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McHorse's Avatar McHorse
Level 71 : Legendary Unicorn
ATTENTION: This mod is no longer being developed, and it's maintained (bugs and crash fixes) until August/September of 2021. If you wish to continue the mod, feel free to check out the source code.

Disclaimer: this mod has nothing to do with Aperture Science from Portal games. See the article on what is Aperture actually is.

Aperture is a Minecraft mod which allows you to create advanced camera movement (for cinematics or machinimas) using camera editor GUI. It works with Forge for Minecraft 1.12.2 (past versions are available for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2).

Aperture is also available in Chinese language thanks to ycwei982, Chunk7, H2SO4GepaoAX and KuenYo, and Russian language thanks to Andruxioid!

Install Minecraft Forge, download the latest stable version of jar file for available Minecraft version. Also install following mods: McLib. Put it in minecraft's mods folder, and launch the game.

After that, Aperture mod should be installed and will appear in Minecraft's mods menu. If Aperture didn't appear in the mods menu, then something went wrong.

For whom is this mod for?
If you want to setup cameras for a Minecraft machinima/roleplay, and you already use Blockbuster mod in singleplayer, then this is a mod for you!

Aperture mod provides a ton of features to improve your camera (in comparison to other camera):
  • Camera profiles that lets you load and save camera work.
  • Camera fixtures are building blocks within camera profile which lets you flexibly setup different camera movement depending on the type of fixture it is.
  • Camera modifiers allow to post process movement to apply certain effects on top of camera fixtures.
  • Works with Minema.
  • And so much more...

Although Aperture has partial support to work on servers, it's not recommended to use on the servers as these mechanisms are poorly designed!

This playlist is a tutorial series. It should teach you how to use Aperture mod from scratch. It bases of Aperture 1.3.4. Once you watch these videos and learn how to use it, feel free to watch the change log videos for more information about new features.

Meanwhile, this playlist contains a list of videos about Aperture's updates. These are so-called change log videos, which showcase new changes added to Aperture mod.

Bug reports
If you found a bug, or this mod crashed your game, make sure to check this compatibility table and incompatible mod list page. The most frequent issue people encounter is that they didn't install the compatible versions of my mods. Or updated only one mod while using older version of my other mods.

If the versions of the mod are correct, then you can report a bug or a crash to me either on issue tracker, or on my Discord server. Please, make sure to attach a crash log (pastebin please) and description of a bug or crash, and the way to reproduce it. Thanks!
Progress85% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

14 Update Logs

Aperture 1.6 : by McHorse 07/03/2021 10:48:03 amJul 3rd, 2021

This update is focused on adding Undo/Redo and limitations for non-OP users.

Compatible with McLib 2.3 and Minema 3.5 (optionally). It doesn't mean that future versions of McLib (or Minema) would be incompatible, but older versions are most likely incompatible.
  • Added limiting of editing Aperture data (and opening camera editor) on the server to OP only
  • Added circular interpolation to path fixture
  • Added an option to display everything in seconds (suggested by zoombie)
  • Added playback of the scene possible with an empty camera profile
  • Added proper handling of fixtures during cutting (suggested by Andruxioid)
  • Added alphabetical sorting to camera profile list
  • Added Undo/Redo (Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + Y) to camera editor on per camera profile basis
  • Added loop region selection (suggested by Chunk7) controlled with:
    • [ (start) and ] (end) keys
    • Ctrl + left click to control left end point, Ctrl + right click to control right end point, and Ctrl + middle click to reset loop selection

  • Added a keybind to toggle keyframe editor visibility
  • Added periodic auto-save option
  • Changed /aperture play command's syntax to /aperture play <camera_profile> [​target]
  • Changed v velocity variable to take in effect modifiers effects as well
  • Fixed /camera step and /camera rotate not accepting relative ~ values
  • Fixed timeline scaling issues
  • Fixed drag modifier jumping from 0,0,0 when toggling XYZ toggles
  • Fixed camera profiles are not checked when duplicating with existing camera profile name (reported by Andruxioid and Chunk7)

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01/08/2020 10:32 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dolphin
LordQwerty's Avatar
how many people clicked this for portal?
05/09/2021 11:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Kiisa030's Avatar
wayy too many
01/10/2020 3:24 am
Level 71 : Legendary Unicorn
McHorse's Avatar
A lot 😉
05/14/2019 6:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MasonC04's Avatar
When are we getting a 1.13.2 version of this?
05/15/2019 2:11 am
Level 71 : Legendary Unicorn
McHorse's Avatar
Most likely never. Forge devs and Mojang made it extremely difficult to update mods to 1.13+. I don't have that much time nowadays to devote to modding.
08/15/2018 9:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
glowingcreepr39's Avatar
LOL love the portal reference keep up the good work mate! P.S. portal is better than fortnite VALVE HURRY UP AND MAKE PORTAL 3!!!!!!!!!!
01/11/2020 3:53 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dolphin
LordQwerty's Avatar
a fellow test subject!
12/24/2018 8:03 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
conflicttFTW's Avatar
Aperture Labs was named after a camera term, so this isnt a Portal meme. But yes, Portal 3 when god dammit Valve
10/23/2019 7:56 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Magical Girl
SomeBasilKinGirl's Avatar
After they re-release Skyrim again.
08/11/2018 11:18 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
AKA36's Avatar
nice i liked it more !!!!!
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