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Level 13
Journeyman Taco

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    10/14/2022 4:32 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    I'll gladly assist with moderation!
    08/02/2016 9:21 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    08/02/2016 9:12 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Your real name: Michael
    Your age: 21
    Why you want to be staff? I enjoy helping servers and the communities that are involved on them.
    How you could help the server? My patience for negativity, my community oriented outlook, and my knowledge with minecraft. I've owned and played the game since 1.6 alpha
    Do you think you would be good at it? I know I will.
    Have you ever been admin of a server? Yes. Im currently Head-Admin/Builder on FeintMC and a new server that is up and coming.
    How much can you be online? minimum of 3 hours per day.
    Position: Head-Admin
    Any other thing you can tell us? I'm running a YouTube gaming channel if you need video promotion as well.
    08/02/2016 9:04 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    When I try to post my moderator application on the website linked in the original post it tells me I need to select a forum, even though I've already selected one so I'll place it here instead. I hope that's okay with you!

    What is your name? My name is Michael, however I much prefer to be called Mike.

    What is your In-Game name? My in game name is LyinCakeGaming!

    How old are you? I turned 21 last month! Partied hard, but now I'm ready to be a community oriented person again!

    What Timezone do you live in? I live in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States

    Do you have a microphone? Yes. I have 3; One on my headset, one on my laptop, and a studio mic I bought for my gaming computer when I was building it.

    Are you able to record video on your computer? Yes I am! I run my own YouTube channel so I usually record daily anyway.

    Do you have any previous experience with moderating? If so, where? I'm currently an admin for two servers. FeintMC, and another one that is just up and coming. As of right now that one doesn't really have an set in stone details yet.

    What actions will you take against rule-breakers - Any kind of rule-breakers? Normal offences, I have a 4 strike policy. First is a warning, Second is a kick with a final warning, 3rd is a temp ban, and 4th is a perm ban. Griefing and theft is an instant ban for me, however. I despise it.

    As a staff member, what benefits will you bring to GappleCraft? My community oriented personality of course! I'm not here just to play the game, and hold a title for everyone to see. I'm here to make sure the community is strong, and to be a part of it as much as I can be!

    Why do you think you should be accepted as a Staff Member? I'm people oriented. I've worked in retail, and customer service so I've learned to grow patience when it comes to negativity and drama. I don't jump to conclusions, and I never act without hearing or witnessing both sides of the story first.

    What would your first 3 objectives be as a Staff Member? Get to know and be apart of the community is definitely number 1. Second, I'd talk to everyone, make sure everything is going well, and third, punish when the time calls for it.

    About how much time will you be able to dedicate to moderating per week? Minimum of 21 hours per week. (3 hours a day, 7 days a week.)

    I, (LyinCakeGaming), agree to all the GappleCraft rules and understand that if I am caught abusing my powers, I may be demoted and/or banned.
    08/02/2016 8:09 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    name: Mike
    IGN: LyinCakeGaming
    age: 21
    skype: immortalmike
    position: Admin
    07/29/2016 8:14 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar

    Age: 21

    Skype: immortalmike

    What staff position are you applying for? Admin

    Do you have any previous staff experience? I was an admin on DoubleTree before it closed. This was about 4 or 5 years ago.

    Why should we accept you? I'm mature and I commit to everything I enjoy! I have the past experience to admin, and I have knowledge of most plug ins. I can also help any other way you'd need me to, whether it be with building, or helping make a banner for the server if/when you post it on the planetminecraft servers list.

    Are you willing to participate in group calls? Yes I am! I have 3 different mic's i can use!

    On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge? 10

    How Active would you be on the server? A minimum of 4 hours every day!
    07/29/2016 6:49 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Admin Application
    Name (Or what you'd like to be called): Mike
    Gender Male
    Minecraft Username: LyinCakeGaming
    Skype(Can give through messages if accepted): immortalmike
    Age: 21
    Maturity Level (1-10): 10
    How Much Time Can You Dedicate Each Day To The Server: At least 4 hours a day
    Why Do You Want To Be Staff On FeintMc: I've been an admin before and I just enjoy it. I like feeling like I'm helping somehow and when I admin a server, I feel like I am.
    What Can You Do For This Server Or What Sets You Aside From Others: I can also build whenever you need me too. My typical style of build is Medieval, Modern, and simplistic.
    Any Previous Experience As Staff: Double Tree. But It became an "exclusive" server and it started to feel like everyone was just snobby for no reason, so I resigned my admin title and left.
    Anything You'd Iike Me To Know (Not required): I work Monday through Thursday 10am (USA EST) to 4pm (USA EST) but whenever I'm free, you bet I'll be on!
    07/29/2016 6:31 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    I'm on the server and was greeted by another admin. He said i have to answer 4 question when the head admin or you come on. I'll be on the server waiting for ya!
    07/28/2016 8:20 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar

    Age: 21
    IGN: LyinCakeGaming
    Which Role Are You Applying For? Admin
    Do you have any prior experience? If so please list server. Happy Tree Craft [deceased] (2014-2015)
    Why Do You Want To Be A Staff For Us? I've been an admin before, and I enjoy it because I feel like I'm helping, and I enjoy helping.
    Why Should We Choose You From Other People Applying? I have a high tolerance when it comes to inconsiderate people. The only time I ever ban without prior warning is for stealing/griefing.
    Skype? immortalmike
    Extra? I took the builder test? Jk. I work Monday through Thursday 10AM (USA EST) - 4 PM (USA EST) but I can get on before and after work. I'm also free Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So I'll be pretty active.
    07/28/2016 7:10 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Age: 21
    IGN: LyinCakeGaming
    Building skill: Generally anything to do with buildings, and towns. Once my imagination wonders I end up secluded in my head.
    what make you think you will be better than everyone else?: I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but I do have my own style, while others have there's. That's what makes us each unique.
    What if you favorite building style?: Modern, simplistic, and medieval.
    skype: immortalmike

    Here's my most recent example of I build I did in 45 minutes. Sorry about the lag, bandicam was having a stroke or something. Normally this doesn't happen. For this one I went for a modern home, but with a simplistic look.
    07/28/2016 9:19 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Hey cora! I tried to sign up for your website but for some reason it wouldnt let me submit my registration. I also tried to contact you on your server but you're not on, so i tried your team speak, and its empty, lol. I'd like to be a server mod/admin staff member!
    07/28/2016 8:24 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Admin App:
    Name/Username: Mike/LyinCakeGaming
    Age: 21
    Skype (y/n): Yes. immortalmike
    Reason for application: Interested in the admin position!
    Plugin Experience: WorldEdit, many others. I just cant remember the names of them at the moment
    Leadership Experience: I ran a server with one of my buddies awhile back, but we couldn't afford to run it anymore so we had to shut it down. This was about 4 years ago
    What is your policy on punishment: 1st time is a warning. 2nd time is a temp ban and a final warning. 3rd time is a perm ban. Griefing/stealing is instant perm ban.
    Anything else: I work Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4 pm so I can get on after work. I'm also usually free Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all day.

    Builder App:
    Name/Username: Mike/LyinCakeGaming
    Age: 21
    Skype (y/n): Yes. immortalmike
    Reason for application: I like to build too!
    Build Example: I dont have any right because my old gaming computer died, so I'm building a new one. I can do buildings, but not pixel art.
    Anything else: I work Monday through Thursday 10 am to 4 pm so I can get on after work. I'm also usually free Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all day.
    07/28/2016 8:01 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    I sent you an email.
    07/27/2016 6:57 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Name: Mike
    Age: 21
    IGN: LyinCakeGaming
    Skype: immortalmike

    Previous Experience (Builds, or Servers): Previously Administrated a server that was closed after a year of up time due to the owner not having enough money to pay for the server anymore. This was about 4 or 5 years ago.

    What makes you different than other applicants: I'm mature, I have a long fuse, and I like to be a part of the community. I earn my keep, even if i have the tools to work around it. I'm also a pretty funny dude when I can be. And so far I'm the oldest one to apply, looks like.

    Why should we accept you: Because it looks like you need some more team players. Preferably the non-abusive ones.

    Have you ever been banned/temp-banned: Never, and I've owned Minecraft since Alpha 1.6

    Where do you live? (Please tell the timezone with it please!): Pennsylvania, United States. -5:00 EST

    How long do you think, that you can get on the server? (each day): I work during the week so 3+ Hours Monday through Thursday and all day into late evenings Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

    What for punishment would you give another staff if they abused their power: 1 Violation is a verbal warning and a few days to a week of rank loss. 2nd violation is a Temp Ban, 2 week rank loss (once the ban is lifted) and a final warning. 3rd violation is a perm ban.
    11/23/2011 10:17 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar
    Motion Blur.

    im so glad notch reads stuff like this

    notch if your reading this..

    09/09/2011 10:49 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
    Xerora's Avatar

    on windows 7: click start then click on run and type in %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/

    Open up the BIN folder and delete the jar. then drag the Jar that you downloaded in replace of the old one and open the game.

    Mac: go to the top toolbar, click Go then click Go To Folder and type in

    ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft open bin folder and delete the jar and replace it with the new one.

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