Uknownymous's Avatar
I'll at least leave the world happier than I entered it, no matter what.
Retired Moderator
Level 54
Grandmaster Architect

It is I, Uknownymous!

"Who?", you ask? Why, I ask the same question sometimes, and with a name like this it's almost like I simply don't want to be known, isn't it? But I'm a builder and modeler and I have quite a lot of fun with digital creativity and creativity on the whole and have done quite an awful lot of writing and talking in my time of being on the internet. I've written several tens of millions of words of content, from stories to messages to reviews to analyses to coursework and more and racked up (as of April the 16th!) a record of 144 words per minute for typing speed (Typeracer account-LieathEndeur). It's quite fun to write! But this is a building place for me, eh? I find all forms of creativity fun. Singing, poetry, story-writing, digital art, and so on, but here I'm just up to build and post the content I have. If you like it? Great. :D I likely had fun making it so it's great if you have fun viewing it too. :) If not? That's alright. I'm just happy to be here and to have fun along the way. ^-^
So, that is who I am-
As far as creativity is concerned, anyway. :)

Drawing by Creative_Kylee, for this:

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Apr 16, 2020Joined PMC
UknownymousMinecraft Name

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