ThatKidAh's Avatar
Your friendly neighborhood Jesus-loving Christian Ah. :)
Level 28
Expert Skinner

Meet Ah! ( the crazy one.. )


I'm ThatKidAh, but you can call me Ah.
I joined Minecraft just under 2 years ago and I have been obsessed ever since. I am an aspiring author and I love to write! I like to play with my friends in minecraft, talk to people and create chaos! Really, In all honesty, I'm an introvert. People drain me really fast yet I will always talk xD. Do NOT private message me, I will NOT respond. Use guest book instead.
About me:
My hobbies are not many.. but they include music and gaming? I have played piano for 8 years! Still going with it too.
I love:
  1. Tea
  2. My friends and family
  3. Minecraft
  4. Pandas
  5. Learning ( Science and some math )
  6. and other things!
I can be overly talkative and confusing at times, although I would love to chat and I accept all constructive criticsm with open arms on how I can improve! I also love to roleplay/cosplay, create characters and write creative lore about those characters! ( I can talk all day about them don't get me started unless you want to hear a 5 hour rant.. :) )
I am also always looking to make new friends so feel free to post to guest book or something to chat! I don't bite I promise. I'm just... we won't go there. ANYWAYS!

Have an awesome day and *salute* - Ah.

Member Statistics

6,359Profile views
16,057Experience points
7,823Submission views
96Discussion posts
138Wall posts
Oct 21, 2023Joined PMC
AhBeanForeverMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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