Minecraft Mods

FastSurvival -- Spigot Plugin

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bielsr's Avatar bielsr
Level 26 : Expert Miner
I am the creator of the plugin. This is a plugin because i's written using the bukkit api but it could seem a mod. That's why i post it on the mods section. The advantage it has is that only the server have to download the plugin.

While you can go to the official page, i'll make a short explanation here.
The plugin changes some minecraft main mechanics such as mining or fighting with mobs. The aim of this is to focus the game on the challenging part rather than having players 24/7 on the mine looking for some diamonds.
To achieve this i've created intelligent tools and tree choping. Those can detect where you want make a tunnel and help you dig or dig 3x3 areas while looking up or down.
New types of bows are added! We are used to see a full diamond player with the same wooden bow he crafted at the start. No more. Electric charge bow, wither bow, bouncing bow, frost-binding bow and much more (see more on official page). The skeletons can also spawn with a powerful bow!

New DIMENSIONS are added, moon and sky.
To be short the moon is basically a dimension where you can acess using a teleporter (see official page). The moon is intended to be hard but high rewarding. There are fallen meteors in the center of the craters and thse contain high amounts of valuables.
There are also death holes (huge dungeons with 8-12 floors) could you pass those? You need to do to access the sky!

The sky will be acesssed like in One Piece and i'll try to make as Skypiea is if i can! Any OnePiece fans there?

Last thing to say is that it is NOT only for server owners, anyone can quickly setup a local bukkit server and place the plugin then connecting to "localhost".
Download bukkit at dl.bukkit.org and follow the wiki instructions to setup. Everyone can do this! It's easier to install than any other mod espacially with the new launcher. If you have any problem leave a comment and i'll help on what i can.
Care: This is a server-side plugin, you can't install it on a client and the client (the game) remain vanilla.

Join us on discord: https://discord.gg/nB7F5Wa

Official page:
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18.1

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