LukeyWolf's Avatar
Level 24
Expert Mage

Forum Posts

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    05/24/2014 12:27 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    I suggested try using this:
    It's online though.
    05/22/2014 1:58 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    03/31/2014 11:05 am
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Not yet, but it's in early stages.
    03/31/2014 10:55 am
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Ummm, this is on my screen right now
    Yeah, 2 computer running on one machine!
    I was trying Ubuntu out, it's quite good.
    02/22/2014 1:42 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Is the server a minigames server or????
    11/23/2013 4:36 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Position Desired: Admin
    IGN: LukeyWolf
    Skype name: LukeyLol24
    Age: 14
    Time Zone (Eastern Time preferred): GMT+0 (United Kingdom/London)
    Can you help keep the server running? Yes, by making the server hacker/cheater free and making it a more friendly place for everyone to play on and chat!
    Reason for applying? See above, and to
    Availability (time you can spend daily): Maybe 2 hours+
    Previous Experience (not required): Currently an Admin on (archernetworks)
    Talent with building (screenshots): Im not so good at building, but I am slowly learning and watching tutorials to get me better at it.
    What you have to offer (building skills, plugin know-how, dedication, etc): I have to offer is, to create an amazing environment (on the server)and to keep the server from griefers etc.
    Why makes you qualified for this rank: I have tried to make my own server, but cannot afford to purchase it but I want to help a server become great instead of having my own, because it's alot of effort and when your a staff on a different server it feels better and nicer.
    11/23/2013 4:06 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    In-Game-Name: LukeyWolf

    Skype Name: (You can add me on Skype to keep your skype name private, my skype is: moorebubba73, Real name is Walter Moore): LukeyLol24

    Experience: I am an Admin on ArcherNetworks ( and used to be moderator on Archernetworks and got promoted, also I know who to kick/ban etc.

    Age: 14

    Why you want to be staff: To make the server a more friendly place to chat,minecrafting etc. Create a hacker free environment and make sure the server doesn't get "corrupt" with hackers, cheaters etc!

    What you are applying for: Admin or Moderator
    09/28/2013 2:22 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Alright, I'l try! See you!
    09/28/2013 2:00 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Applying to the following position: Moderator

    IGN: LukeyWolf

    Age: 14

    Maturity? (1-10): 8

    How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 8

    Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip): No experience but know what to do.

    Why should we pick exactly you?: Because I would love to improve servers such as, tackle hackers, cheaters and spammers and such from ruining the servers community.

    Redstone ability? (1-10):4 (Yes I'm pretty BAD, Even though I love redstone)

    Best redstone creation: t flip flop door

    Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 2

    Skype: LukeyLol24 (Hardly use it but might if I get a new mic!)

    Able to donate? And how much ($): Around 1-5 (I don't usually get much money btw I live in UK)

    Describe yourself: I am a 14 year old guy who loves to play games and also is in need of moderating a server and helping out people and spotting hackers etc.
    09/12/2012 11:32 am
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Head: Eyes blue, mage face
    Body: Back with a staff front like robes (blue robes)
    Arms: Mage arms (golden sparkles???) (blue arms robes)
    Legs: blue mage legs
    Hat: Hooded like a mage (blue)
    Other: Detailed
    Do you want it to go public on PMC: No

    ~ Thanks
    08/22/2012 10:02 am
    Level 24 : Expert Mage
    LukeyWolf's Avatar
    Can you make me a banner for my mod
    Size : 468x60px
    P.S Hope to update the mod to 1.3.2

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