Minecraft Mods

AstroGUIV2 1.19.2

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Modder
Astroith Cheat menu is a minecraft mod that helps you in your minecraft world. you can use it to troll your friends in your LAN minecraft world
this mod is just for you if you're scared to die in your hardcore minecraft world. don't be scared its pretty easy to use just press the buttons in the dark menu that appears if you press the TAB button an example is you want a set of netherite armor press tab>combat>(choose armor) boom you're done full set of netherite less than 30 seconds isn't that awesome so why don't you download this mod and raise those numbers.

AstroGUIV2 1.19.2 Minecraft Mod
Download Tutorial

you want to download this cool mod? then choose you want to download it from curseforge or mediafire? anyways if you want to download it from curseforge what i recommend. then click the black curseforge button it will redirect you to the curseforge page it will say AstroGUI its the same but a other name of course then scroll down until you see Recent Files click the version you want the mod for (newer the better) (older the older) the download will begin if anything pops up at the bottom of the browser then accept it its normal. drag it to the desktop when it finished.
in the left corner of your desktop click on the windows search bar and search for %AppData% then search and click .minecraft then search for a mods folder and drag the java file you downloaded into the mods folder your done. launch forge and click TAB the menu should open if not check the controls maybe something is glitched. the same for media fire but you will download all the versions at the same time in a zip file just search for the verison you want and to the same thing i wrote its not that complicated. there are many tutorials on youtube if you want a good tutorial this is the best one from CraftStones on youtube it even shows you how to download forge if you don't have it.

Open Tutorial

if you want to open the cheat menu press TAB and the menu will open. if not maybe the controls are broken check the setting and search for cheatmenu or developermenu or something like that then set it to TAB and change the player list to 0 and it should work its the same for mac so just press tab change it if its broken also there are some old menus to like german and hungarian but those are really really hold and i don' recommend using them but they work but they're not up to date so there won't be some features so just forget they're there or i'll delete them it was a old update. bye bye


read this list for all the cheats.


Deafult: changes gamemode to deafult.

Spectator: changes gamemode to spectator

Adventure: changes gamemode to adventure

Survival: changes gamemode to survival

Creative: changes gamemode to creative

Health: boosts your Health

Food: boosts your food to maximum no starving now.

Xp: Gives you 500,000 Xp every click

Speed: gives you speed 5 or 2

Jump: gives you jump 5 or 2

Gravity Off: Turns Gravity Off

Gravity On: Turns Gravity On

Passiv: Mobs won't attack you + won't take any damage

Passiv Off: Turns passiv mode off

NoDrown: Adds extra bubbles

Xp-: Takes away 500,000 Xp


Day/Night/Midnight/Noon/On/Off: sets time on/off stops or starts time

Rain/Thunder/Clear/Deafult/On/Off: sets weather on/off stops weather or starts weather

Peaceful/Easy/Normal/Hard: sets game difficulty



Iron: gives you iron armor and tools

chainmail: gives you chainmail armor or stone tools

diamond: gives you diamond armor and tools

netherite: gives you netherite armor and tools for it


InfiniteReach: extends reach limit to 1000 blocks

Antiknockback: no knockback from damage or anything

ArmorUp: gives you full armor without armor on

SwimHack: 5x faster swimming

SpeedHack: 5x faster running

HealthHack: doubles health

OneShotKill: InstantKill

Knockback: Super Knockback


Sword: enchantments for swords

Pickaxe: enchantments for pickaxe

Axe: enchantments for axe

Shovel: enchantments for shovel

Bow: enchantments for bows

Crossbow: enchantemtns for crossbow

Trident: enchantemnts for trident


extra stuff about the cheat menu


rename item in your hand to






kits for different kinds of things.

like going to the end. or starting

a new world. or mining a cave.


summon mobs to your location.

like a gahst. or a zombie, or a witherskeleton

or even a wolf


Duplicate items in your main hand


Menu For Testing Bugged Features....


Block Menu Update i had a better idea for getting block so this is no more (DONE?)

OMG A TELEPORT MENU HOW COULD I FORGET SUCH A GOOD IDEA. you could teleport to structures even if its a basic feature its quite
easys to make and it may be helpful for survival or hardcore worlds. ( NOT DONE :( )

i may have forgotten this but maybe a Enchant menu for actually enchanting your items. But i don't think this will be easy to add. I will
try to add it anyways or something similar that looks like you enchanted your item. Don't be suprised if your diamond pickaxe disappear's
and reappears enchanted :O. (its a joke btw) (DONE)

Holy shit wait a damn minute a item repair menu is a great idea imagine repairing stuff without materials (DONE)

AdvancedXpEditMenu will be a menu where you can Give Yourself Xp (DONE)



anyways just wanted to announce that im making the third version of the cheat menu.
of course i will make it better and more orderly so everything has a place. i will upgrade the ui the buttons and make it up to date.
i dont know when it will be done because i just started the project (last month to be accurate). I will make less laggy cheats and new ones too. Im saying it will probally be better than the last two versions that i made. But it will probally take a few months so until then...

yes i copied it from curseforge i don't give a damn
CreditMade With Unity :D
Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.2

31 Update Logs

Update #31 : by XENKO 11/13/2022 7:00:42 amNov 13th, 2022



Wider Main Menu

Extra Menu moved to Info Menu

PSEDITOR Menu Added (Dont Ask Me Why. I Used It For Testing I Can't Just Leave It For Myself. Btw Dont click Rocket Mode(pls))

New Button


Second Page Added

Advancements (Unlocks Every Advancement. May Require LAN Cheats to be turned on)

Recipe ( Unlocks Every Recipe. May also require LAN Cheats to be turned on)

NoDrown ( Adds Bubbles... like many many bubbles)

GRAVITYOFF ( Turns Off Gravity)

GRAVITYON (Turns On Gravity)

PASSIV ( No Mobs Will Attack You And You Won't Take Any Damage. Atleast i didn't find a way...)

PASSIVOFF ( Passiv Mode Turns off)

XP- Takes Away 500,000 XP

XP Now Gives you 500,000 XP

Some Of The Buttons Got Renamed to make it easier and faster to read


Its Now Added

For now you can only get Redstone And some dev items like command block and debug sticks and more
i already have a menu ready for the building blocks but it will take SO MUCH TIME it will take 3 days at max.

You will find it in the ''World'' Menu.


IT TO SO MUCH TIME F***ing hell. but i managed to fix it and the procedure works now.
The Tutorial is under the button and it explains how to use it. Download if you want to see it.
oh your lazy? no problem i'll explain it to you real fast.

Get the item you want to duplicate and click the dupe button.
the amount of items you hold will be duplicated. that means
if you have 32 block of diamond you will have 64 blocks so it will add 32 Extra blocks


Extra Menu Added

Yes The Patch Notes Menu is still empty.

I Tried out something new and that is a detailed tutorial of how to use the cheats
i kinda like it so im keeping it. i will also add some new tutorials. you will find in the
info menu a button named ''tutorial'' there is a explanation for The Combat And Hack
menu. i know your not dumb and know how to use a menu but i will still keep it.

I Changed some of the Info in the Extra Menu.


Three is now a cheater kit good luck.


OneShotKill ( One Hit KIll)

Knockback (im not sure about the amount but it pushes back the knockbacks the entity quite a bit) (resisting the urge to name it (yeetdatass)


i had some really cool blue background i wanted to add so i made it and tried to add it i
think it looks ass) i added it anyways.


i dont think i left things out so thats about it i don't think i will post a video on youtube. i already made a video of the duplication feature
bacause i already knew that you won't know how to use it. I EVEN PUT A WHOLE TEXT UNDERNEATH. i also had a dream about a cool
feature i could add but then forgot it and im in deep depression. but atleast i remember the design of the menu so i can figure it out now
goodbye if you have any bugs then report pls.

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03/01/2024 12:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
baraddarvishpor's Avatar
i wish it was for minecraft 1.20.1
01/01/2024 3:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
X_Fokcio_X's Avatar
PLS multiplayer
11/10/2023 6:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Br1ckt's Avatar
Can you make a fabric version please?
06/16/2023 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4637214G's Avatar
Do you have any downloads for 1.20?
06/17/2023 10:38 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Modder
XENKO's Avatar
Nope currently you can only download it for 1.19.2, but i will update it soon.
11/14/2022 4:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CatReee's Avatar
Also it keeps crashing on me. Is this forge or fabric?
I tried forge.
but it crashed
11/15/2022 1:29 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Modder
XENKO's Avatar
its forge
i replied to your private message. i don't know if you will find it helpful
but you could try the things i wrote down.
11/14/2022 4:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CatReee's Avatar
Imagine if this worked on multiplayer

07/20/2022 5:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xtimezone999's Avatar
please can you make it 1.19???
07/02/2022 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xtimezone999's Avatar
can you please make it 1.19?
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