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Level 8 Apprentice Artist

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    04/05/2024 12:40 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    Silvachan's Avatar
    Thanks for the suggestion, I think I will take a look at that for reference. But I wanted it to specifically NOT be a random thing, so it's more controllable. Also, I have a working version now, so I won't change anything for the time being.
    04/05/2024 9:58 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    Silvachan's Avatar
    Thanks for the suggestion, but a crafting recipe makes more sense to me. Besides that, I have no idea how to do something like that, anyway. I'm sure I'll learn in time, as I get better at programming in general, but right now I have other things to focus on.
    04/05/2024 4:05 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    Silvachan's Avatar
    Update: I have now made a crafting recipe to turn saplings into dead bushes. Since I'm not just crafting a plant out of sticks, this still makes sense to me. The idea just hadn't occurred to me until now. I also made crafting recipes for small dripleaf and coral blocks, so with that, the pack is now finished. All that's left now is testing, the pack image and the download site.
    03/29/2024 1:43 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    Silvachan's Avatar
    I see. Well, thanks anyway
    03/28/2024 3:23 pmhistory
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    Silvachan's Avatar
    I somewhat see your point (I think, but I'm an absolute noob at redstone, so I wouldn't know about things like that). But I acutally write datapacks mostly for myself and then post them online in case anyone else wants to use them, too.

    So I'm honestly not too concerned about breaking some obscure redstone mechanic. I just want to make dead bushes renewable because they're currently not and they're good for decorating. If other people don't want to use the pack because of that, they don't have to. Also, like you already said, dead bushes aren't really all that useful in the first place (further supporting my point of not having to use the pack if you don't want to).

    All of that being said, I'm still stuck on those files, though. I really would appreciate some help with that...
    03/26/2024 1:38 amhistory
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    Silvachan's Avatar
    I was actually thinking of having saplings dry out when they try to generate a tree, but fail due to the conditions (light and space) not being met. Also, I don't think saplings can be placed on sand in the first place.

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