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Level 56 Grandmaster Llama

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    Suspicious Stoo
    02/08/2021 6:43 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    That's what I'm saying, too! This milk argument is going nowhere, all I know for sure is that if you ever put vanilla in your glass of milk, I will be there to stare at you judgingly
    Suspicious Stoo
    02/04/2021 2:38 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    White milk isn't vanilla, it's just milk lol
    Suspicious Stoo
    02/04/2021 2:13 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    Vanilla milk? I'm sorry what the heck
    Suspicious Stoo
    02/04/2021 1:04 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    Suspicious Stoo
    01/23/2021 9:42 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    While simple handheld textures can have a custom model applied to them (applied like {CustomModelData:1}), which overrides the initial texture, this can't be done with neither entities nor blocks yet. It kinda sucks, it's the reason you'd need something like Optifine to have mob variations or custom armor models for new armor types.
    Suspicious Stoo
    01/23/2021 9:34 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    You're opening Pandora's Box. Stacking unstackables is a really complicated problem, especially if you're new to datapacks. If you know some Java, I highly recommend you try making your idea into a mod instead, you'll really save yourself a lot of trouble.
    Suspicious Stoo
    01/23/2021 9:29 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    You can make it run alongside the game in the launcher settings. It'll tell you what's wrong with your datapack files and what to fix. The rest is up to you
    Suspicious Stoo
    01/22/2021 6:43 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    Check the game output log to debug datapacks or texture packs.
    Suspicious Stoo
    01/02/2021 5:16 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    Doosie of a block. Thanks for giving it a try though, and thanks for the link!
    Suspicious Stoo
    12/31/2020 11:58 am
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    There's surprisingly little documentation out there about jigsaw blocks, the best vid probably being Gnembon's 40min town generator. That could be a really interesting topic for a tutorial!
    Suspicious Stoo
    12/08/2020 8:47 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    Agreed. There's gotta be some kind of addition to the game to be a real submission, IMO.

    If you want to make elytras more accessible, don't just make a recipe for them with, like, Nether Stars and Phantom Membranes. Be creative and attach it to new gameplay; maybe Ender Phantoms are a new mob whose leather can be combined with something to craft a broken Elytra. For Totems, maybe crafting them requires something that's only farmeable in Mansions. Etc.
    Suspicious Stoo
    12/08/2020 8:38 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    b r u h.
    Suspicious Stoo
    12/08/2020 8:34 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    I was actually thinking of making a datapack with a "baby mode" that just turns your gamemode creative. If I see another damn notch apple recipe pack I will gouge my eyes out
    Suspicious Stoo
    12/08/2020 8:14 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    You'll want to calibrate your "density_offset" for the overworld dimension type, since by the default preset it's -0.46875. I'm betting that's probably why terrain generates as per usual in your pack, but otherwise it might be something hard coded.

    Question for you, too! Do you know if there's a way to make terrain generate below y=0?
    Suspicious Stoo
    12/07/2020 5:20 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
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    Idk. Here's my take on this. A bridge between Bedrock and Java would be a good thing, I'd love to play with my BF on the Switch. But then you got equity issues, and the marketplace and "Minecoins" are... sleazy. At it's core, MC's meant to be a simple game that can be enjoyed in just about an infinite amount of ways, and if you restrict the ways to play or offer "better" and curated ways to play, you're really just sapping the life out of the game.

    On one hand I think though that Bedrock hasn't totally done that for most of the paid content. Almost everything you can download is user-created or purely cosmetic. On the other hand, the emotes are the dumbest thing to ever be even concieved in gaming history. It is my firm belief that the person who decided to add emotes to Minecraft should get thrown into a bath of tar (or something equally sticky).

    One thing to consider is Mojang has a revenue cap if they don't monetize something out of the playbase that already bought the game. It's also more and more becoming a big company instead of a small indie team, so it's natural for it to be more and more "commercial". I don't think we have cause for worry... yet. So long as previous versions of the game are accessible, Minecraft will always have a way to be played. We'll have to see, but so far Microsoft has been mostly hands-off with Mojang, we've been getting huge content additions for free, etc, to keep the game as relevant as possible.
    Suspicious Stoo
    11/14/2020 2:46 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    For damage indicators, if you want the damage of players to show up as text, there's a really simple implementation that should be very lite.

    For X damage:
    ­­  > advancements:
        > player_hurt_entity_X_adv.json
          > Make an advancement that triggers whenever a player hurts an entity for X amount.
          > Reward is function player_hurt_entity_X
      > functions:
        > player_hurt_entity.mcfunction
          > Revokes player_hurt_entity_X_adv from @s
          > Detect the entity that was hurt
          > Use the particle command to summon a text particle with the amount X at that entity

    Copy-paste for all X values. Maybe you can have a mark-off point where damage beyond 10 is indicated as being 10+. There's probably a better way to do this, check out Cloudwolf Gaming's tutorials.
    Suspicious Stoo
    11/11/2020 5:20 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    Yes. 100%. I'm biased, but I'd also add this; don't start by inventing a new boss from scratch. Start by trying to add things like minions, phases and attacks to existing boss fights like Elder Guardians. Minecraft combat is a strange beast to tackle because it's unconventional, and what you think would work might turn out "meh" or too punishing in practice due to the game's systems. It's good practice then to start with a pre-established entity to skip the details and figure out if your movesets are fun in the game, how you can refine them and what makes the boss fight interesting to you.

    It also forces you to focus on only a few mechanics; the biggest pitfall I see is when people try cramming nine diiferent attacks for a boss, when there could really only be three good, polished moves that do the job and have clean minecrafty animations, including wind-ups and recoveries.

    Also, consider terrain carefully if you're also designing a level or "boss room". I see so many datapacks where bosses are either too constrained for positioning to matter or where the actual terrain of the boss fight is just a plain room. Even a mediocre boss can be fun in the right setting.
    Suspicious Stoo
    10/28/2020 9:48 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    Mine! You could take a look at how I implemenred custom suspicious stews to take inspiration, and use an interacted_with_entity advancement instead of recipe_unlocked.
    Suspicious Stoo
    10/28/2020 2:28 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Llama
    Suspicious Stoo's Avatar
    What garlic said. Entity collision boxes for movement would be the biggest hurdle to overcome. Unless you have the Giant mimicking an invisible inflated slime, the movements won't work visually and your Giant might suffocate a lot (even with the slime, the Giant would basically stomp around instead of walking).

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