QuanticsBuild's Avatar
Level 55 Grandmaster Architect

What is Quantics Build ?

Quantics Build is a french build team, an emerging one with lots of talented builders from many horizons. We build for the art and for the fun, not for money, that's an important doctrine of our own, we only build things that we are interested in. At the moment, we don't have many project published as we are a quite new team, but we are working on a lots of projects, in different styles and in different sizes.

We have some strong relationships with others build teams, in which collaboration is consider or in progress. We enjoy sharing with other builders and other teams our experiences and projects.

We are currently recruiting people, every builders and members in the team are at the same ladder, exept for the two founders (Ariux and Agraic) that are at the top of the hierarchy. A high level of humor is needed to be integrated in our team, don't be subjective as we are joking about everyone. Join our discord if you'd like to talk with us or for more informations: https://discord.me/quanticsbuild

Member Statistics

22,589Profile views
189,128Experience points
159,845Submission views
44Discussion posts
May 14, 2019Joined PMC
Ariux_Minecraft Name

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Planet Minecraft


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