Minecraft Mods

Alive | Dynamic Ecosystems & Boss Progression

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Ghostcrafter090's Avatar Ghostcrafter090
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
Alive as a mod has been a personal project of mine for quite some time. This mod adds an absolutely huge amounts of features to the game! These features vary, but all of them aim at expanding on in game physics, lore, and biome eco systems. To produce a list of all the additions:

- Block Decay

Alive will slowly decay the blocks around you, although not directly within your vicinity. Structures that remain untouched for long periods of time will slowly wither away to nothing!

- Dynamic Ecosystems

One thing I am quite proud of is this. Alive adds in so much in this aspect, Tree Regrowth, Mob/Animal Population Control (automatic reproduction), Plant Regrowth, and so much more!

- Boss Progression

Alive attempts to make a little more sense of the boss mechanics within Minecraft, forcing the player to fight all other bosses before making it to the Ender Dragon. The player will need to find a village and talk to a "Curious Trader" where they may trade with the villager to receive the items needed to make an Ancient Spell Book. With this, the player will be able to perform spells to create keys that allow the player to fight the bosses of the corresponding key. Essentially, I've turned Minecraft's boss mechanics into an RPG!

- External References

I don't know if any of you have ever read "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan, but this mod contains truck loads of content from those books. Examples include "The Ways" A dimension of infinite platforms and bridges that has a 32:1 block ratio between them (travel 1 block in the ways, and you travel 32 blocks in game). Waygates are the portals that take you to them. They are only accessible via villages, they generate there. There also exists the Myddraal, they roam in the highest peaks of mountains! But beware, you may not be able to look away ;)

- New Player Stats

Alive has a feature set very similar to that of "Tough As Nails". However, it's a bit more expanded upon!

* Thirst: hunger but with water.

* Adrenalin: when you take damage, you get 3 buffs, speed, haste, and strength. Essentially I've added fight or flight to the game ;)

* Stamina: You will get tired if you exert yourself for to long! This is also effected by how high your insomnia score is! (see next)

* Insomnia: Your insomnia score goes up the longer you don't sleep. This is also increased faster by exerting yourself to much, or by having a disease. (see next)

- Dynamic Mutating Diseases

Alive adds fully developed, dynamically mutating diseases. These can have a wide range of effects, basically all the standard negative Status Effects. However, the disease can have some of the effects, all, or none. It can have varying strengths, it can also can have varying progressive stages! Diseases effect all mobs, including but not limited to: the player, animals, villagers, monsters (except undead), etc. You can be infected by the disease by coming in contact with undead mobs, eating things you probably shouldn't, or doing thigs that end up hurting you in such a way that you may get an infection. These diseases however are counteractable by herbal medicine. (see next)

- Herbal Medicine

Alive adds in a series of new potion effects to the game. These effects are specifically designed to counter effects caused by the disease. These potions are brewable in a brewing stand and are created using overworld herbs and plants. The plants chosen for different effects were partially chosen by research done for what they actually do in real life! To figure out the recipe's, talk to a curious trader at a village and trade with them!

I've been working on this mod for nearly 3 years! And I'm finally ready to release it.


We have a config!!!
All documentation can be found within the config file. The config can be found in <.minecraft>\config\alive\main.cfg ;)

<1.16.5 Backport>

I have backported the mod to 1.16.5. It is to be noted that I will not be polishing Alive for that version of the game. This is because Alive (regardless of it's development cycle being 60% within 1.16.5) requires elements from 1.17 and up to function correctly. Through the mod I have readded those features required for the mod to run, however they are quite unpolished, and not as good looking. Feel free to report bugs for this version of the mod, however it is not guaranteed that it will be changed or fixed. It is also to note that the mod version will be deprecated at some point in the next few Minecraft updates, simply because I want to focus Alive on the latest versions of the game post 1.18. I mainly backported because 1.16.5 is where a lot of the modding community is right now. Use this version at your own risk.

<Stripped Plans>

I eventually intend to along with the full mod release, also create stripped mod releases which are essentially the mods individual feature sets. I wish to do this because there may be some users who want one feature, but not another. Either that, or I will add a config ;)

<Support With Other Mods>
I designed this mod to be highly compatible with a lot of other ecosystem enhancing mods. Serene Seasons compatibility is in the works, I also intent on adding mod support for Corosus's mod "Localized Weather & Storm Fronts". As he is currently in the process of updating the mod right now. (check out his GitHub page for that, it's rather exciting!).
I also wish to work with other mod developers on possibly adding even more support with there mods! If you are a mod developer yourself and have an idea that would make Alive as well as your mod alot more interesting when combined (such as making Serene Seasons effect the Ecosystem Dynamics within Alive, a feature I'm adding myself) feel free to contact me. On top of this, if you are just a general player, and have an idea for this mod, feel free to contact me, or post it as an Issue/Suggestion on the Alive GitHub page, all ideas are welcomed ;)

For news and updates, and to support us, check out our YouTube channel!
CreditSabagegah, Nightshayd
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18.1

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07/26/2022 7:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jomarin14's Avatar
Is this the same or different mod than the Dynamic Eco & Block Decay?
07/27/2022 12:18 am
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
Ghostcrafter090's Avatar
It is a different mod ;)

However, this one has all the features from block decay, however it has a lot of others as well!
All the features not included from here in block decay are going to get there own separate mods for 1.19.

Effectively, similar to how dynamic surroundings first ported to post 1.13, I'm splitting the mods features into there own mods.

This is due to popular request ;)
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