. Its a shame, but I can't really do anything about it.
04/19/2018 8:31 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Taco
JessieProductions's Avatar
When are you going to make it compatible for 1.12.2
05/03/2018 10:14 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Modder
Raptor__'s Avatar
Very soon; the code itself is done I just gotta get around to building it into a jar.
05/24/2018 9:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Taco
JessieProductions's Avatar
Ok thank you
03/13/2018 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
GamingGuyTyler's Avatar
Are you planning to update this 1.12?
04/09/2018 10:51 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Modder
Raptor__'s Avatar
Maybe after iChun updates the portal gun mod to 1.12
11/30/2017 10:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
QGalaxyPegasus's Avatar
Resource pack is grey, like it is does not exist anymore.
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