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    10/28/2023 3:46 pm
    Level 40 : Master Scribe
    Mindthemoods's Avatar
    Lots of good ideas! Some brief thoughts/ideas and responses, you've given me a lot to think about!

    • Redirecting Portals ~ Redirecting portals to a 1000m radius circle around the central isle is a good idea... though I'm not totally sure if it's necessary. Strongholds, (including my modded ones), will already be at least a thousand meters out from spawn, so I don't need to worry about the naturally generated portals. That still leaves the possibility of someone going into the End through a natural portal, gathering the materials for a custom portal, then going back to the overworld origin point and making a portal to the dragon... I could make the resources/ability to make a crafted portal require you first defeat the dragon, but that also seems needlessly convoluted... so yes, I'll probably redirect portals to a radius around the void. It's more difficult math wise, but shouldn't be too much of a hassle. (He said, hopefully.)
    • Portal Crafting ~ The basic idea is that they'll require end stone, and an ore unique to the end- but the idea of using Ender Eyes to power custom portals is really interesting. Maybe you can move custom portals around with relative ease, (they could have similar hardness to obsidian, to at least encourage being thoughtful with them), but they'd need eyes to activate, which wouldn't be returned if broken. (Making them more expensive, and also giving a good use to eyes of ender even after the stronghold has been found.)
    • End Distance Relativity ~ The *8 factor is more just because It seemed like a cool way to mirror the Nether, I haven't totally considered the gameplay mechanics of it. (Or if it's in any way useful or interesting to have a dimension where it actually takes longer to travel places.) Definitely open to more feedback on this.
    • Portal Physics ~ Still not sure about this. It's one of the weirdly concrete problems, in that if the player enters a portal from above and comes out the bottom they need a landing pad, and if they enter from below and come out the top of a portal, they immediately fall back inside. One idea I had was to give slow-falling/levitation depending on which side they come out of, or just always drop them out the bottom, but either way feels a little forced. If I also require the teleportation to take a minute, or maybe slow the player's vertical movement when they're touching a portal block, then there's less concern about instantly swapping between dimensions.
    • Distinguishing Portals ~ Purely in terms of code, I'm probably just going to replace the vanilla end portals with my own naturally generated portals, just so it's easier to do math on them. The one thing that bothers me though is that I'm not sure how I'd get the cool vanilla end-portal effect. I'm willing to just do something similar to the Nether portal, (I guess), but if anyone knows how to get the weird depth effect, I'd appreciate it!
    • Portal Linking/Different Portal Shapes ~ Good thoughts- I think it'll probably have to be similar to nether portals, where if there's already an End Portal nearby the area where a new portal would be generated, it links to that portal instead. (Not totally sure how I'm going to get this working, might just have to brute force it.) Different portal shapes are tricky mostly just in terms of determining which block to put the player at, but I still kind of want them just because they feel like they'd be a cool feature. That being said, I'm still open to just exclusively doing 3*3s.
    • Progression Changes ~ Yeah, I admit most new players aren't using game-changing mods, it's more just vanilla+ mindset where it feels weird to make use of features that aren't easier to figure out without outside help. I'll probably still go with the compass thing, maybe use some subtle method of teaching players to use fireworks, (or honestly, just an achievement), just on the off chance.
    • ...And don't anyone worry about the dragon fight being too easy with elytra. Any gamer ought to be worried when they get powerful new equipment before a boss, because it means it's almost certainly going to be required to beat it... long story short, I'm making the dragonfight a lot harder, and a lot more focused on elytra and flight.
      10/25/2023 10:19 am
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      Love the ideas. Especially the realistic durability idea and boats! Will definitely consider.
      10/17/2023 1:38 pm
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      Yeah, there's ultimately not much to do about it, and even with Trails & Tales there's plenty to be excited about. I question their priorities, and feel like they could better integrate new content, but that's still just a matter of opinion.

      ...And going off your point, lots of smaller features that don't always feel fully developed keeps Vanilla+ modders in business.
      10/17/2023 12:24 am
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      Yeah, the End definitely needs a better means of access. I'm also considering working on an End overhaul, and access, (along with any reason at all to go there regularly), is top of the list. It's more that I see it as a major source of untapped potential, I guess, then something that needs to be updated...
      If you're just getting into modding, I highly recommend looking into MCreator. It's free to use, and has visual code options if you're not too eager to learn a lot of Java. (Though for something as complex as the End, you'll probably need at least some experience with Java.)
      10/16/2023 11:56 pm
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      1.21 is definitely set to be a better update though. Still worried about how sporadic it seems thusfar, but honestly, autocrafting alone is an interesting enough game-changer to make it worthwhile
      10/16/2023 11:16 pm
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      I agree that large studio game development takes time, and has higher standards (Though I'd be willing to argue modders deal with similar development struggles with far less resources.) My issue isn't that Mojang is being 'lazy' in only releasing a few features, or simpler community-favorite features; it's more that the concepts themselves are becoming more focused on novelty than long-term integration into the rest of the game. Mojang does, as you say, have high standards. That's why I take issue with their focus on small content over bigger ideas that they, (unlike modders), have the resources to pursue.

      Essentially, I guess I'd compare them to modders in a negative, not positive way. Trails & Tales felt like a Vanilla+ mod because its development and integration into the game felt more akin to that of lower-standards modders than Mojang. The new content is professional in production quality, (It has nice textures, bugfixing, sfx, etc) but poor conceptually. (The ideas themselves aren't well developed.)

      ...But yeah, it's hard to judge to what extend development on their end is more difficult than modding. Quality standards and multiple platforms are completely different, but given the size of their operation, and their past accomplishments I think it's still unclear to what extent we can take these as excuses for slower development.
      10/16/2023 2:00 pm
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      Yeah- I honestly think it's a miracle this even happened. When it comes to things that are incredibly difficult to explain to new players, it's overhauling terrain generation to make each world more varied and unique. I'm thankful it did though, this update single handedly inspired me to keep up modding.
      10/16/2023 1:58 pm
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      Yeah, I admit I don't really touch on the very likely possibility that underdeveloped new features are more profitable than significant structural updates. It's certainly possible, and would be very much in style for Microsoft. That being said, it seems like Mojang has been given pretty far reign over the game's development, and the Devs mostly seem genuinely interested in improving the game.

      What I question on their part is the assumption that they can't both add flashy new features and also improve the game in more fundamental ways- I would argue that plenty of the new Nether additions, for example, both significantly improve and change the experience of the dimension, while also adding straightforward new content that can be easily marketed to new players. The Sniffer, for example. could have been better developed, with more interesting mechanics, and would have been just as much an easy sell. They're treating it as if they can only improve the game meaningfully, or add stuff that's more marketable, when they almost certainly have the time and resources to do both. Or that larger updates will always result in delays and debacles. IMHO, they could have just as easily added all the Trails & Tales features as additional stuff for a larger update, and had the best of both worlds.

      It's also totally possible they're working on bigger stuff under wraps, rendering all of this moot, but since we can't read the Devs minds, I probably should be cautions making assumptions as to their intent.

      ...But yeah, the problems of monetization are another issue entirely, and the reason I will never play bedrock. It's probably naive, but I do have to wonder if their marketing really makes a significant difference at this point for one of the most lucrative games in history. It worries me deeply that there isn't much monetary incentive to keep java edition around.
      08/10/2022 8:41 am
      Level 40 : Master Scribe
      Mindthemoods's Avatar
      Uh, No. Yes, there will come a day when Minecraft recieves its last update; but even then, this is a game that has endured far longer than most, thanks, in my mind, to the following things:
      • An intelligent group of developers who have, (especially in recent years), focused on updating existing parts of the game as a means of adding new content, thus toeing the line by keeping existing players engaged, and attracting new players with a continuous process of free updates.
      • A devoted community of casual players, modders, content creators, and, almost as importantly:
      • A 'game' whose very nature allows for limitless possibilities for that community to play around with.
      Yes, the game may have highs and lows of popularity, but at this point I think it's doubtful to say that Minecraft will ever truly 'die.' I can think of very few scenarios in which the game would simply cease to be, short of, say, the downfall of humanity. The most likely scenario in my mind is that at some point in the distant future, Mojang declares the game complete, and any subsequent updates will focus less on new features and more on optimization and expanding the game to new platforms. There will almost certainly come along flashier games more attractive than it; but even still, there's something to be said for the game that defined the genre.

      ...Apologies for the lengthy defense of Minecraft, but that's just my speculation on the matter.

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